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Beeswax has an integration with Integral Ad Science ("IAS") for pre-bid targeting across exchanges. Pre-bid targeting is done through special segments that may be targeted for viewability, suspicious activity, brand safety, anti-fraud and content categories. Pre-bid segments are based on individual page URLs or app bundles that IAS has determined fit certain criteria.

Segments can be found under the ‘Integral Ad Science’ category in line item segment targeting. The price for usage exists in the Beeswax UI. Below are the details of different segment type offerings:

Segment TypeDescriptionExamplesInventory Type SupportedHow to target
ViewabilityTarget sites X% viewability and higherTarget 70% viewability or higher for display campaignsDesktop/Mweb display,
web video,
app display
CTV Fully On-ScreenTarget CTV app bundles that have been tested and validated for render-ability by IAS.Target CTV apps that ensure 'fully on-screen' measurementCTVInclude
Brand SafetyExclude sites/apps with risk level
  • High level
  • High or moderate risk

Exclude sites/apps with content: adult, alcohol, illegal content, drug, hate, speech, offensive language, violence
Exclude high risk for adult content
Exclude high or moderate risk for adult content
Desktop/Mweb display,
Desktop/Mweb video, mobile in-app
Suspicious ActivityExclude sites/apps with risk Level
  • High risk
  • High or moderate risk
Exclude high risk for suspicious activityDesktop/mweb display,
web video,
in-app display and video
Content CategoriesTop level IAB categories: arts, auto, business, etc.Arts, auto, businessDesktop/mobile web display, videoInclude or Exclude
Anti-Fraud Exclude users (cookies) with high fraudulent activityExclude users with high fraudulent activityDesktop/mobile web display, videoExclude
IP Anti-Fraud Segment of IP addresses IAS has deemed 'not suspicious'Include IP addresses that are not suspicious Desktop display, videoRequire
GroupM ViewabilityPage URLs which meet GroupM's agency viewability definition (100% viewable for 1 second, for creatives over 242,500 pixels the standard is 50% viewable for 1 second)Target 70% GroupM viewability or higher for mobile web campaignsDesktop/mobile web display, videoRequire
Publicis ViewabilityPage URLs which meet Publicis' agency viewability definition (100% viewable for 1 second, for creatives over 242,500 pixels the standard is 30% viewable for 1 second)Target 70% Publicis viewability or higher for mobile web campaignsDesktop/mobile web display, videoRequire
Custom ContextualCustom segments that allow advertisers to block or target specific content based on contextual-based keywords. Context Control Targeting is used to include web pages that are suitable for a brand's standards, and Context Control Avoidance can be used to exclude or avoid web pages that may not be suitable from a brand safety perspective. Advertisers should work directly with IAS to create custom contextual segments.Avoid serving on web pages that are not suitable from a brand safety perspective, such as adult content or other sensitive topics. Desktop/mobile web display, videoInclude or Exclude

Pre-bid Segment Logic

Most IAS pre-bid segments will be targeted with the statement ‘required’. This is selected by default in the UI, and will require that any impressions served will be in that segment, instead of the “Include” logic where all segments are combined with OR logic. If more than one segment within a category is being targeted (i.e. 2 segments from the brand safety category), then the cost of only one segment's CPM is charged. If more than one segment is targeted in different categories (i.e. a segment in viewability and a segment in brand safety), then the cost will be sum of the CPMs of each type. Additionally, there is a segment for sites that have not yet been reviewed by IAS, ‘data not available or updated’ that can be targeted using ‘exclude’.

Questions about IAS's pre-bid segments? Please email and CC your Beeswax Account Manager.

Custom Contextual set up Process

Prior to creating custom segments, IAS clients must contact IAS CSM's to have custom the segments made.

The delivery of the info below must be in a CSV with a specific set of formatting.

Process for setting up custom contextual segments in Beeswax:

  1. Beeswax customer must reach out to Beeswax support via ( with a CSV from the IAS template that contains the necessary information listed below. The delivery of this CSV by a customer initiates the custom data onboarding process.
    • Segment name
    • Segment category (include - context control targeting, exclude - context control avoidance
    • Segment IAS ID
    • CPM 
    • Buzz key
    • BW Buzzkey : Account ID (optional)
  • No labels
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