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An external integration with a third-party provider connects OneStrata to the rest of an agency's ad tech stack, helping eliminate data duplication and reducing the burden of maintaining data integrity across multiple systems.

Before Beginning

This section contains information that is important to know before creating an external integration.

 Once an external integration is created, the following values cannot be changed:

  • The provider type of the external integration.
  • The provider of the external integration.
  • The entity level of the external integration (enterprise or non-enterprise).

Some external integration providers require additional setup before they can be connected to a OneStrata enterprise. These actions must be done directly within the external provider platform. For more information, see the Prerequisites section below.


For some external integration providers, additional setup is required before the provider can be connected to OneStrata:

ProviderPrerequisite Action(s)
Google integrations (CM360, DV360, Google Ads)

In Google Cloud API console, create and authorize a project for OneStrata:

  1. Create a project in the Google Cloud API console.
  2. Enable the appropriate API (the CM360 API, DV360 API, or Google Ads API) in the project.
  3. Create authorization credentials for the project.
  4. Add OneStrata to the list of authorized redirect URIs, using the following format: <OneStrata Instance URL>/mm/externalIntegrations/oauthLogin 

In Meta Ads Manager, create an app for OneStrata.

  • This app must be a business-type app that uses Facebook Login for Business.
The Trade Desk

Request API access from The Trade Desk.

  • This process may take 4-8 weeks.
  • For more information, contact your OneStrata representative.

In The Trade Desk, create a report template.

  • This template is required to retrieve delivery data from The Trade Desk to OneStrata.
  • For more information, contact your OneStrata representative.

Create an External Integration

Start the External Integration Creation Process

To start the external integration creation process, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Administration > External Integrations tab.

  2. Click the Create button to open the Create External Integration widget.

Enter Application Level Details

On the Create External Integration Application Level page, do the following:

  1. Enter general external integration details:

    Field Name

    The value of any fields with a red background cannot be changed after the external integration is created.

    NameEnter a name for the external integration.

    Apply At The Enterprise Level

    Select whether or not the external integration is created at the enterprise level:

    • Yes: The external integration is created at the enterprise level and can be assigned to campaigns for any client.

    • No: The external integration is not created at the enterprise level can only be assigned to campaigns for the specified Agency, Business Unit, Client Group, or Client (see below).

    Only available if Apply At The Enterprise Level is No

    Agency / Business Unit

    Client Group / Client

    For non-enterprise-level external integrations, select the entity level and entity that the external integration can be assigned to.

    • To create an Agency-level external integration: In the Agency / Business Unit field, select the desired Agency.

    • To create a Business Unit-level external integration: In the Agency / Business Unit field, select the desired Business Unit.

    • To create an Client Group-level external integration: In the Agency / Business Unit field, select the Business Unit that the Client Group belongs to. Then, in the Client Group / Client field, select the desired Client Group.

    • To create an Client-level external integration: In the Agency / Business Unit field, select the Business Unit that the Client belongs to. Then, in the Client Group / Client field, select the desired Client.



    The value of the Media field is automatically set to Digital and cannot be changed.

  2. Click Next to continue to the Create External Integration > Provider page.

Enter Provider Details

On the Create External Integration Provider page, do the following:

  1. Enter provider details:

    Field Name

    The value of any fields with a red background cannot be changed after the external integration is created.

    Provider Group Type

    Select the provider type of the external integration:

    • Ad Server
    • DSP (Demand-Side Platform)
    • Search Platform
    • Social Platform

    For more information, see Provider Types.


    Select the provider of the external integration. Only providers that are available for the selected provider type are displayed.

    For more information, see Provider Types.

    Linked Suppliers

    Select one or more Supplier entities to link to the external integration provider.

    For more information, see Linked Suppliers.

  2. Click Next to continue to the Create External Integration > Credential page.

Enter Credential Details

On the Create External Integration Credential page, do the following:

  1. Enter login details:
    Field NameStep(s)
    Login Type

    Select the login type:

    • Individual
    • Central

    For more information, see Login Types.

  2. Depending on the selected provider, additional information is required:

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    Section NameProviderNote
    Application Details


    See Enter Application Details.
    Account Details




    Google Ads,


    The Trade Desk

    See Enter Account Details.
    API Credentials



    Google Ads

    See Enter API Credentials.
    Token Details



    Google Ads,


    Token details can be manually entered while creating the external integration or generated after creating the external integration:

  3. Finish the external integration creation process.

Enter Application Details

  • The Application Details section only applies to Meta integrations.
  • A Meta app specifically for OneStrata must be created before the external integration can be created. For more information, see Prerequisites.

In the Create External Integration Credential > Application Details section, enter the following information:

ProviderField NameDescription

App ID

Enter the ID of the Meta app being linked to OneStrata.

This value can be found on the Meta App Dashboard's App settings > Basic page, in the App ID field.


App Secret

Enter the App Secret of the Meta app being linked to OneStrata.

This value can be found on the Meta App Dashboard's App settings > Basic page, in the App secret field.

Enter Account Details

In the Create External Integration Credential > Account Details section, enter the following information:

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ProviderField NameStep(s)
CM360Profile ID

Enter the ID of the CM360 user profile/account being linked to OneStrata. This user profile must have access to the CM360 network being linked to OneStrata.

This value can be found in the dropdown menu used to switch between networks within CM360.

CM360Network ID

Enter the ID of the CM360 network being linked to OneStrata. This network is used for data access and delivery data retrieval within OneStrata.

This value can be found in the dropdown menu used to switch between networks within CM360.



Sub-Network ID

Optional: Enter the ID of the CM360 sub-network being linked to OneStrata.

