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The Order Details page contains detailed information about a specific order.

Access the Order Details Page of a Specific Order

To access the Order Details page of a specific order, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Orders tab of the campaign that contains the desired order.

  2. In the Order grid, click the Name & ID value of the order. By default, the Order Details page opens on the Overview tab.

Order Details Overview Tab UI Elements

The Order Details > Overview tab provides a high-level summary of a specific order.

The Overview tab contains the following elements:



1Overview section

General information about the selected order version:

  • Name: The name of the order
  • Order Status: The status of the order
  • Last Updated Date: When the order was most recently updated within OneStrata
  • Last Updated By: Which OneStrata user most recently updated the order
  • Last Updated Email: The email of the OneStrata user that most recently updated the order
  • New Items: The number of new lines in the order (newly committed Schedule grid lines)
  • Revised Items: The number of revised lines in the order (changed and re-committed Schedule grid lines)
  • Canceled Items: The number of canceled lines in the order (canceled Schedule grid lines)

Also includes:

  • Overview / Billing tabs: Click to navigate between the Overview and Billing tabs
2Template menu

Which Order Details template is being applied.

Click the Template menu to select a different Order Details template.

3Version menu

Which order version is being displayed.

Click the Version menu to select a different order version.


Campaign Details section

Information about the campaign associated with the order:

  • Campaign Name: The name of the campaign
  • Order ID: The unique, OneStrata-generated identification number of the order
  • Flight Date: The start and end dates of the campaign
  • Client: The Client of the campaign
  • Product: The Product of the campaign
5Comment History section

Any comments made by the agency or vendor during the selected order version's order confirmation process.

6Contact section

The Agency/Business Unit Contact, the Order Partner Contact, and the Payee Contact associated with the order. 

7Order section

The total cost and cost breakdown of the selected order version. The previous order version's total cost is also displayed, if there is one.


Order Details grid

A table that contains information about each committed Cost Line, for the selected order version.

The columns and column order of the Order Details table depend on enterprise settings, and are defined in the Administration module: Administration > Data Fields and Templates > Order Detail Template.

9Terms & Conditions section

The set of Terms & Conditions associated with the order.

Click the link to download a PDF copy of the Terms & Conditions.

10Order Documents section

Any documents that were previously uploaded to the order.

Click Upload Document to upload another document.

11Order Confirmation section

The Agency and Order Partner Contacts, and when the selected order version was confirmed.

If the Order Partner is configured for External Confirmation, the uploaded proof of confirmation is included and can be downloaded.


Action buttons

Close link

Download Version button

Send button

Reassign Vendor button

Reminder Notification button

Actions that can be done on the Order Details page:

  • Close link: Click to close the Order Details page and return to the Orders tab.

  • Download Version button: Click to download the selected order version, as a PDF or Excel file.

  • Send button: Click to send the order to the Order Partner.

  • Reassign Vendor button: Only available when an order has been sent to an Order Partner configured for In-System Confirmation. If the order status is Pending, click to reassign the order to another vendor contact.

  • Reminder Notification button: Only available when an order has been sent to an Order Partner configured for In-System Confirmation. If the order status is Pending, click to send a reminder to the vendor contact to take action.

Order Details Grid Reference

The Order Details grid contains information about each committed Cost Line, for the selected order version.

The table below describes the default Order Details columns. If a OneStrata enterprise has created their own custom Order Details template, the Schedule grid may contain fewer or more columns, in a different order.

For more information, see Order Details Template and Input Types.

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Input Type

Column Name



Line Type

The type of Schedule Grid line.



The status of the Schedule grid line.


The OneStrata-generated identification number of the Schedule grid line.

External Provider ID


On an Order Details template, the External Provider ID field is not a unique field that can be added or removed from the template.

Instead, the External Provider ID field is "tied" to the Id field; if the Id field is added to an Order Details template, any Order Details grids generated from that template includes the ID and External Provider ID columns.

The identification number used by the external integration provider for the linked external entity.

