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Reference Data records store additional information about entities, and are used in calculations, building schedules, and sending orders.

Types of Reference Data Records

In OneStrata, there are seven types of Reference Data records:

Record Type


Location within the OneStrata UI

Fee & Tech Rate

Non-media fee that can be added to a media schedule Placement.

The Administration > Reference Data > Fees & Tech Rates page


Tax rules and requirements.

The Administration > Reference Data > Taxes page


An amount that an Agency charges a Client for the services provided.

The Administration > Reference Data > Commissions page

Exchange Rate

Exchange rate between two types of currencies.

The Administration > Reference Data > Exchange Rates page

Terms & Conditions

Set of legal agreements that apply to a particular Media type, Agency, Business Unit, Client Group / Client, or Order Partner.

The Administration > Reference Data > Terms & Conditions page

Media Type


An advertising method, like Digital. Each campaign is for a single Media Type.

The Administration > Reference Data > Media page

Cost Category

A subcategory of a Media Type, like Social or Display.

The Administration > Reference Data > Cost Categories page

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