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Actualization is the process where actual delivery metrics of a campaign are received from a Supplier or a third party and compared to the original schedule. Once these delivery metrics are reviewed by the Agency, the schedule is actualized, and that information is shared with finance for approved amounts to be paid to Suppliers.

Actualization Terms and Concepts

This section contains information about terms and concepts related to actualization in OneStrata.

Types of Actualization

In OneStrata, there are two type of actualization:

  • Standard actualization
  • Margin actualization
Actualization TypeDescription

Standard actualization

The actualization of committed standard schedule lines, which are media and non-media lines in the Schedule Grid that have been committed and that have a Cost Method value of Standard.

For more information on the Standard Cost Method option, see Cost Methods.

Margin actualization

Depending on Enterprise settings, margin actualization might not be available.

The actualization of committed margin schedule lines, which are media and non-media lines in the Schedule Grid that have been committed and that have a Cost Method value of Margin.

For more information on the Margin Cost Method option, see Cost Methods.

Media Campaigns > (Specific Campaign) > Actualization Tab UI Reference

The Actualization tab displays information related to actualizing committed Schedule Grid lines.

Actualization Tab UI Elements

The Actualization tab contains the following elements:



1Campaign Header

2Standard and Margin selection

Click to switch between the Standard Actualization grid and the Margin Actualization grid.


Filters icon

Click the Filters icon to open the filter pane and filter through the list of all committed schedule lines.


Search bar

Search for a committed schedule line by Entity (Supplier or Order Partner) or ID.


Roll settings

Click the Roll settings to select how any under- or over-delivery balance is carried over to future months:

  • None: The balance is not distributed. Instead, the overall totals on the Schedule Grid line will be updated.
  • Proportionally: The balance is evenly distributed over the remaining months of the campaign.
  • Next Month: The entire balance is carried over to the next month of the campaign.
  • Last Month: The entire balance is carried over to the final month of the campaign.


Apply Source button

The Apply Source button is only available on the Standard Actualization grid.

Click the Apply Source button to override the Schedule grid's Actual Cost for Period, Actual Rate, and Actual Units column values:

  • Committed: The values of the Actual columns are reset to the media schedule values.
  • Site: The values of the Actual columns are updated to match the values of the Site columns.
  • 3rd Party: The values of the Actual columns are updated to match the values of the 3rd Party columns.

Actualize button

If no Actualization Grid lines are selected, the Actualize button is inactive.

If one or more Actualization Grid lines are selected, the Actualize button is active.

Click the Actualize button to actualize selected lines.


Billing Period(s) filter

By default, only one billing period (month) is selected and displayed on the Actualization grid.

  • If the campaign is in-flight, the default selected billing period is the previous month of the campaign.
  • If the campaign has not started yet, the default selected billing period is the first month of the campaign.
  • If the campaign has already finished, the default selected billing period is the last month of the campaign.

Click the Billing Period(s) filter to select the Billing Periods that are displayed in the Actualization grid.

9Actualization grid

A list of a campaign's committed schedule lines, broken down into selected billing periods and grouped by Order.

For more information, see Actualization Grid Reference.

Actualization Grid Reference

The Actualization grid is a list of a campaign's committed Schedule grid lines, broken down into selected billing periods and grouped by order.

There are two Actualization grids, the Standard Actualization grid and the Margin Actualization grid, used for actualizing standard Schedule grid lines and margin Schedule grid lines, respectively.

The following table contains information about the Standard and Margin Actualization grid columns:

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Actualization Grid TypeColumn NameDescription



CheckboxClick to select one or more Actualization grid lines.



Line Type

The type of the Actualization grid line, according to the following hierarchy:

  • Media
    • Order
      • Cost Package, Media Package, Placement
        • Billing Period
  • Non-Media
    • Order
      • Fee
        • Billing Period



Status (Actualization Status)

The actualization status of the Actualization grid line.

If Line Type is Billing Period, the possible statuses are:

  • Not Actualized: The Billing Period line is not actualized in OneStrata.

  • Actualized: The Billing Period line is actualized in OneStrata.

