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Agency (entity)

Also Called: Advertising Agency

The second-highest level entity within the OneStrata platform, but the highest level entity within the business structure.

An Agency contains one or more Business Units.

For more information, see About Entities.

Agency Currency

Also Called: AC, Base Currency, Local Currency

The currency in which the Agency transacts. All cost lines in a campaign must be in the same Agency Currency.

For more information, see Costs and Calculations.

assigned fee

A fee that is automatically created within a media schedule when a Fee assignment is added to a Placement.

A pre-existing Assigned Fee record defines how each value in the resulting Assigned Fee cost line is calculated. These values cannot by changed by the user within the schedule.

For more information, see About Fees and Tech Rates.


billing period

A billing period defines the committed financial details (the amount that a vendor should be paid or that a client should be gilled) of a given month of service for a Cost Line.

All Cost Lines have at least one billing period.

For more information, see About Flight Periods, Billing Periods, and Unit Calendar.

Business Unit (entity)

An office, branch, or subdivision within an Agency.

For more information, see About Entities.


central fee

A fee that is manually added to a media schedule, and has some pre-defined values.

A pre-existing Central Fee record defines how some values in the resulting Central Fee cost line are calculated. Depending on additional settings, these values can or cannot be modified within the schedule.

For more information, see About Fees and Tech Rates.

Client (entity)

Also Called: Advertiser

Who an Agency or Business Unit is planning and buying media for.

For more information, see About Entities.

Client Commission

For more information, see Costs and Calculations.

Client Commission Basis

The cost type that the Client Commission Percentage is applied to:

  • Client Gross CostThe amount that the client is quoted, before any discounts are applied.
  • Client Net Cost: The amount that the client is charged for the media purchases, after any discounts are applied but before any commission or taxes are added.

For more information, see Costs and Calculations.

Client Commission Percentage

The percentage of commission that the client is charged.

For more information, see Costs and Calculations.

Client Currency

Also Called: CC, Billing Currency

The currency in which the Agency bills the Client. All cost lines in a campaign must be in the same Client Currency.

For more information, see Costs and Calculations.

Client Discount Percentage

Also Called: Client Discount %, Client Rule

For more information, see Costs and Calculations.

Client Group (entity)

An office, branch, or subdivision within an Agency.

For more information, see About Entities.

Client Net Cost

The amount that the client is charged for the media purchases, after any discounts are applied but before any commission or taxes are added.

For more information, see Costs and Calculations.

Client Discount

Also Called: Client Passback 

For more information, see Costs and Calculations.

Client Tax

The tax on activity that the client is charged, not including any commission.

For more information, see Costs and Calculations.

Client Tax on Commission

The tax on commission that the client is charged.

For more information, see Costs and Calculations.

Client Total Cost

The amount that the client is charged, after any discounts are applied and commission is added, but before any taxes are added.

For more information, see Costs and Calculations.

Contract (entity)

The record that links a Payee, Order Partner, and Supplier. 

For more information, see About Entities.

Cost Category

A subcategory of a Media Type, like Social or Display.

For more information, see About Reference Data

Cost Package

A Cost Package represents a group of (secondary) Placements and/or (secondary) Media Packages that are purchased together at a single and fixed total cost, from the same vendor.

Flight dates, the number of units, and the rate type of each secondary Placement or Media Package can be independently defined.

For more information, see About Schedules.



Related: Measure, Table

A field that represents an attribute. For example, the Start Date of a campaign or the External Link Status of an Ad Placement.

In the query results data table, located in the Data section, dimensions appear as blue columns.

For more information, see About Dimensions, Measures, and Tables.


entered fee

A fee that is completely manually added to a media schedule, and has no pre-defined values.

All values in the resulting Entered Fee cost line are filled in by the user, within the schedule.

For more information, see About Fees and Tech Rates.

Enterprise (entity)

The highest level entity within the OneStrata platform. 

Enterprises are configured and managed by OneStrata. If you want to modify any Enterprise-level settings, contact your OneStrata representative.

For more information, see About Entities.

Even (cost distribution)

Budget is distributed evenly among flight periods, with each flight period receiving the same amount.

For more information, see Types of Cost Distribution.

exchange rate

Exchange rate between two types of currencies.

For more information, see About Reference Data


Fixed Rate Type

A fee that is a set, unchanging amount defined by the value in the Fee record's Vendor Rate field.

For more information, see Rate Types.

flight period

A flight period defines the period of time that a media activity purchase runs for, as well as the number of units purchased during that time frame.

Standalone / Secondary Placements and Media Packages have at least one flight period.

Child Placements, Cost Packages, and Fees do not have any flight periods.

For more information, see About Flight Periods, Billing Periods, and Unit Calendar.


Margin Actualization

The actualization of committed margin schedule lines, which are media and non-media lines in the Schedule Grid that have been committed and that have a Cost Method value of Margin.

For more information on the Margin Cost Method option, see Cost Methods.


