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Media campaigns, or "campaigns" for short, define the essential information of an advertising initiative:

  • The name of the campaign
  • Who the campaign is for and what they are advertising
  • When the campaign will run
  • How the campaign will run
  • The budget of the campaign

Campaign Terms and Concepts

This section contains information about terms and concepts related to media campaigns in OneStrata.

Types of Cost Distribution

A campaign can be configured to distribute its budget in two ways:

Cost Distribution TypeDescriptionVisualization
Pro Rata

Budget is distributed proportionately, according to the number of days in each flight period.

For example, imagine a Placement with the following details:

  • Placement dates: April 1 - September 30
  • Unit Calendar: Monthly (each flight period is one month)
  • Total Budget: $175,000

Under a Pro Rata cost distribution:

  • The budget of each flight period is determined by the total budget, the total number of days in the campaign, and the number of days in the flight period
  • April, June, and September have 30 days. July, May, and August have 31 days. In total, the campaign has 183 days.
  • The budget per day is the total budget divided by the total number of days: $175,000 / 183 = $956.284 per day
  • The budget of each flight period is the the budget per day multiplied by the number of days in the flight period

Budget is distributed evenly among flight periods, with each flight period receiving the same amount.

For example, imagine a Placement with the following details:

  • Placement dates: April 1 - September 30
  • Unit Calendar: Monthly (each Flight Period is one month)
  • Total Budget: $175,000

Under an Even cost distribution:

  • The budget of each flight period is the total budget divided by total number of flight periods
  • $175,000 / 6 flight periods = $29,166.6667 per flight period

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