If Line Type is Placement, Media Package, Cost Package, Fee, or Order, the possible statuses are:

  • Not Actualized: None of the Billing Period lines filtered under the line are actualized.

  • Partially Actualized: At least one, but not all, of the Billing Period lines filtered under the line are actualized.

  • Actualized: All of the Billing Period lines filtered under the line are actualized.



Invoice Status

The invoice status of the Actualization Grid line.

If Line Type is Billing Period, the possible statuses are:

  • Not Invoiced: The Billing period line is not invoiced (no invoice has been created for the billing period).

  • Invoiced: The Billing Period line is invoiced (an invoice has been created for the billing period).

If Line Type is Placement, Media Package, Cost Package, Fee, or Order, the possible statuses are:

  • Not Invoiced: None of the Billing Period lines filtered under the line are invoiced.

  • Partially Invoiced: At least one, but not all, of the Billing Period lines filtered under the line are invoiced.

  • Invoiced: All of the Billing Period lines filtered under the line are invoiced.



Entity Name

The name of the entity associated with the Actualization Grid line.

If Line Type is Billing Period:

  • Entity Name: The month and year of the billing period

  • ID: Billing Period ID - The unique, OneStrata identification number of the Billing Period line.

If Line Type is Placement, Media Package, Cost Package, or Fee:

  • Entity Name: The name of the Supplier

  • ID: Cost Line ID - The unique, OneStrata identification number of the associated schedule line.

If Line Type is Order:

  • Entity Name: The name of the Order Partner. Click the Entity Name link to open the Order Details page of the order.

  • ID: Order ID - The unique, OneStrata identification number of the associated order.



Line Name

The name of the Cost Line.

A read-only value that is automatically populated from the media schedule.



External ID

The External ID of the Billing Period line.

A read-only value that is only populated if the Billing Period line has been exported to an external financial system.



Start and End Date

The start and end dates of the Cost Line or Billing Period line.

A read-only value that is automatically populated from the media schedule.



Contract Total

The total vendor cost of the Cost Line or Billing Period line, for its entire flight. 

A read-only value that is automatically populated from the media schedule.



Rate Type

The Rate Type of the Cost Line.

A read-only value that is automatically populated from the media schedule.




The Vendor Net Rate (VC) of the Cost Line or Billing Period line.

Depending on which set of margin actualization triangulated values are active:

  • The Vendor Net Cost, Margin %, and Client Net Cost columns triangulate off each other
  • The Rate, Actual Units, and Vendor Net Cost (VC) columns triangulate off each other
  • The Client Net Rate (VC), Actual Units, and Client Net Cost (VC) columns triangulate off each other

For more information, see Margin Actualization Triangulation Rules.


Client Net Rate (VC)

The Client Net Rate (VC) of the Cost Line or Billing Period line.




The number of units of the Cost Line or Billing Period line, for its entire flight. 

A read-only value that is automatically populated from the media schedule.



Current for Period

The total vendor cost of the Cost Line or Billing Period line, for the filtered billing periods(s).

A read-only value that is automatically populated from the media schedule.




If the line has never been actualized, the Pre-Actualized value is equal to the Current for Period value.

When the line is actualized for the first time, the Pre-Actualized value becomes locked and no longer changes, even if the Current for Period value changes.

For example, imagine a Cost line that has never been actualized:

  • Its Current for Period value is $100.
  • Its Pre-Actualized value is set to whatever the Current for Period value is, which is $100.
  • If the Cost line's Current for Period value changes, its Pre-Actualized value also changes.

Then, the Cost line is actualized in OneStrata:

  • At the time of actualization, its Current for Period value is $100.
  • At the time of actualization, its Pre-Actualized value is also $100, and becomes locked.
  • Afterwards, if the Cost line's Current for Period value changes (for example, it increases to $125), its Pre-Actualized value does not change (it remains $100).




The difference between the Actual Cost for Period value (the value to be actualized or that is actualized) and the Current for Period value (the value that was committed).

