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There are two ways to create an estimate:

Estimate Creation OptionDescription

Create an estimate while creating a campaign

Estimates can only be created during campaign creation if the Require Estimates for Campaign Creation setting is enabled.

While creating a new campaign, create a new estimate:

  • The following estimate values are determined by the campaign: associated entities (Agency, Business Unit, Client, Product, and media type), name, date range, budget, and cost type.
  • The newly created estimate is linked to the newly created campaign.
Create an estimate on the Estimates page

On the Estimates page, create a new estimate.

  • The newly created estimate is not linked to any campaigns.

Create an Estimate During Campaign Creation

See Create a Media Campaign > Link the Campaign to an Estimate, following the instructions in the Link the Campaign to a New Estimate column.

Create an Estimate on the Estimates Page

To create an estimate on the Estimates page, do the following:

  1. Go to the Finance > Estimates page.

  2. Click Create New Estimate to open the Create Estimate widget.

  3. In the Applicable Entity section, select the entity hierarchy of the estimate: 

    An estimate can only be linked to campaigns that have the same:

    • Agency
    • Business unit
    • Client
    • Product (if the campaign has a product)
    • Media type

    Field Name

    The value of any fields with a red background cannot be changed after the estimate is created.


    Select the agency that this estimate is created for.

    Business Unit

    Select the business unit that this estimate is created for.


    Select the client that this estimate is created for.


    Select the product that this estimate is created for.

    MediaSelect the media type of the estimate.

  4. In the General section, enter general details about the estimate:
    Field NameStep(s)
    NameEnter the name of the estimate.
    Start DateSelect the start date of the estimate.
    End DateSelect the end date of the estimate.
    BudgetEnter the budget of the estimate.
    Cost Type

    Select the cost type of the estimate budget:

    Estimate-level custom fields, if any

    If there are any estimate-level custom fields, select or enter the appropriate information.


    External ID

    If the estimate export feature is not enabled, this field can be edited.

    If the estimate export feature is enabled, this field cannot be edited.

    Optional: If using an external system to track the estimate, enter the identifier used by the external system for the estimate.


    Estimate Group

    • For enterprises connected to SBMS, when an estimate is exported, the value of the Estimate Group field is also sent to SBMS.
    • For enterprises not connected to SBMS, the Estimate Group field has no effect on estimate exports to the external media finance system.

    Optional: Enter the SBMS estimate group of the estimate.

    When the estimate is exported:

    • If an SBMS estimate group with the same name as the Estimate Group value exists, the estimate is added to that estimate group.

    • If no such estimate group exists, a new SBMS estimate group is created. Its name is the same as the Estimate Group value.

  5.  If the estimate approval workflow (through the Administration > Application Settings page) is enabled, in the Approval Process section, select the approver(s) of the estimate. Otherwise, skip the Approval Process section.

    In the
    Approval Process section:
    Field NameDescription / Step(s)


    Last Status

    The most recent approval status of the estimate.

    When creating a new estimate, the value of the Last Status field is always Approval Required.


    Last Approver

    The most recent approver of the estimate.

    When creating a new estimate, the value of the Last Approver field is always blank,


    Last Comment

    Any comment added to the estimate by the most recent estimate approver.

    When creating a new estimate, the value of the Last Comment field is always blank,

    Assign Approvers

    Select the estimate approver(s).

    When the estimate is created, a request to approve the estimate is sent by email to the selected approver(s).

  6. Click Create.
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