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OneStrata campaigns provide high-level details about an advertising initiative, like which client and product the initiative is for, when and how the initiative will run, and what type of budget the initiative has. Creating a campaign and filling in the important planning information is the first step of the OneStrata campaign management workflow.

Before Beginning

This section contains some important information to be aware of before creating a campaign.

Once a custom field is created, the following values cannot be changed:

  • The Media (Type) of the campaign
  • The Client of the campaign 
  • The Product of the campaign

Depending on enterprise- or Agency-level configurations, certain fields and actions are optional, required, or not available:

  • The External ID and Product fields
  • Linking an estimate to a campaign
  • Linking a purchase order to a campaign

Start the Campaign Creation Process

On the Media Campaigns page, click the Create Media Campaign button. 

Add General Campaign Details 

On the Details page, do the following:

  1. For Dates, select a Start Date and End Date for the campaign.

  2. For External ID, enter a unique, third-party identification number. Depending on Enterprise or Agency settings, this field may be optional.

  3. For Media, select the media type of the campaign.

  4. For Client, enter the name of the client whom the campaign is for. If the Client is part of a Client Group, that Client Group will be automatically added to the campaign.

  5. For Product, enter the name of the client's product. If the Product is part of a Product Group, that Product Group will be automatically added to the campaign. Depending on Enterprise or Agency settings, this field may be optional.

  6. For Name, enter the name of the campaign.
    If a custom campaign naming formula has been created, the Name field is automatically filled in with the output of the formula. However, the automatically generated campaign name can be changed. To reset and reapply the naming formula, click the refresh icon to the right of the Name field.

  7. Click Next to continue.

Add Campaign Goals, Objectives, and Budget

On the Goals & Objectives step, do the following:

  1. Optional: Enter an Objective / Campaign Description. The text that entered in this field is visible on the campaign's Overview tab, and provides internal-facing context about a campaign.

  2. For Budget, enter the campaign's budget.

  3. For Budget Cost Type, select the Cost Type of the campaign's budget. There are four Cost Type options: Client Gross, Client Net, Client Total, and Client Total with Tax.

  4. Optional: Goals help set expectations for the campaign, and are used for internal reference purposes only. Depending on Enterprise settings, this field may not be available. Goals are managed in the Administration module: AdministrationData Fields and Templates.

    To add a campaign Goal, do the following:

    1. Click Add New Goal.

    2. Select a Goal Type.

    3. Click Add.

    4. Enter any required information

  5. Depending on how the Enterprise is configured, choose the appropriate action:

    • If the Enterprise does not require campaigns to be linked to an estimate or purchase order, click Create Media Campaign to finish the campaign creation process.

    • If the Enterprise requires campaigns to be linked to an estimate or a purchase order, click Next to continue.

Link an Estimate or Purchase Order

On the Estimate & Purchase Order page, link an estimate or purchase order. An estimate determines how, when, and who is billed for the campaign. A purchase order is a document from a client that includes a budget to spend on the advertising initiative.

Link an Estimate

Create a new estimate that is then immediately linked to the campaign, or link the campaign to an existing estimate.

To create and link a new estimate:

  1. Select the Create New toggle, if it is not already selected.

  2. The estimate's Name, Budget, Cost Type, Valid From, and Valid To fields default to the values selected in the previous steps and cannot be changed.

  3. If a Product was previously selected on the Details page, the estimate's Product field defaults to that value and cannot be changed. Otherwise, select the Product that the campaign is for.

  4. For Assign Approvers, select an Estimate Approver. Depending on Enterprise or Agency settings, this field may be optional.

To link to an existing estimate:

  1. Select the Link To Existing toggle, if it is not already selected.

  2. For Name, select the name of the estimate to link the campaign to. Only valid estimates can be selected. Valid estimates have the same Client, Cost Type, and Product as the campaign currently being created, and also have a Budget and Valid From / Valid To dates that fall under or between the values selected in previous steps.

Link a Purchase Order

Upload a new purchase order (PO) that is then immediately linked to the campaign, or link the campaign to an existing PO.

To upload and link a new PO:

  1. Click the Create New toggle, if it is not already selected.

  2. For Purchase Order Reference, enter the reference number of the purchase order.

  3. For Budget, enter the budget specified on the purchase order.

  4. For Cost Type, select the cost type of the purchase order. There are four Cost Type options: Client Gross, Client Net, Client Total, and Client Total with Tax.

  5. For Upload Document, upload the actual purchase order document.

To link to an existing PO:

  1. Click the Link to Existing toggle, if it is not already selected.

  2. For Purchase Order Reference, select the desired purchase order. The Budget and Cost Type fields are automatically filled in and cannot be changed.

Finish the Campaign Creation Process

Remember: After a campaign is created, the campaign's Media, Client, and Product values cannot be changed.

To change any of these values, click Previous to return to an earlier step and make any desired changes before proceeding.

Click the Create Media Campaign button.

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