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List of Features and Updates

About the Release

Release Version: 24.6.19

Release Date: July 8, 2024

Other Information


Deactivate or Reactivate a Fee Record

What is it? Active Fee records can be deactivated and inactive Fee records can be reactivated. Previously, active Fee records could not be deactivated, only deleted.

Inactive Fee records are automatically hidden from the Fees grid, but can be viewed by using the Status filter. For more information, see Deactivate or Reactivate a Fee Record and View Inactive Fee Records.

Where is it? This new feature affects the Fees grid, located on the Administration > Reference Data > Fees & Tech Rate tab.

How am I affected? If an active Fee record is deactivated, there is no impact to existing media buys and fees. Inactive Fee records cannot be assigned to a new media buy, but they can still be viewed.

Do I need to do anything? No — this new feature is automatically available for all OneStrata enterprises.

Include Agency Currency Costs and Exchange Rates in Financial Order Exports

What is it? There is a new, FreeWheel-managed setting that specifies whether financial order exports include Agency Currency costs and exchange rates, or not.

  • If Agency Currency costs are enabled, the following fields and values are included in financial order exports: 
    • Order and Billing Period levels
      • Vendor Net Cost (AC)
      • Vendor Gross Cost (AC)
      • Client Net Cost (AC)
      • Client Total Cost (AC)
    • Order level only
      • Vendor Currency to Agency Currency exchange rate
      • Agency Currency to Client Currency exchange rate
  • If Agency Currency costs are not enabled, the fields above are still included, but their values are null.

Where is it? This new setting affects the Financial API specification, which was updated from 6.1.0 to 6.2.0. For more information, contact your OneStrata representative.

How am I affected? Financial orders created or last revised before the release of OneStrata version 24.6.19 (July 8, 2024) do not include the Agency Currency and exchange rate fields.

Financial orders created or revised after July 8, 2024 include the Agency Currency and exchange rate fields. However, if Agency Currency costs are not enabled, the value of these fields is null.

Do I need to do anything? By default, Agency Currency costs are not enabled. To enable this setting, contact your OneStrata representative.

View and Actualize DV360 Delivery Data

What is it? The delivery data of linked DV360 campaigns can be viewed and actualized, on the Actualization tab.

For OneStrata Cost Lines that are linked to a DV360 insertion order, the vendor delivery cost and the number of delivered units for the Cost Line can be viewed on the Standard Actualization grid, in the Site Cost and Site Units columns. The delivery metrics are automatically retrieved from DV360 once per day, at around midnight local time.

The values in the Site columns can then be applied to the Actual Cost for Period and Actual Units columns, using the Apply Source button. When a standard Cost Line is actualized, the values in the Actual columns are sent to the external finance system for further processing.

For more information, see View the Delivery Metrics of a Linked DV360 Insertion Order.

Where is it? This new feature affects the Standard Actualization grid, located on the Actualization tab.

Do I need to do anything? No — this new feature is automatically available for all OneStrata enterprises that have set up a DV360 integration. To set up or manage an integration with DV360, contact your OneStrata representative.


Assigned Fees Are Only Billed During Months With Media Activity

What is it? Some of the backend logic used for fee billing was updated:

  • Previously, Assigned fees (Fee lines created by assigning a Fee record to a Placement) were billed according to the overall start and end dates of the associated Placement, without taking into account any flighting or pauses in media activity. For example, if a Placement started in January and ended in March, but did not run at all in February, any fees assigned to the Placement would still be billed for the months of January, February, and March.
  • Now, Assigned fees are billed according to the flight dates of the Placement. If a Placement does not have any flight periods in February, any fees assigned to the Placement do not have a billing period for February.

With this backend logic change, fee billing works more as expected; fees related to an ad placement are only billed during the months in which that placement is actually running. 

 Where is it? This change affects fee billing periods and their corresponding Billing Period lines:

  • Billing periods are managed on the Unit Calendar widget, which is part of the Schedule grid, located on the Schedule tab
  • Billing Period lines are managed on the Actualization grid, located on the Actualization tab.

How am I affected? This change has potential impacts on existing fee billing periods:

  • Existing fee billing periods that are not related to a flight period (the Placement associated with the Assigned fee does not have any flight periods during that fee's billing period month) are considered "unpaired". 
  • If an unpaired fee billing period is not hard locked and the associated Placement is changed, the unpaired fee billing period is automatically deleted. The fee's units and costs are redistributed among any unlocked fee billing periods, according to the default cost distribution setting (Pro Rata or Even) of the media campaign. If there are no unlocked fee billing periods to redistribute units and costs to, the unlocked and unpaired fee billing period is not deleted or changed. Instead, a warning that the fee is out of sync is displayed.
  • If an unpaired fee billing period is hard locked and the associated Placement is changed, the unpaired fee billing period is not deleted or changed. The fee's units and costs are redistributed among any unlocked fee billing periods, according to the default cost distribution setting (Pro Rata or Even) of the media campaign. If there are no unlocked fee billing periods to redistribute units and costs to, no changes are made to the locked fee billing periods, and a warning that the fee is out of sync is displayed. 