If a CM360 sub-network is linked to OneStrata, the access and permissions specified in the linked sub-network take precedence over the access and permissions specified in the linked CM360 network.



Report ID

Optional: Enter the ID of a specific CM360 report to retrieve delivery data from.

If no specific CM360 report is linked to OneStrata, the default delivery data is retrieved instead.


Partner ID

Enter the ID of the DV360 partner being linked to OneStrata.

This value can be found on the DV360 Partners page.


Reporting Currency

Select a reporting currency for DV360 campaigns linked to OneStrata:

  • Advertiser: The currency of the DV360 advertiser
  • Partner: The currency of the DV360 partner
  • USD: US dollars (the billing currency of DV360)

The currency values are reported on the Actualization tab, in the Site Cost column of the Standard Actualization grid.



Enter the username of the Flashtalking account being linked to OneStrata.


Enter the corresponding password of the Flashtalking account being linked to OneStrata.


Use Sandbox

The Use Sandbox option should only be selected if Flashtalking has provided a UAT account and environment for testing purposes.

Select the Use Sandbox option if the Flashtalking credentials entered above are for a testing account and environment.

Google Ads

Developer Token

Enter the Google Ads developer token used by Google Ads manager account being linked to OneStrata.

This value can be found on Google Ad's Admin > API center page, in the Developer token field.

Google Ads

Login Customer ID

Enter the ID of the Google Ads manager account being linked to OneStrata.

This value can be found in the dropdown menu used to switch between manager accounts within Google Ads.



Business ID

Optional: Enter one or Meta business IDs to link to OneStrata.

A Meta business ID is the identifier of a Meta business portfolio, and is also the same as Business Manager ID.

If a Meta business portfolio is linked to OneStrata, the access and permissions specified in the linked business portfolio take precedence over the access and permissions specified in the linked Meta app configuration.


Config ID

Enter the ID of the Meta app configuration being linked to OneStrata.

A Meta app configuration specifies the business assets and permissions required for and granted to the app, and is part of Facebook Login for Business.

This value can be found on the Meta App Dashboard's Facebook Login for Business > Configurations page.

The Trade Desk (TTD)


API access must be requested from The Trade Desk before the external integration can be created. For more information, see Prerequisites.

Enter the username of the The Trade Desk API account being linked to OneStrata.

The Trade Desk


Enter the corresponding password of the The Trade Desk API account being linked to OneStrata.
The Trade Desk

Partner ID

Each set of external integration credentials can only be linked to one The Trade Desk partner.

To link multiple partners to OneStrata, create a new set of credentials for each partner. The same API username and password can be used.

Enter the ID of the The Trade Desk partner being linked to OneStrata.

The Trade Desk


Use Sandbox

The Use Sandbox option should only be selected if The Trade Desk has provided a UAT account and environment for testing purposes.

Select the Use Sandbox option if the The Trade Desk credentials entered above are for a testing account and environment.

The Trade Desk

Report Template ID

A report template must be created in The Trade Desk before the external integration can be created. For more information, see Prerequisites.

Enter the ID of the The Trade Desk report template being linked to OneStrata. This template is used for data access and delivery data retrieval within OneStrata.

Enter API Credentials

  • The API Credentials section only applies to Google integrations (CM360, DV360, Google Ads).
  • A Google Cloud API Console project specifically for OneStrata must be created before the external integration can be created. For more information, see Prerequisites.

In the Create External Integration Credential > API Credentials section, enter the following information:

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ProviderField NameStep(s)



Google Ads

Client ID

Enter the ID of the OAuth client being linked to OneStrata.

This value can be found on Google Cloud API Console's Credentials > Additional Information section, in the Client ID field. 



Google Ads

Client Secret

Enter the client secret of the OAuth client being linked to OneStrata.

This value can be found on Google Cloud API Console's Credentials > Client secrets section, in the Client secret field. 



Google Ads


Enter the API key used to access the Google API.

Optional: Enter Token Details

There are two ways to specify token details:

  • Recommended: Generate token details using the provided API credentials, after the external integration is created. For more information, see Optional (Recommended): Generate Token Details.
  • Manually enter token details while creating the external integration.

To manually enter token details, enter the following information in the Create External Integration > Credential > Token Details section:

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ProviderField NameStep



Google Ads,


Access TokenEnter the token used to access the external integration provider's API.



Google Ads

Refresh Token

Enter an access token.

Access tokens have limited lifetimes, and refresh tokens are used to automatically obtain new access tokens and ensure continuous API access.



Google Ads,



Access Token Expiration UTC


The expiration date and time of the entered access token, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). 



Google Ads


Access Token Issue Date UTC


The issue date and time of the entered access token, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). 

Finish the External Integration Creation Process 

RememberAfter an external integration is created, the external integration's entity level (enterprise or non-enterprise) and Provider Group Type and Provider values cannot be changed.

To change any of these values, click Previous to return to an earlier step and make any desired changes.

To finish the campaign creation process, do the following:

  • Click the Create button.

By default, the page redirects to the Credential tab of the newly created external integration. If the external integration requires token details and the token details were not manually entered, follow the steps in Optional: General Token Details to generate the token details.

Optional (Recommended): Generate Token Details

There are two ways to enter token details:

  • Recommended: Generate token details using the provided API credentials, after the external integration is created. For more information, see Optional: Generate Token Details.
  • Manually enter token details while creating the external integration.

To generate token details, do the following:

  1. Open the desired external integration and navigate to its Credential tab. By default, a newly created external integration redirects to its Credential tab.

  2. In the Integration Test section, click the Run Integration Test button. If the other external integrations are correct, the integration test succeeds and the Token Details section of the external integration are automatically populated with the appropriate token details. Otherwise, the integration test fails.
  • No labels
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