Table of Contents
The Analytics module contains various available reports under Analytics, Beeswax's reporting tool. Also available is the Dashboards feature that allows custom creation of different dashboards as well as the out-of-box available dashboards which include Monitoring, Metamarkets, and Performance. If looking to have a custom dashboard created, please reach out to your Beeswax account representative.
Accessing Analytics Module
To access the Analytics module, click the Analytics menu at the top of the screen in Beeswax.
Available Reports in Report Builder
Report Name | Description |
Bid Decision Flow | Bid Decision Flow is a diagnostic tool designed to help troubleshoot line item performance. It visualizes auction data and shows how the bidding system responded to auctions within a specified lookback window, helping users identify why a line item may not be bidding. |
App Report | The App Report uses specific measures to show inventory performance of your campaign or line items that are served on mobile apps only such as app bundle, app name, and so on. |
Bid Performance Report | The Bid Performance Report allows users to see information about their bids and win rates, broken down along similar dimensions used in Performance Report. It allows customers, to answer questions like: |
The Conversion Report shows granular conversion details for a campaign or line items such as conversion type, attribution method, and so on. Please note that this report is time-stamped as per the conversion time versus other reports that show conversion time-stamped by impression. | |
Deal Report | Deals in programmatic ad-buying allow buyers and sellers to negotiate a price and terms for inventory that could either be directly purchased or available through auctions. |
Domain Report | The Domain Report uses specific measures to show inventory performance of your campaign or line items that are served on both web and app environments. |
DSP Billing Report | The Billing Report, available via Report Builder, is populated with all variable fees that a DSP customer can be charged for. This information is broken out by Date, Account, Advertiser, Campaign and Line Item objects. The fees in this report align with the Beeswax Invoice when pulled for a complete month. This report is currently available for DSP customers only |
Events Report | The Events Report allows users to quickly monitor Event tags that are placed to track conversions. It supports several use cases such as: |
Geography Report | The Geography (Geo) Report uses specific measures to show inventory performance of your campaign or line items that are served in different geographic locations such as in a city, metro-area, state, and so on. |
Incrementally Report | Incrementality measures the uplift in conversion rates customers receive because of their advertising’s effectiveness. Ghost Bidding allows Beeswax customers to measure 'incrementality' without having to pay for control group impressions. The Incrementality Report shows effectiveness of impressions that are shown to the Treatment Group compared to ‘Ghost Impressions’ that are shown to the Control Group. It calculates the incremental lift and other key metrics across Treatment and Control groups; including impressions, conversion, conversion value, and conversion rate. ‘Incremental Lift’ metric calculates the percent (%) difference between the conversion rates for the Treatment and Control groups.Incremental lift is calculated using the formula: Within the Incrementality Report, you can track incrementality by different User ID types; currently the options are: Beeswax customers must use the User ID metrics that align with the ‘Ghost Bidding User ID Type’ selected on the line item. Failure to do so may result in inaccurate test results. For each group (Treatment & Control) Beeswax customers can see the following: |
Inventory Report | The Inventory Report uses specific measures to show granular inventory details of your campaign or line items and where they were served (i.e. where was it bid and won an impression). |
Pacing Report | The Pacing Report allows you to see how your Campaign, Line Item, or Line Item Flight is performing as per its set budget for a given time. Users can track if line items are under-pacing, over-pacing, or on-track against their budget goals to ensure campaign deliverables get fulfilled at their intended timeline. Access to Pacing Report is granted using Roles. |
Performance Report | The Performance Report allows you to easily monitor the performance of your bids. |
Platform Report | The Platform Report uses specific measures to show how your campaign or line item is performing on different platforms. You can run a report to see campaign or line item information based on granular platform details such as browser details, operating system, and so on. |
Segment Delivery Report | The Segment Delivery Report allows users to see how impressions and performance metrics index across different targeted Segment IDs. An individual record in the Segment Delivery Report represents one impression delivered against a single segment. As an impression can target and match against multiple segments, there can be multiple records for the same impression. Therefore, one should not expect the sum of records to match the total impressions served by that line item (as seen in other Report Builder reports). |
Vendor Report | The Vendor Report shows all the incurred vendor fees and the custom vendor fees that was added to your advertisers, campaigns, and/or line items. |
Bid Decision Report | The Bid Decision Report creates the capability to analyze bidding behavior across all active campaigns and line items. This diagnostic report is an expansion of the Bid Decision Flow visualization, and gives access to more levels of granularity and flexibility in analyzing bidding behavior. The Bid Decision Report is aggregated on account, campaign, and line item levels, and has a lookback range of the last 7 days. Bid decisioning data is additionally aggregated at two levels; drop stage and drop reason. Drop stages are the thematically grouped sets of drop reasons, which in turn are the individual eligibility evaluations made by Beeswax in the bidding process. To learn more about what drop stages and reasons are, see Drop Stages with Reasons. |
To have a new dashboard enabled, please reach out to your Beeswax account representative.
For the purpose of enhancing data accessibility, Beeswax has developed a comprehensive reporting infrastructure, with a particular focus on Dashboards in the UI. Dashboards aim to provide users with streamlined access to critical insights, facilitating informed decision-making and optimizing campaign performance. Some dashboards come out-of-the-box, while others can be custom-created to address specific user needs or business requirements. Setting up new dashboards is made simple through the Looker Web App, where users can create and customize dashboards according to their preferences, leveraging both new and existing reports ("Looks") for added efficiency.
To maintain data integrity and security, dashboards are permissioned according to user roles and field-level permissions. Customers have granular control over who can access specific dashboards, ensuring that sensitive information is only accessible to authorized personnel. Dashboards seamlessly integrate with existing Buzz accounts, with the ability to filter data based on the current account scope, ensuring that users always have access to relevant insights tailored to their specific account or buzz key. The Dashboards in Buzz represent a significant reporting tool empowering users with actionable insights and streamlined reporting capabilities.
For more information on Dashboards, see Report Builder.