Use * syntax for faster search


This page outlines the process for adding new creatives and performing a bulk upload in the Beeswax UI. Creatives can be created using one of four template types: Banner, Video, Native, or Audio. These templates define the format of the creative to be associated with the line item. The Creative Bulk Upload feature enables the upload of a zip file containing images or a spreadsheet of tags, which automatically generates Creative Assets and their corresponding Creatives. Each valid image in the zip file or each tag in the spreadsheet will be used to create these assets and creatives.

Create a New Creative

  1. Navigate to Trafficking > Creatives > then clicking New Creative at the top right of the list view. Additionally, creatives can be created by clicking the button, then clicking Creative at the top right of the UI.

  2. A window will appear with the following fields to complete:
    Field NameDescription
    Advertiser*Associate the creative with a particular advertiser by selecting an advertiser from the dropdown menu. Advertisers can be selected from any that are created on this account. 
    Creative Name*Give the Creative a name that is relevant to its purpose. An example is: "Spring Banner Creative"
    Creative Type*Select the type of creative; Banner, Video, Native, or Audio.
    Creative Template*Creative templates are used to build different types of creatives. For example, to create a banner ad where Beeswax hosts and serves the images, select “Banner Image”. To create a banner ad  where a Javascript tag is provided to Beeswax via the client, select “Banner JS Tag."

  3. Next, a screen will appear with four tabs to navigate through in order to complete the creative setup; GeneralLine Item AssociationSummary, and Activity Log.

Available Creative Types and Templates

The following creative types are available in Beeswax:

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The table is being loaded. Please wait for a bit ...

Creative Type

Creative Templates


Template TypeConsiderations

Banner iFrame Tag

This creative type differs from the Banner JS Tag template in order to accommodate the imp.banner.btype OpenRTB field, which allows publishers and exchanges to block either JavaScript or iFrame creatives. It is essential to select the appropriate tag type based on whether your ad tag contains <script> or <iframe> HTML tags. Choosing the incorrect creative type may result in the ad being blocked by the publisher or failing to render correctly on the page.

Please note that Mopub will block creatives using this creative template, as they do not allow iFrame creatives to serve on their network.

Banner Image

Use banner image creatives when you have a raw image asset as your creative. Image assets should be in .gif, .jpg, .jpeg or .png formats.

Banner JS Tag

This creative type is distinct from the Banner iFrame Tag template to accommodate the `imp.banner.btype` OpenRTB field (where publishers / exchanges can choose to block JS and/or iFrame creatives).

Take care to select the relevant tag type according to whether your ad tag includes <script> or <iframe> HTML tags. If the wrong creative type is selected, there's a chance that the ad will either be blocked by the publisher, or won't render properly on the page.

Banner MRAID Tag

Use this creative type when you have an MRAID tag.


HTML5 creatives are used to support advanced creative formats, such as playables, within the Beeswax platform. These creatives offer flexibility and interactivity, allowing for a more engaging user experience.

Supported File Format

HTML Zip Upload

What to include:

  • HTML File: primary asset of your creative
  • Common file types included: Include other files that are referenced by the HTML. This includes files types: CSS, JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, JSON, XML, SVG - Max File size: 2MB

If the creative requires additional assets (e.g., images, scripts), these should either be embedded within the .html file or hosted externally on a third-party Content Delivery Network (CDN). The assets can then be referenced directly from the .html file.

Tracking Clicks

To track clicks within the HTML5 creative, the {{CLICK_URL}} macro must be included in the creative’s code.

Serving MRAID HTML5 Creatives

For MRAID (Mobile Rich Media Ad Interface Definition) HTML5 creatives, specific steps are required to invoke the MRAID functionality. The .html file should reference MRAID via one of the following methods:

  1. Direct SDK Call: This method allows the ad container to access the SDK’s built-in MRAID library.

    <script src="mraid.js"></script>

  2. Custom CDN Hosting: This method allows the client to host the MRAID library on their own CDN instead of relying on the SDK for MRAID support.

