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The bulk upload feature allows for the ability to bulk import creatives to help decrease the amount of time it takes to upload creatives to the UI. Upload a zip file of images or a spreadsheet of tags and automatically create Creative Assets and corresponding Creatives from each valid file in the zip files or tag in a spreadsheet. Six bulk upload formats are supported:

  1. A zip file of images.
  2. An Excel spreadsheet from DoubleClick's DCM ("DFA") system.
  3. A spreadsheet from Doubleclick for publishers.
  4. An Excel spreadsheet from Facebook's Atlas system.
  5. An Excel spreadsheet from FlashTalking.
  6. A text file from Sizmek.

Create a Bulk Upload

  1. Navigate to Trafficking > CreativesBulk Upload.
  2. A window will appear where an Advertiser and Bulk Type is required. Click Continue once both are selected.
  3. A screen will appear with fields to fill out according to the Bulk Type selected.
  4. Fields will display and will vary depending on the Bulk Type. 

Creative Bulk Upload Field Directory

Filter by Bulk Type to see applicable fields to complete during the creation process. 

If uploading a file during this process, a template will be available to download from the creation window. Required fields are marked with *

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Bulk TypeWorkflow SectionFieldDescription


DFA Tag, 

DFP Tag, 

Sizmek Tag, 

Third Party Tags, 


Basic InformationCreative Bulk Type*Type of bulk upload. This field will be filled out automatically once the bulk upload type is selected.


DFA Tag, 


Basic InformationCreative StatusEither "Active" or "Inactive". 


DFA Tag, 

DFP Tag, 

Sizmek Tag, 

Third Party Tags, 


Basic InformationSecureSecure means that the creative is SSL compliant and can therefore run on publisher inventory that requires SSL compliant creatives. “Insecure” means that the creative is not SSL compliant. It is recommended to always leave this field on “Secure.”



Basic InformationStart/End DateThe desired dates for this creative to serve when applied to a line item. Learn more about creative dates here.



Basic InformationAlternative IDAny number or string. Used to map this object to an object in an outside system.


DFA Tag, 

DFP Tag, 

Sizmek Tag, 

Third Party Tags, 


Advertiser OverridesAdvertiser*Associate the creative with a particular advertiser by selecting an advertiser from the dropdown menu. Advertisers can be selected from any that are created on this account.


DFA Tag, 

DFP Tag, 

Sizmek Tag, 

Third Party Tags, 


Advertiser OverridesDomain*The domain of the advertiser. For example if the advertiser is Ford Motor Company, the advertiser domain would be


DFA Tag, 

DFP Tag, 

Sizmek Tag, 

Third Party Tags, 


Advertiser OverridesCategory*The category of the advertiser. For example, if the advertiser is Ford Motor Company, the advertiser category would be “Automotive”. If this field is left blank, it will inherit the advertiser category set when the Advertiser object was created.



Ad ContentClick URL*This is the URL triggered when the ad is clicked on.
Video, Ad ContentTranscoding Option*

Options include: SD, HD Constant Bitrate, HD Variable Bitrate. For more information on transcoding options, see Create a New Creative.



Ad ContentZip File*

For Image: Supported image formats are .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, and .png. Max 400 images.

For Video: Supported video formats are .mp4, .mov, or .flv. Default max file size per video is 30MB and can be up to 250MB.

DFA Tag, 

DFP Tag, 

Sizmek Tag, 

Third Party Tags, 

Ad ContentTemplate*Supported file are .xls and .csv. Support up to x amount of creative tags.


DFA Tag, 

DFP Tag, 

Sizmek Tag, 


Pixels and ScriptsCreative Add-onsThis is where a creative add-on may be applied. Select from a list of add-ons created in the account.


DFA Tag, 

DFP Tag, 

Sizmek Tag, 


Pixels and ScriptsPixels

A maximum of ten 3rd party pixels can be added per creative. These pixels will be fired simultaneously with the tracking of the impression by the system.


DFA Tag, 

DFP Tag, 

Sizmek Tag, 


Pixels and ScriptsScriptsAdditional JS tags to be called at the same time as the impression. This field should contain a URL, for example:[additional_pareters].



Exchange-Specific OptionsLanding Page URLURL for landing page. Required for GoogleAdx + PubMatic.

Bulk Upload Success Screen

Upon uploading files and filling out templates, once the user clicks save and continue. The system will begin to process each file. Once the process is over, the system will display a success screen shown below:

Below are the column names and descriptions for the success screen table. All successful creatives will be created and listed in on list view. If a creative has an error, then it will not get uploaded to the UI

Column NameDescription
Creative NameName of the creative.
StatusStatus of the creative
MessageExplanation on whether or not the creative was uploaded successfully.

To see more regarding the status of bulk upload of creatives, see Bulk Status.

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