Do I need to do anything? No — this change is automatically applied to all OneStrata enterprises.

Flight Period Costs Are Displayed Directly In the Schedule Grid

What is it? The Unit Calendar bars, located on the Schedule grid, now display more information about a Schedule grid line's flight periods or billing periods.

  • Previously, the Unit Calendar bars only displayed the number of units per flight period or the cost per billing period. Viewing more information about a flight period or billing period required opening the Unit Calendar widget.
  • Now, the Unit Calendar bars also display the cost per flight period.

There is also a new tooltip that displays additional information about a flight period or billing period, making it easier to see its exact dates, rate, units, and cost without leaving the main Schedule grid. For more information, see Unit Calendar Bars.

Where is it? This change affects the Unit Calendar bars. The Unit Calendar bars are part of the Schedule grid, located on the Schedule tab.

Do I need to do anything? No — this change is automatically applied to all OneStrata enterprises.

Internal Seller Workflow Is Gated

What is it? The internal seller workflow is now gated, and only available for OneStrata enterprises that have enabled this workflow.

  • If the internal seller workflow is enabled, you can create and send orders to internal seller Order Partners.
  • If the internal seller workflow is not enabled, you cannot create or send orders to internal seller Order Partners.

When an order is sent to an internal seller Order Partner, the order is confirmed or declined in Vendor Inbox by an internal OneStrata Seller user, instead of by a third-party vendor. This enables an internal trade desk-like configuration. 

Where is it? This change affects the Administration > Entity Management > Entities > Order Partners > (Specific Order Partner) > Details tab.

Do I need to do anything? If your OneStrata enterprise is already using internal seller Order Partners, you do not need to do anything; the internal seller workflow remains automatically enabled. Otherwise, to enable this workflow, contact your OneStrata representative.

Schedule Grid Line Name Is Displayed in the Unit Calendar Widget

What is it? When viewing the flight periods or billing periods of a specific Schedule grid line through the Unit Calendar widget, the name of the Schedule grid line is displayed at the top of the widget. Previously, the name of the Schedule grid line was not displayed.

Displaying the name of the Schedule grid line makes it easier to identify exactly which line is being viewed or edited. For more information, see Unit Calendar Widget UI Elements.

Where is it? This change affects the Unit Calendar widget. The Unit Calendar widget is part of the Schedule grid, located on the Schedule tab.

Do I need to do anything? No — this change is automatically applied to all OneStrata enterprises.

Schedule Line Names Are Consistent Across OneStrata

What is it? Some of the logic used for saving and displaying Schedule grid line names was updated:

  • Previously, name concatenation formulas were automatically applied to a Schedule grid line based on its backend media data model levels (Cost Line, Media Line, or Ad Unit) and not based on its line type (Placement, Media Package, or Cost Package). This meant that a single Schedule grid line, like a Placement, could have multiple name values or empty name values, because different name concatenation formulas were applied to the same line.
  • Now, whatever name concatenation formula is applied at the most specific media data model level is automatically extended to all other appropriate levels, ensuring that name values are consistent throughout the backend and UI. This now matches with how manually entered Schedule grid line names are saved and displayed.

With this backend logic change, name concatenation formulas work more as expected: a single Schedule grid line has a single name.

Where is it? This change affects the names of Placements, Media Packages, and Cost Packages, which are displayed in the following areas:

  • The Schedule grid, located on the Schedule tab
  • The Order Details page and exported orders (PDF or Excel), located on the Orders tab
  • The Actualization grid, located on the Actualization tab
  • The external integration grids, located on the External Integrations tab

How am I affected? This change only affects Schedule grid lines that were/are named by an automatically applied name concatenation formula; manually named Schedule grid lines are not affected. Name concatenation formulas are created and managed on the Administration > Data Fields & Templates > Data Fields tab.

  • All Schedule grid lines created after the release of OneStrata version 24.6.19 (July 8, 2024) use the updated backend naming logic.
  • For Schedule grid lines that were named by a concatenation formula and created before July 8, 2024, any changes to any field used in the name concatenation formula triggers an update to the backend name values and the correct name is saved.

Do I need to do anything? No — this change is automatically applied to all OneStrata enterprises.

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