StandardActual Source

The source(s) of the Actual Cost for Period, Actual Rate, and Actual Units values:

  • Committed: The media schedule

  • Site: The Actualization Grid's Site columns

  • 3rd Party: The Actualization Grid's 3rd Party columns 
  • Manual: The user has manually changed one or more values
StandardActual Cost for Period

The vendor cost to be actualized or that is actualized, for the filtered billing period(s).

The Actual Cost for Period, Actual Rate, and Actual Units columns triangulate off each other.

For more information, see Standard Actualization Triangulation Rules.

StandardActual Rate

The rate to be actualized or that is actualized.


Actual Units (standard actualization)

The amount of delivered units to be actualized or that is actualized.


Actual Units (margin actualization)

The amount of delivered units to be actualized or that is actualized.


Site Cost

Only available if the Order was sent to an In-System Order Partner, and the Order Partner sent delivery metrics through Vendor Inbox.

The amount of delivered units of the Billing Period line, for the filtered billing period(s), as provided by the Order Partner within Vendor Inbox.


Site Units

Only available if the Order was sent to an In-System Order Partner, and the Order Partner sent delivery metrics through Vendor Inbox.

The amount of delivered Units of the Billing Period line, for the filtered billing period(s), as provided by the Order Partner within Vendor Inbox.


3rd Party Cost

Only available if the ad serving was provided by an ad server connected to OneStrata, and if the OneStrata Agency's Suppliers were linked to the external integration Provider's suppliers.

For more information, see Manage External Integrations.

The delivery cost of the Billing Period line, for the filtered billing period(s), as provided by the external Ad Server provider.


3rd Party Units

Only available if the ad serving was provided by an ad server connected to OneStrata, and if the OneStrata Agency's Suppliers were linked to the external integration Provider's suppliers.

For more information, see Manage External Integrations.

The amount of delivered units of the Billing Period line, for the filtered billing period(s), as provided by the external Ad Server provider.

MarginVendor Net Cost (VC)

The amount that the vendor charges for the media purchase(s), after any discounts are applied but before any taxes are added.

MarginMargin %

The difference between the cost of a media purchase (Vendor Net Cost) and the price at which it is sold (Client Net Cost), as a percentage of the price at which it is sold (Client Net Cost).

Margin Percentage = (Client Net Cost - Vendor Net Cost) / Client Net Cost

MarginClient Net Cost (VC)

The amount that the client is charged for the media purchases, after any discounts are applied but before any commission or taxes are added.


Other Income (VC) 

The difference between the Client Net Cost (VC) and Vendor Net Cost (VC) values.

Other Income (VC) = Client Net Cost (VC) - Vendor Net Cost (VC)

Actualization Triangulation Rules

A set of triangulated values contains three values that are mathematically connected; given any two values, the third value can be calculated from the first two values.

Sets of triangulated values follow this pattern:

  • One fixed value
  • Two non-fixed values 

When one of the non-fixed values is manually changed by the user, the fixed value remains constant, but the other non-fixed value is automatically recalculated.

For example, imagine the following scenario:

  • Rate: $1
  • Units (fixed): 10
  • Cost: $10

If the Rate value is changed to $2, the Units value remains 10 and the Cost value is automatically recalculated to $20. Similarly, if the Cost value is changed to $5, the Units value remains 10 and the Rate value is automatically recalculated to $0.50.

Locked/Unlocked vs. Editable/Read-Only

In OneStrata, triangulated values can be locked or unlocked:

  • Locked (fixed): A fixed value that does not change
  • Unlocked (non-fixed): A non-fixed value that can be changed, either manually by the user or recalculated by OneStrata

All values, including triangulated and non-triangulated values, can be editable or read-only:

  • Editable: A value that can be directly changed by the user
  • Read-only: A value that cannot be directly changed by the user

Depending on the triangulation set, the two unlocked (non-fixed) values are either both editable, or one is editable and the other is read-only:

  • Both unlocked values are editable: Given a set of triangulated values X, Y, and Z (where Y is fixed), X can be manually changed by the user and Z is recalculated by OneStrata. Or, Z can be manually changed by the user and X is recalculated by OneStrata.
  • One unlocked value is editable and one unlocked value is read-only: Given a set of triangulated values X, Y, and Z (where Y is fixed), only X can be manually changed by the user and Z is always recalculated by OneStrata. Z cannot be manually changed by the user.