    <script src="https://[host]/libraries/mraid.js"></script>

Caveats for MRAID HTML5 Creatives

  • Targeting: MRAID HTML5 creatives should only be associated with line items targeting MRAID and in-app inventory.

  • Creative Preview: The Beeswax creative preview URL does not support MRAID. As a result, the HTML5 preview will not function as expected. However, the creative will render correctly when served on MRAID inventory programmatically.

  • Dynamic macros : Dynamic macros from a Data Augmentor or Custom Bidding Agent are not supported for HTML5 creatives hosted in Beeswax.



Template TypeConsiderations

Video VAST, Inline

Use this creative type when you have a raw video asset. Raw videos should be uploaded in .mp4, .mov, or .flv formats. Beeswax will transcode the videos into multiple formats and bit rates for optimal delivery across platforms.

The default max file size for uploads is 30MB. This file size limit can be raised up to (but not over) 250MB.

Video VAST, Wrapper

Use this creative type when you have a raw video asset. Raw videos should be uploaded in .mp4, .mov, or .flv formats. Beeswax will transcode the videos into multiple formats and bit rates for optimal delivery across platforms.

The default max file size for uploads is 30MB. This file size limit can be raised up to (but not over) 250MB.

HD Video

HD Video Creatives are a requirement for some publishers that want to maintain a high-fidelity experience for their viewers. These requirements are enforced at the publisher level rather than by the exchange, and are most common among OTT/CTV publishers. 

Video Transcoding

To enable transcoding of HD creatives, select one of the below options from the dropdown when uploading a new asset.  

Transcoding Option


When to use

Transcoding Option


When to use

HD Variable Bitrate

400-20,000 kbps

Used for OTT/CTV activity (excluding Hulu and Peacock). This offers the widest range of supported bit rates which will increase creative match rates against incoming bid requests.

HD Constant Bitrate

20,000 kbps

Used for buying Hulu inventory. More information on Hulu’s requirements can be found in Hulu Buyer's Guide.

HD Constant Bitrate (MP4 Only)20,000 kbpsUsed for buying Peacock Inventory. Please reach out to your Account Manager to enable this transcoding option.  

Default (non-HD)

400-600 kbps

Used for non-OTT/CTV activity

Please contact your Beeswax Account Representative if the default transcoding option in the UI needs to be changed from ‘Default non-HD' to an HD option.

HD Video Creative Requirements

Please reach out to your Beeswax Account Representative to discuss increasing this max file size

Creatives must meet the requirements below to be eligible for HD transcoding. Please make sure these additional requirements are met prior to setting up HD video creatives:

  • Audio is required
  • 2 audio channels only 
  • Letterboxing on 1.78:1 (16:9) or pillarboxing on 1.33:1 (4x3) content is not allowed.
  • Asset must have constant frame rate

VideoAspect Ratio16:9, 4:3 (3:2 is not accepted)
VideoSize1280x720, 1920x1080, or 1440x1080
VideoBitrate15-30 Mbps (CBR)
VideoFrame rate23.98, 25, or 29.97
VideoFormatQuicktime (.mov) or Mpeg-4 (.mp4)
VideoMax file size100 MB*
VideoMax length

300 seconds

Common duration lengths:

15s, 30s, 60s. Any video longer than 60 seconds may need to confirm inventory source availability

VideoColor Space4:2:2
AudioBitrate192 kbps minimum
AudioSample Rate48 kHz


Template TypeConsiderations

Native App Promo Icon

The Native App Promo Icon creative promotes app installs, and is only available for custom exclusive supply use cases. It is not supported by any of our publicly available inventory sources.

Required assets include: Title, Description, and Mobile App Icon (must be 1:1 and at least 256 x 256).

Native Image App Install

The Native Image App Install creative promotes app installs, and is available on AdX and Mopub.

Required assets include: Title, Description, Main Image (1200 x 627), Mobile App Icon and Call-to-Action.

Native Image Content

The Native Image Content creative focuses on branding or standard performance metrics and is available on AdX, AdYouLike, and TripleLift.