Related: Dimension, Table

A field that represents quantitive information and that can be used in a calculation. For example, Client Net Amount (CC) or Impressions.

In the query results data table, located in the Data section, measures appear as orange-brown columns.

For more information, see About Dimensions, Measures, and Tables.

Media Type

Also Called: Media

An advertising method, like Digital. Each campaign is for a single Media Type.

For more information, see About Reference Data

Media Package

A Media Package represents a group of (children) Placements that are purchased together as a package, from the same vendor.

Flight dates, the number of units, the cost per unit, and the rate type are set at the parent Media Package level, and all children Placements inherit those values.

There are two types of Media Packages:

  • Standalone Media Package: A Media Package that is purchased alone (not as part of a Cost Package)
  • Secondary Media Package: A Media Package that is purchased as part of a Cost Package

For more information, see About Schedules.


Order Partner (entity)

The entity that runs a media activity. Order requests are sent to an Order Partner entity for confirmation or rejection.

There are four types of Order Partners:

  • External Order Partners
  • In-system Order Partners
  • Internal seller Order Partners
  • Auto-confirmation Order Partners

For more information, see About Entities.


Payee (entity)

The entity that an Agency pays for a media activity.

For more information, see About Entities.

Percentage of Media (POM) Rate Type

A fee that is calculated as a percentage of a cost. The percentage is defined by the Fee record's Vendor Rate field, and the cost is defined by the Fee record's Cost Type field.

For more information, see Rate Types.


A Placement represents the purchase of a single ad unit, with one format and one set of format dimensions.

There are three types of Placements:

  • Standalone Placement: A Placement that is purchased alone (not as part of a Media Package or Cost Package)
  • Child Placement: A Placement that is purchased as part of a Media Package
  • Secondary Placement: A Placement that is purchased as part of a Cost Package, but not as part of a Media Package

For more information, see About Schedules.

Pro Rata (cost distribution)

Budget is distributed proportionately, according to the number of days in each flight period.

For more information, see Types of Cost Distribution.

Product (entity)

A Client's activity or brand.

For more information, see About Entities.

Product Group (entity)

An optional grouping of one or more Products.

For more information, see About Entities.


Rate Type

A rate type is the pricing model by which ad units are purchased.

There are three rate types:

  • Fixed
  • Percentage of Media (POM)
  • Other (Volume-based)


Standard Actualization

The actualization of committed standard schedule lines, which are media and non-media lines in the Schedule Grid that have been committed and that have a Cost Method value of Standard.

For more information on the Standard Cost Method option, see Cost Methods.


Where a media activity runs. For example, a website or a self-serve platform.

For more information, see About Entities.



Related: Dimension, Measure

A group of related fields. For example, the Flight Period table contains attributes related to flight periods, like their start and end dates.

For more information, see About Dimensions, Measures, and Tables.

Terms & Conditions

Set of legal agreements that apply to a particular Media type, Agency, Business Unit, Client Group / Client, or Order Partner.


Unit Calendar

The flight periods and billing periods of a Schedule grid line can be viewed and managed through the Unit Calendar. The Unit Calendar has two parts:

  • Unit Calendar bars: A high-level summary and visual representation of a Schedule grid line's flight periods or billing periods
  • The Unit Calendar widget: A detailed list of a Schedule grid's line flight periods or billing periods. Flight-level adjustments, like changing the start or end date of a flight period, can be made through the Unit Calendar widget.

For more information, see About Flight Periods, Billing Periods, and Unit Calendar.


Vendor (entity)

In OneStrata, the term "vendor" is used to refer collectively to Payee, Order Partner, and Supplier entities.

For more information, see About Entities.

Vendor Currency

Also Called: VC, Payable Currency

The currency in which the Agency pays the Vendor. Each cost line in a campaign can be in a different Vendor Currency.

For more information, see Costs and Calculations.

Vendor Discount

The amount of the discount that the vendor gives.

For more information, see Costs and Calculations.

Vendor Gross Cost

The amount that the vendor quotes, before any standard discounts are applied and any taxes are added.

For more information, see Costs and Calculations.

Vendor Inbox

The portal for sellers to access their orders and confirmation requests from agency buyers in OneStrata.

Vendor Net Cost

The amount that the vendor charges for the media purchase(s), after any discounts are applied but before any taxes are added.

For more information, see Costs and Calculations.

Vendor Tax

For more information, see Costs and Calculations.

Vendor Total Cost

The amount that the vendor charges, after any discounts are applied but before any taxes are added.

For more information, see Costs and Calculations.

Volume-Based Rate Type

A fee that is calculated by adding a buffer to units, and multiplying the sum by a volume-based rate. The buffer and rate are defined in the Fee record's Buffer and Vendor Rate fields, and the units are specified on the Placement that the fee is assigned to.

Volume-based Rate Types include CPM (Impressions), CPC (Clicks), and CPA (Acquisitions).

For more information, see Rate Types.

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