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Export a Financial Order

Financial orders can be automatically or manually exported to the Financial Bridge, where they can then be pushed—via FreeWheel's financial APIs—to an external media finance system like SBMS.

Automatic or manual financial orders exports are controlled by a FreeWheel-managed setting. For questions about financial export settings or financial API specifications, contact your OneStrata representative.

Automatically Export a Financial Order

If automatic financial order exports are enabled, no user action is required.

Depending on an additional FreeWheel-managed setting, financial orders are automatically exported either:

  • When a schedule is committed; or
  • When an order is sent to an Order Partner.

Manually Export a Financial Order

To manually export a financial order, do the following:

  1. Go to the Financial Order Management page.

  2. Select the desired financial order(s), by doing one of the following:

    • Select an individual financial order.

    • Select a Media Campaign or Estimate row. This automatically selects all of the financial orders that are nested under the media campaign or estimate.

  3. Click Export Financial Order.

View All Financial Orders

To view all financial orders, do the following:

  • Go to the Financial Order Management (FOM) page. On the FOM page, the FOM grid displays all financial orders.
  • No labels
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