Required assets include: Title, Description, Main Image (1200x627), Advertiser Logo, Advertiser Name, and Call-To-Action.

Native Video App Install (Inline)

The Native Image App Install creative promotes app installs, and is available on AdX and Mopub.

Required assets include: Title, Description, Video, Main Image (1200x627), and Mobile App Icon

Native Video App Install (VAST/VPAID Wrapper)

The Native Video App Install (VAST/VPAID Wrapper) creative promotes app installs, and is available on AdX and MoPub.

Required assets include: Title, Description, Video, Main Image (1200x627), and Mobile App Icon

Native Video Content (Inline)

The Native Video Content creative focuses on branding or standard performance metrics and is available on AdX, and AdYouLike.

Required assets include: Title, Description, Main Image (1200x627), Video, Advertiser Logo, Advertiser Name, and Call-to-Action.

Native Video Content (VAST/VPAID Wrapper)

The Native Video Content(VAST/VPAID Wrapper) creative promotes app installs, and is available on AdX, AdYouLike, and RichAudience.

Required assets include: Title, Description, Main Image (1200x627), Video, Advertiser Logo, Advertiser Name, and Call-to-Action.


Template TypeConsiderations

Audio VAST, Inline

Use this creative type when you have a raw audio asset. Raw audios should be uploaded in .mp3, .wav, wma or .ogg formats. The default max file size for uploads is 2MB. 

Audio VAST, Wrapper

Use this creative type when you have a raw audio asset. Raw audios should be uploaded in .mp3, .wav, wma or .ogg formats. The default max file size for uploads is 2MB. 

General Tab

The General tab contains all relevant information about the creative. Depending on the creative template selected, the General tab workflow may appear different. Please use the directory below to view which fields need to be completed for a corresponding template.

For optimal results, filtering the table to match the specific creative template in use is recommended. This ensures that only the relevant fields under the General tab for that particular template type are displayed.

Creative Fields Directory

Oops, it seems that you need to place a table or a macro generating a table within the Table Filter macro.

The table is being loaded. Please wait for a bit ...

CreativeCreative TemplateFieldWorkflow SectionDescription

Audio - VAST Inline,

Audio - VAST Wrapper,

Banner - HTML5,

Banner - Image,

Banner - JS Tag,

Banner - MRAID Tag,

Banner - iFrame Tag,

Native - App Promo Icon,

Native - Image App Install,

Native - Image Content,

Native - Video Content Inline,

Native - Video Content VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Native - Video App Install Inline,

Native - Video App Install VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Video - Vast Inline,

Video - Vast Wrapper,

SecureBasic InformationEither Secure or Insecure. Secure means that the creative is SSL compliant and can therefore run on publisher inventory that requires SSL compliant creatives. “Insecure” means that the creative is not SSL compliant. Beeswax recommends always leaving this setting as “Secure.”

Audio - VAST Inline,

Audio - VAST Wrapper,

Banner - HTML5,

Banner - Image,

Banner - JS Tag,

Banner - MRAID Tag,

Banner - iFrame Tag,

Native - App Promo Icon,

Native - Image App Install,

Native - Image Content,

Native - Video Content Inline,

Native - Video Content VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Native - Video App Install Inline,

Native - Video App Install VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Video - Vast Inline,

Video - Vast Wrapper,

Start Date/End DateBasic InformationThe desired dates for this creative to serve when applied to a line item. Learn more about creative dates here.

Audio - VAST Inline,

Audio - VAST Wrapper,

Banner - HTML5,

Banner - Image,

Banner - JS Tag,

Banner - MRAID Tag,

Banner - iFrame Tag,

Native - App Promo Icon,

Native - Image App Install,

Native - Image Content,

Native - Video Content Inline,

Native - Video Content VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Native - Video App Install Inline,

Native - Video App Install VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Video - Vast Inline,

Video - Vast Wrapper,

Alternative IDBasic InformationAny number or string. Used to map this object to an object in an outside system.