The interactions between these two dimensions (locked/unlocked and editable/read-only) are summarized in the following table:


(non-italicized text)


(italicized text)


N/AThe fixed value in a triangulation set


A non-fixed value that can be manually changed by the user or recalculated by OneStrata,

A non-fixed value that cannot be manually changed by the user, and can only be recalculated by OneStrata.

Standard Actualization Triangulation Rules

There is one set of standard actualization triangulated values:

Column NameFormulaLock Rules
Actual Cost for PeriodActual Cost for Period = Actual Rate * Actual Units

By default:

  • Unlocked
  • Editable

Can be locked

Actual RateActual Rate = Actual Cost for Period / Actual Units

By default:

  • Locked
  • Read-only

Can be unlocked

Actual UnitsActual Units = Actual Cost for Period / Actual Rate

By default:

  • Unlocked
  • Editable

Can be locked

Margin Actualization Triangulation Rules

There are two sets of margin actualization triangulated values:

  • Margin Percentage Triangulation: The relationships between Vendor Net Cost, Margin Percentage, and Client Net Cost
  • Margin Rate, Actual Units, and Cost Triangulation: The relationships between Vendor Net Rate, Actual Units, and Vendor Net Cost, and between Client Net Rate, Actual Units, and Client Net Cost

Only one margin actualization triangulation set can be active at a time. By default:

  • The Margin Percentage triangulation set is active
  • The Margin Rate, Actual Units, and Cost triangulation set is not active

Margin Percentage Triangulation

The Margin Percentage triangulation set is the default set of triangulated values.

Column NameDescriptionLock RulesNotes
Vendor Net Cost (VC)

Entered by user or calculated according to this formula:

Vendor Net Cost = Client Net Cost - (Margin Percentage * Client Net Cost)

By default:

  • Unlocked
  • Editable

Can be locked

When the Margin Percentage triangulation set is active:

  • The value of Actual Units is locked
  • The values of the Rate (Vendor Net Rate (VC)) and Client Net Rate (VC) columns are recalculated by OneStrata
Margin %

Entered by user or calculated according to this formula:

Margin Percentage = (Client Net Cost - Vendor Net Cost) / Client Net Cost

By default:

  • Locked
  • Read-only

Can be unlocked

Client Net Cost (VC)

Entered by user or calculated according to this formula:

Client Net Cost = -1 * (Vendor Net Cost / Margin Percentage - 1)

By default:

  • Unlocked
  • Editable

Can be locked

Margin Rate, Actual Units, and Cost Triangulation

By default, the Margin Rate, Actual Units, and Cost triangulation set is not active.

Unlock the Actual Units column to deactivate the Margin Percentage triangulation set and activate the Margin Rate, Actual Units, and Cost triangulation set.

Cost GroupColumn NameDescriptionLock RulesNotes
VendorRate (Vendor Net Rate (VC))Read-only value taken from the Schedule grid


  • Locked
  • Read-only

When the Margin Rate, Actual Units, and Cost triangulation set is active:

  • The values of the Rate (Vendor Net Rate (VC)) and Client Net Rate (VC) columns are locked
  • The value of Margin % is automatically recalculated by OneStrata

Actual UnitsEntered by user

If the Margin Rate, Actual Units, and Cost triangulation set is active:

  • Unlocked
  • Editable
Vendor Net Cost (VC)

Calculated according to this formula:

Vendor Net Cost = Vendor Net Rate * Actual Units

If the Margin Rate, Actual Units, and Cost triangulation set is active:

  • Unlocked
  • Read-only
ClientClient Net Rate (VC)Read-only value taken from the Schedule grid


  • Locked
  • Read-only
Actual UnitsEntered by user

If the Margin Rate, Actual Units, and Cost triangulation set is active:

  • Locked
  • Read-only

Can be unlocked

Client Net Cost (VC)

Calculated according to this formula:

Client Net Cost = Client Net Rate * Actual Units

If the Margin Rate, Actual Units, and Cost triangulation set is active:

  • Unlocked
  • Read-only
  • No labels
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