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The Vendor Report shows all the incurred vendor fees and the custom vendor fees that was added to your advertisers, campaigns, and/or line items.


Lookback range is limited to 24 months.

Broadcast MonthBroadcast months start on a Monday and end on the last Sunday of the calendar month. The next broadcast month starts at midnight on the Monday that follows.
Advertiser IDBeeswax Advertiser ID
Advertiser NameBeeswax Advertiser Name
Campaign IDBeeswax Campaign ID
Campaign NameBeeswax Campaign Name
Line Item IDBeeswax Line Item ID
Line Item NameBeeswax Line Item Name
Vendor IDBeeswax Vendor ID
Vendor Fee NameBeeswax Vendor Fee Name
Vendor Fee TypeStandard or Custom
Account IDBeeswax Account ID
Vendor NameBeeswax Vendor Name
Flight NameBeeswax Flight Name
Flight IDBeeswax Flight ID


SpendIn your default currency
Vendor FeesIn your default currency
ImpressionsNumber of impressions counted
Vendor Fees USDIn USD
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