Audio - VAST Inline,

Audio - VAST Wrapper,

Banner - HTML5,

Banner - Image,

Banner - JS Tag,

Banner - MRAID Tag,

Banner - iFrame Tag,

Native - App Promo Icon,

Native - Image App Install,

Native - Image Content,

Native - Video Content Inline,

Native - Video Content VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Native - Video App Install Inline,

Native - Video App Install VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Video - Vast Inline,

Video - Vast Wrapper,

AdvertiserAdvertiser OverridesAssociate the creative with a particular advertiser by selecting an advertiser from the dropdown menu. Advertisers can be selected from any that are created on this account.

Audio - VAST Inline,

Audio - VAST Wrapper,

Banner - HTML5,

Banner - Image,

Banner - JS Tag,

Banner - MRAID Tag,

Banner - iFrame Tag,

Native - App Promo Icon,

Native - Image App Install,

Native - Image Content,

Native - Video Content Inline,

Native - Video Content VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Native - Video App Install Inline,

Native - Video App Install VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Video - Vast Inline,

Video - Vast Wrapper,

DomainAdvertiser OverridesThe domain of the advertiser. For example if the advertiser is Ford Motor Company, the advertiser domain would be

Audio - VAST Inline,

Audio - VAST Wrapper,

Banner - HTML5,

Banner - Image,

Banner - JS Tag,

Banner - MRAID Tag,

Banner - iFrame Tag,

Native - App Promo Icon,

Native - Image App Install,

Native - Image Content,

Native - Video Content Inline,

Native - Video Content VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Native - Video App Install Inline,

Native - Video App Install VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Video - Vast Inline,

Video - Vast Wrapper,

CategoryAdvertiser OverridesThe category of the advertiser. For example, if the advertiser is Ford Motor Company, the advertiser category would be “Automotive”. If this field is left blank, it will inherit the advertiser category set when the Advertiser object was created.

Audio - VAST Inline,

Audio - VAST Wrapper,

Banner - HTML5,

Banner - Image,

Banner - JS Tag,

Banner - MRAID Tag,

Banner - iFrame Tag,

Native - App Promo Icon,

Native - Image App Install,

Native - Image Content,

Native - Video Content Inline,

Native - Video Content VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Native - Video App Install Inline,

Native - Video App Install VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Video - Vast Inline,

Video - Vast Wrapper,

Advertiser App BundleAdvertiser OverridesThe Advertiser App Bundle is a unique identifier to the app in each app store’s ecosystem. It is a bundle or package name for Android (e.g. com.myapp.mygame) and a numeric ID for iOS (ex. 123456789).

Audio - VAST Inline,

Video Vast, Inline,

Primary AssetAd Content


  • Choose Existing Asset: Choose an audio asset that has already been uploaded to Beeswax for the selected advertiser.
  • Upload New Asset: Upload a new audio asset. Any any audio uploaded will need to be transcoded by Beeswax and may take several minutes. The creative creation page can be saved and left while the encoding process is ongoing. However, the creative cannot be set to active until encoding is complete.


  • Choose Existing Asset: Choose a video asset you have already uploaded to Beeswax for the selected advertiser.

  • Upload New Asset: Upload a new video asset. Note that any video uploaded will need to be transcoded by Beeswax and may take several minutes. You can save and leave the creative creation page while this is encoding, but you will need to wait until encoding is done before setting the creative active.
    • Transcoding Options
      • Default (non-HD): Used for non-OTT/CTV activity

      • HD Variable Bitrate: Used for OTT/CTV activity (excluding Hulu). This offers the widest range of supported bit rates which will increase creative match rates against incoming bid requests.

      • HD Constant BitrateUsed for buying Hulu inventory only. More information on Hulu’s requirements can be found here.


Audio - VAST Inline,

Companion AssetAd ContentA creative ad image (with extension .gif, .jpg, .jpeg or .png). If choosing to add a companion asset, upload the creative asset.