This value only applies to Cost Lines that are linked to a DSP insertion order, search campaign, or social campaign:

  • For a Cost Line that is linked to a DSP insertion order, the External Provider ID value is the DSP insertion order ID used by the DSP provider.
  • For a Cost Line that is linked to a search campaign, the External Provider ID value is the search campaign ID used by the Search provider.
  • For a Cost Line that is linked to a social campaign, the External Provider ID value is the social campaign ID used by the Social provider.


Start Date

The start date of the Schedule grid line.


End Date

The end date of the Schedule grid line.



The Supplier entity assigned to the Schedule grid line.



The name of the Schedule grid line.



The format type of the Schedule grid line.


Format Dimension

The dimensions of the Schedule grid line.

  • If Format is a display type like Square or Banner, the Format Dimension value is in pixel dimensions
  • If Format is a video type like Preroll or Midroll, the Format Dimension value is in seconds


Rate Type

The pricing model by which the Schedule Grid line is purchased, such as CPM (Impressions)CPC (Clicks), or Fixed.

The Rate Type value determines the type of unit represented in the Units value, and is required before entering rate, units, or cost information.


Vendor Net Rate (VC)

The cost per unit that the vendor charges, after any discounts are applied but before any taxes are added.



The number of units being purchased.


Vendor Net Cost (VC)

The amount that the vendor charges for the media purchase(s), after any discounts are applied but before any taxes are added.


Unit Calendar

A visual representation of how many units are scheduled to run per Flight Period, grouped by calendar month.

For more information, see Unit Calendar.

Order Details Billing Tab UI Elements

The Order Details > Billing tab displays a read-only list of each Billing Period line by Cost line, including External ID, actualization status, and invoice status. 

The Billing tab contains the following elements:



1Order header

Same as the Overview tab order header.


Filters icon

Click to open the filter pane and filter through the list of the order's committed Schedule grid lines.


Search bar

Search for a committed schedule line within the order by Cost Line Name or Cost Line ID.


Columns icon

Click to customize the columns displayed within the Billing grid.


Order Billing Grid

A read-only list of each billing period by Cost Line, for the selected order version.

For more information, see Order Billing Grid Reference.

6Action buttons

Same as the Overview tab Action buttons.

Order Billing Grid Reference

The Order Billing grid displays a read-only list of each billing period by Cost Line, for the selected order version.

Column NameDescription
Cost Line ID

The unique, OneStrata-generated identification number of the schedule line associated with the Billing Period line.

Cost Line Name

The name of the schedule line associated with the Billing Period line.

Billing Period Id

The unique, OneStrata-generated identification number of the Billing Period line.


The status of the Billing Period line:

  • Active
  • Cancelled
Start Date

The start date of the Billing Period line.

End Date

The end date of the Billing Period line.

Rate Type

The Rate Type of the Billing Period line.


The number of units of the Billing Period line.

Vendor Gross

The Vendor Gross Cost of the Billing Period line.

Vendor Net

The Vendor Net Cost of the Billing Period line.

External ID

The External ID of the Billing Period line. A Billing Period line only has an External ID if it has been exported to an external financial system.

Actualization Status

The actualization status of the Billing Period line.

Invoice Status

The invoice status of the Billing Period line.

Invoiced Amount

The amount of the invoice associated with the Billing Period line.

Estimate ID

The unique, OneStrata-generated identification number of the Estimate associated with the Billing Period line.

Estimate Name

The name of the Estimate associated with the Billing Period line.

Cost Category

The Cost Category associated with the Billing Period line.

Product ID

The identification number of the Product associated with the Billing Period line.

Product Name

The Product associated with the Billing Period line.

Estimate Start Date

The start date of the Estimate associated with the Billing Period line.

Estimate End Date

The end date of the Estimate associated with the Billing Period line.

Estimate Budget

The budget of the Estimate associated with the Billing Period line.

Estimate Currency

The currency type of the Estimate associated with the Billing Period line.

Purchase Order ID

The unique, OneStrata identification number of the Purchase Order associated with the Billing Period line.

Invoice Lock

Whether the Billing Period line is locked or unlocked:

  • Lock: Changes cannot be made to the Billing Period line
  • Unlock: Changes can be made to the Billing Period line
Client Gross

The Client Gross Cost of the Billing Period line.

Client Net

The Client Net Cost of the Billing Period line.

Client Total

The Client Total Cost of the Billing Period line.

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