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Sending an order refers to electronically sending a vendor a request to place a media buy. The order request signals the desire to initiate a media buying transaction between the Agency and a vendor, or Order Partner.

When the Order Partner confirms or declines the order, the status of the order within OneStrata is updated accordingly.

The exact process of sending an order depends on how the Order Partner has been configured to receive and confirm orders. There are three types of Order Partners:

  • External Order Partners: Orders are sent to, and confirmed by, the Order Partner outside of OneStrata. For example, by email.
  • In-System Order Partners: Orders are sent to, and confirmed by, the Order Partner within OneStrata, through the Vendor Inbox portal.
  • Auto-Confirmation Order Partners: Orders are sent to the Order Partner within OneStrata, on the Order Details page. As soon as the order is sent, it is immediately considered confirmed.

Start the Order Sending Process

All order requests begin in the same way, by opening the Order Details page of the order, making any desired customizations, and clicking Send.

To start the order request sending process, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Order Details page of the desired order.

  2. Optional: By default, the Order Details page displays the most recent version of the order. If desired, click the Version menu (see Order Details Page > Overview Tab UI Elements, item 3) and select a different order version.

  3. Optional: By default, the Order Details grid, a table that contains information about the committed Schedule lines, uses the default Order Details template. If desired, click the Template menu (see Order Details Page > Overview Tab UI Elements, item 2) and select a different Order Details template.

    Once an order request is sent to the vendor, its Order Details template is "locked" to the order. No other Order Details template can be used for the same order, even in later versions of the order.

  4. Optional: Click Download Version and download the order as a PDF file or Excel spreadsheet.

  5. Click the Send button:

    1. If the vendor is an External Order Partner, clicking Send opens the Request Confirmation Externally widget.

    2. If the vendor is an In-System Order Partner, clicking Send opens the Request Order Partner Confirmation widget.

    3. If the vendor is an Auto Confirmation Order Partner, clicking Send opens the Confirm Order widget.

Send an Order to an External Order Partner

Sending an order to an External Order Partner requires taking some actions within OneStrata and taking some actions outside of OneStrata.

To send an order to an Order Partner with External Confirmation, do the following:

  1. Start the order sending process for the desired order, making sure to download a copy of the order to send to the vendor.

  2. In the Request Confirmation Externally widget, do the following:

    1. For Template, review the selected Order Details template; once an order has been sent, its Order Details template can no longer be changed.

      If desired, choose another Order Details template to use for the order by closing the Request Confirmation Externally widget and using the Template menu. Then, reopen the Request Confirmation Externally widget by clicking the Send button.

    2. Optional: For Add Comment, enter a comment about the order confirmation request. The text that is entered here is internally visible only, and is added to the Comment History section of the order's Order Details page.

    3. Click Send to send the order within OneStrata. On the Orders grid, the status of the order changes from New to Pending.

  3. Outside of OneStrata, send the downloaded order to the vendor and communicate as normal. Once confirmation of the order has been received, return to OneStrata.

  4. On the order's Order Details page, click Confirm to open the Order Confirmed Externally widget.

  5. Within the Order Confirmed Externally widget, do the following:

    1. Optional: For Add Comment, enter a comment about the order confirmation request. The text that is entered is internally visible only, and appears within the Comment History section of the order's Order Details page.

    2. For Upload a Document, upload a document that provides proof of order confirmation. For example, a file that the vendor has provided.

    3. Click Confirm to confirm the order within OneStrata. On the Orders grid, the status of the order changes from Pending to Confirmed.

Send an Order to an In-System Order Partner

To send an order to an Order Partner with In-System Confirmation, do the following:

  1. Start the order sending process for the desired order.

  2. In the Request Order Partner Confirmation widget, do the following:

    1. For Template, review the selected Order Details template; once an order has been sent, its Order Details template can no longer be changed.

      If desired, choose another Order Details template to use for the order by closing the Request Order Partner Confirmation widget and using the Template menu. Then, reopen the Request Order Partner Confirmation widget by clicking the Send button.

    2. For Vendor Contact Email Address, select the email address of the appropriate vendor contact. The contact receives an email notification that there is a new order in Vendor Inbox that they should take action on.

    3. If their email address is not available in the dropdown list, enter the full email address. Orders cannot be sent to any email domains that are not on the list of valid domains for the Order Partner. Valid email domains are managed on the Administration > Entity Management > Order Partners > (Specific Order Partner) > Email Domains tab.

    4. Optional: For Add Comment, enter a comment about the order confirmation request. The text that is entered here is included in the notification email to the vendor contact, and is also added to the Comment History section of the order's Order Details page.

    5. Click Send to send the order to Vendor Inbox. On the Orders grid, the status of the order changes from New to Pending.

  3. Once the vendor confirms the order within Vendor Inbox, the status of the order changes from Pending to Confirmed.

Send an Order Reminder

If a vendor contact for an In-System Order Partner has been sent an order, but has not confirmed or declined the request yet, it may be helpful to send them a reminder to take action in Vendor Inbox.

To send an order reminder, do the following:

  1. On the Order Details page of the desired order, click the Reminder Notification button to open the Reminder Notification widget.

  2. In the Reminder Notification widget, do the following:

    1. Review the Template and Vendor Contact Email Address information.

    2. Optional: For Add Comment, enter a comment about the order confirmation request. The text that is entered here is included in the reminder email to the vendor contact, and is also added to the Comment History section of the order's Order Details page.

    3. Click Send.

The vendor contact receives an email reminding them to confirm or decline the order request.

Reassign the Vendor Contact

If a vendor contact for an In-System Order Partner has been sent an order, it is possible to reassign the responsibility to review the order to another contact.

To reassign the vendor contact, do the following:

  1. On the Order Details page of the desired order, click the Reassign Vendor button to open the Reassign Vendor widget.

  2. In the Reassign Vendor widget, do the following:

    1. Review the Template and Original Vendor Contact Email Address information.

    2. For New Vendor Contact Email Address, select or enter

    3. Optional: For Add Comment, enter a comment about the order confirmation request. The text that is entered here is included in the email to the new vendor contact, and is also added to the Comment History section of the order's Order Details page.

    4. Click Send.

The new vendor contact receives an email informing them that they have been sent an order in Vendor Inbox.

Send an Order to an Auto Confirmation Order Partner

To send an order to an Order Partner with Auto Confirmation, do the following:

  1. Start the order sending process for the desired order.

  2. In the Confirm Order widget, do the following:

    1. For Template, review the selected Order Details template; once an order has been sent, its Order Details template can no longer be changed.

      If desired, choose another Order Details template to use for the order by closing the Confirm Order widget and using the Template menu. Then, reopen the Confirm Order widget by clicking the Send button.

    2. Optional: For Add Comment, enter a comment about the order confirmation request. The text that is entered here is internally visible only, and is added to the Comment History section of the order's Order Details page.

    3. An order with this order partner is configured to be automatically confirmed by the agency. By confirming, I acknowledge my intent to spend the order's current budget with this order partner.

    4. Click Send to send the order. The order is immediately and automatically confirmed, and the status of the order on the Orders grid changes from New to Confirmed.
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