Native - App Promo Icon,

Native - Image App Install,

Native - Image Content,

Native - Video Content Inline,

Native - Video Content VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Native - Video App Install Inline,

Native - Video App Install VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Native OfferAd ContentSelect a Native Offer that is assigned to the associated advertiser. 

Audio - VAST Wrapper,

Native - Video Content VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Native - Video App Install VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Video - Vast Wrapper,

VAST TagAd ContentVAST Tag URL

Native - Video Content Inline,

Native - Video App Install Inline,

Video AssetAd ContentUpload the video asset. Supported files are MP4, quicktime, and webm. Max file size is 200mb.

Banner - HTML5,

HTML AssetAd ContentEither “Choose an Existing Asset” or “Upload a New Asset”. Only assets uploaded beneath this advertiser will appear in the “Choose an Existing Asset” drop down

Banner - HTML5,

Banner - JS Tag,

Banner - MRAID Tag,

Banner - iFrame Tag,

Width x HeighAd ContentThe width and height of the creative.

Banner - JS Tag,

Banner - MRAID Tag,

Banner - iFrame Tag,

TagAd ContentCopy and paste your JavaScript ad tag into this field in its entirety. It’s required that you include the {{CLICK_URL}} macro in your tag so that Beeswax can track clicks. All other macros are optional.

Banner - JS Tag,

Banner - MRAID Tag,

Banner - iFrame Tag,

Tag PreviewAd ContentPreview of the uploaded tag.

Banner - JS Tag,

Banner - MRAID Tag,

Ad Server MacrosAd Content

If the ad tag is from one of the listed Ad Servers, the ad server can be selected, and Beeswax will attempt to detect and replace the appropriate macros.


Native - Image App Install,

Native - Image Content,

Native - Video Content Inline,

Native - Video Content VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Native - Video App Install Inline,

Native - Video App Install VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Main ImageAd ContentUpload a main image asset. Supported files are gif, jpeg, and png. Max file size is 400 kb.

Audio - VAST Inline,

Banner - Image,

Native - App Promo Icon,

Native - Image App Install,

Native - Image Content,

Native - Video Content Inline,

Native - Video Content VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Native - Video App Install Inline,

Native - Video App Install VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Video - Vast Inline,

Click URLAd Content

If the ad tag is from one of the listed Ad Servers, the ad server can be selected, and Beeswax will attempt to detect and replace the appropriate macros.


Video - Vast Inline,

Companion AssetAd ContentChoose to either upload an asset through a file or raw HTML to be served as the companion ad.

Banner - Image,

Video - Vast Inline,

Creative Asset/AssetAd ContentEither “Choose an Existing Asset” or “Upload a New Asset”. Only assets uploaded beneath this advertiser will appear in the “Choose an Existing Asset” drop down

Audio - VAST Inline,

Video - Vast Inline,

TitleAd ContentType the title for the asset.

Audio - VAST Wrapper,

Audio Ad DurationCreative AttributesAdd the duration for the audio. This can be selected from common options of 15, 30, or 60 seconds. Or, it may be added as a custom amount of time in seconds.

Native - Video Content VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Native - Video App Install VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Video - Vast Wrapper,

Video Ad DurationCreative AttributesAdd the duration for the video. This can be selected from common options of 15, 30, or 60 seconds. Or, it may be added as a custom amount of time in seconds.

Audio - VAST Wrapper,

Native - Video Content VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Native - Video App Install VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Video - Vast Wrapper,

Video MIME TypeCreative Attributes

Select from the options:

  • FLV
  • Javascript
  • MP4
  • WEBM
  • Quicktime

Native - Video Content VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Native - Video App Install VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Video - Vast Wrapper,

Audio MIME TypeCreative Attributes

Select from the options:

  • MP4
  • MPEG
  • OGG
  • WAV
  • WEBM

Audio - VAST Wrapper,

Audio BitrateCreative AttributesChoose from common bitrate options, or enter a manual bitrate option.

Native - Video Content VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Native - Video App Install VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Video - Vast Wrapper,

Video BitrateCreative AttributesChoose from common bitrate options, or enter a manual bitrate option.

Native - Video Content VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Native - Video App Install VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Video - Vast Wrapper,

Video APICreative AttributesThe API framework used in the creative. This field is used for creative matching.

Banner - HTML5,

Banner - JS Tag,

Banner - MRAID Tag,

Banner - iFrame Tag,

Expandable TypeCreative AttributesSelect if the tag expands automatically, on user click, on user rollover, or does not expand.

Banner - HTML5,

Banner - JS Tag,

Banner - MRAID Tag,

Banner - iFrame Tag,

Expandable DirectionCreative AttributesThe direction in which an expandable will expand, if applicable.

Banner - HTML5,

Banner - JS Tag,

Banner - MRAID Tag,

Banner - iFrame Tag,

Responsive SizeCreative AttributesToggle “Yes” if the creative adjusts size; select “No” if it is a fixed size.

Banner - HTML5,

Banner - JS Tag,

Banner - MRAID Tag,

Banner - iFrame Tag,

In-Banner VideoCreative AttributesSelect whether it is click-to-play or autoplay.  If there is no video, select no-video.

Banner - MRAID Tag,

MRAID PlayableCreative AttributesWhether the creative is a playable game in MRAID. This is required to be set when running on MoPub.

Audio - VAST Inline,

Audio - VAST Wrapper,

Banner - HTML5,

Banner - Image,

Banner - JS Tag,

Banner - MRAID Tag,

Banner - iFrame Tag,

Native - App Promo Icon,

Native - Image App Install,

Native - Image Content,

Native - Video Content Inline,

Native - Video Content VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Native - Video App Install VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Video - Vast Inline,

Video - Vast Wrapper,

Native - Video App Install Inline,

Creative Vendor for GDPR ConsentCreative AttributesCreative Vendors for GDPR consent. Select via dropdown. See GDPR Guidelines & Changes for more.

Audio - VAST Inline,

Audio - VAST Wrapper,

Video - Vast Inline,

Video - Vast Wrapper,

Native - Video App Install Inline,

SkippableCreative AttributesToggle from "yes" or "no". 
VideoVideo - Vast Inline,Universal Ad IdentifierCreative AttributesSelect between Ad-Id and Clock Number.

Audio - VAST Inline,

Audio - VAST Wrapper,

Banner - HTML5,

Banner - Image,

Banner - JS Tag,

Banner - MRAID Tag,

Banner - iFrame Tag,

Native - App Promo Icon,

Native - Image App Install,

Native - Image Content,

Native - Video Content Inline,

Native - Video Content VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Native - Video App Install Inline,

Native - Video App Install VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Video - Vast Inline,

Video - Vast Wrapper,

Creative Add OnsPixel and ScriptsThis is where a creative add-on may be applied. Select from a list of add-ons created in the account.

Audio - VAST Inline,

Audio - VAST Wrapper,

Banner - HTML5,

Banner - Image,

Banner - JS Tag,

Banner - MRAID Tag,

Banner - iFrame Tag,

Native - App Promo Icon,

Native - Image App Install,

Native - Image Content,

Native - Video Content Inline,

Native - Video Content VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Native - Video App Install Inline,

Native - Video App Install VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Video - Vast Inline,

Video - Vast Wrapper,

PixelsPixel and Scripts

A maximum of ten 3rd party pixels can be added per creative. These pixels will be fired simultaneously with the tracking of the impression by the system.


Audio - VAST Inline,

Banner - HTML5,

Banner - Image,

Banner - JS Tag,

Banner - MRAID Tag,

Banner - iFrame Tag,

Native - Image App Install,

Native - Image Content,

Native - Video Content Inline,

Native - Video Content VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Native - Video App Install Inline,

Native - Video App Install VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

ScriptsPixel and ScriptsAdditional JS tags to be called at the same time as the impression. This field should contain a URL, for example:[additional_pareters]

Audio - VAST Inline,

Audio - VAST Wrapper,

Native - App Promo Icon,

Native - Video Content Inline,

Native - Video Content VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Native - Video App Install Inline,

Native - Video App Install VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Video - Vast Inline,

Video - Vast Wrapper,

Click TrackersPixel and ScriptsAdd a URL for a click tracker if desired. Multiple URL trackers are supported.

Audio - VAST Inline,

Audio - VAST Wrapper,

Native - Video Content Inline,

Native - Video Content VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Native - Video App Install Inline,

Native - Video App Install VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Video - Vast Inline,

Video - Vast Wrapper,

Vast EventsPixel and ScriptsAdd custom event tracking by providing a start time and URL. Multiple URL trackers are supported.

Audio - VAST Inline,

Audio - VAST Wrapper,

Video - Vast Inline,

Video - Vast Wrapper,

Native - Video App Install Inline,

Progress EventsPixel and ScriptsAdd progress events by choosing a time during ad duration and a URL for tracking.

Banner - HTML5,

Banner - JS Tag,

Banner - MRAID Tag,

Banner - iFrame Tag,

ThumbnailExchange Specific OptionsRequired if running a tag on MoPub or Millennial Media. The thumbnail should be an image file. Best practice is to always include a thumbnail image.

Audio - VAST Inline,

Audio - VAST Wrapper,

Banner - HTML5,

Banner - Image,

Banner - JS Tag,

Banner - MRAID Tag,

Banner - iFrame Tag,

Native - App Promo Icon,

Native - Image App Install,

Native - Image Content,

Native - Video Content Inline,

Native - Video Content VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Native - Video App Install Inline,

Native - Video App Install VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Video - Vast Inline,

Video - Vast Wrapper,

Technical VendorExchange Specific OptionsOn Google’s AdX, any technical vendor including a 3rd party ad server or measurement vendor need to be declared. Failure to declare technical vendors may result in your creatives being rejected by AdX.

Audio - VAST Inline,

Audio - VAST Wrapper,

Native - App Promo Icon,

Native - Image App Install,

Native - Image Content,

Native - Video Content Inline,

Native - Video Content VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Native - Video App Install Inline,

Native - Video App Install VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Video - Vast Inline,

Video - Vast Wrapper,

Landing Page URLExchange Specific OptionsURL for landing page. Required for GoogleAdx + PubMatic

Banner - HTML5,

Banner - Image,

Banner - JS Tag,

Banner - MRAID Tag,

Banner - iFrame Tag,

Video - Vast Inline,

Exchange Specific OptionsThis is the full URL that the user will land on after clicking on the creative. For example, Failure to include the full URL may result in creatives being rejected by Google’s AdX.

Audio - VAST Inline,

Audio - VAST Wrapper,

Banner - HTML5,

Banner - Image,

Banner - JS Tag,

Banner - MRAID Tag,

Banner - iFrame Tag,

Native - App Promo Icon,

Native - Image App Install,

Native - Image Content,

Native - Video Content Inline,

Native - Video Content VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Native - Video App Install Inline,

Native - Video App Install VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Video - Vast Inline,

Video - Vast Wrapper,

VendorVendor FeesOn Google’s AdX, any technical vendor including a 3rd party ad server or measurement vendor need to be declared. Failure to declare technical vendors may result in your creatives being rejected by AdX.

Audio - VAST Inline,

Audio - VAST Wrapper,

Banner - HTML5,

Banner - Image,

Banner - JS Tag,

Banner - MRAID Tag,

Banner - iFrame Tag,

Native - App Promo Icon,

Native - Image App Install,

Native - Image Content,

Native - Video Content Inline,

Native - Video Content VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Native - Video App Install Inline,

Native - Video App Install VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Video - Vast Inline,

Video - Vast Wrapper,

Vendor Fee NameVendor FeesSelect a vendor from the dropdown to associate the fee to.

Audio - VAST Inline,

Audio - VAST Wrapper,

Banner - HTML5,

Banner - Image,

Banner - JS Tag,

Banner - MRAID Tag,

Banner - iFrame Tag,

Native - App Promo Icon,

Native - Image App Install,

Native - Image Content,

Native - Video Content Inline,

Native - Video Content VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Native - Video App Install Inline,

Native - Video App Install VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Video - Vast Inline,

Video - Vast Wrapper,

Fee TypeVendor FeesThere are three types of vendor fees: Default (dollar figure), CPM (select a currency and amount), and Custom Percent.

Audio - VAST Inline,

Audio - VAST Wrapper,

Banner - HTML5,

Banner - Image,

Banner - JS Tag,

Banner - MRAID Tag,

Banner - iFrame Tag,

Native - App Promo Icon,

Native - Image App Install,

Native - Image Content,

Native - Video Content Inline,

Native - Video Content VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Native - Video App Install Inline,

Native - Video App Install VAST/VPAID Wrapper,

Video - Vast Inline,

Video - Vast Wrapper,

Fee AmountVendor FeesConfigure an amount based on the Fee Type selected.

Auto Detect for Creatives

The Auto-Detect feature automatically identifies and applies specific creative attributes to the Creative Attributes workflow section when setting up a creative using a VAST tag. This feature ensures that the correct creative attributes are selected, which can improve the chances of winning an auction by meeting the required creative specifications. It also supports Creative Bulk Upload for videos, where it automatically detects properties in each VAST tag and applies them to the corresponding creative in the bulk upload process.The attributes detected include:

  • Video MIME Types
  • Video API
  • Video Bit Rate
  • Video Ad Duration

Supported Creative Types

Auto-detection is supported for the following creative types:

  • VAST Wrapper
  • Native Video App Install (VAST/VPAID Wrapper)
  • Native Video Content (VAST/VPAID Wrapper)

Interaction with Existing Field Values

The detected attributes interact with existing field values as follows:

  • Video Ad Duration and Video API: Detected values will replace any existing values.
  • Video MIME Types and Video Bit Rate: Detected values will be added to any existing values.

For example, if the Video Ad Duration is manually set to 15 seconds but the detected value is 30 seconds, clicking the "Detect Attributes" button will update the field to 30 seconds. To finalize the update, clicking Save is required to apply the detected attributes.

Line Item Association

  1. To associate line items to this creative, start by clicking the Add Line Item Associations on the upper right hand corner of the screen.

  2. Next, search by line item name or line item ID and select the check box to the left of the line item name to include it. Once finished, click Add Selected

  3. A list view will appear with the associated line items and the following columns:
    Column NameDescription
    Line Item NameName of line item.
    Line Item IDID of line item.
    Association IDGenerated ID for this specific association.
    Association StatusStatus - either Active or Inactive.
    Associated Start/End DateIndividual start and end date for this line item to be associated to the creative.

  4. Once complete, click Save & Continue on the bottom right of the screen.


After completing the General and Line Item Association tabs, the Summary screen will be displayed. This screen will show the information from the previous tabs, along with an Approval Status Table located below.

Approval Status

This table will display any pending or complete approvals for the creative:

Column NameDescription

This column provides a view of the various vendors for which the creative was submitted for approval. Each vendor plays a distinct role in the process. Hovering over each submitted vendor reveals details about their role in the creative approval process.


This column displays the status of creative approvals for the listed vendors. Hovering over each status pill provides an explanation of its meaning.

  • Type
  • Timestamp
  • Status
  • Reason
Resubmit for ApprovalOption to resubmit the creative for approval.

Activity Log

This log is a view of different changes or activity that has been done to this creative. See the table below for the viewable fields:

Column NameDescription
Log IDAn associated Log ID to the specific activity.
CategoryThe location of the change within the Campaign settings.
FieldWhich field in the Campaign settings that was altered.
AddedAny settings added.
RemovedAny settings removed
Action Options include: Update, Create, Delete.
Date & TimeDate & Time of the activity.
User & IDThe User & ID of the user who made the Change.
Review & RestoreRestore a previous version of this activity to be applied to the Campaign.
  • No labels
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