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Starting September 30, 2024, all Oracle products, including BlueKai, MOAT, and Grapeshot segments, as well as MOAT post bid measurement, will no longer be available on the Beeswax platform. If this impacts you, Beeswax account teams are available to assist in finding alternative options. For questions, please contact your Beeswax account representative.

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Line items are the actual workhorse of the Campaign. These are configured with different targeting criteria to help an ad reach the right viewer. 

Creating a Line Item

  1. Start by navigating to TraffickingLine Items, and selecting "New Line Item".

  2. A window will open asking to define certain criteria for the Line Item. These fields include:

    Field NameDefinition
    AdvertiserSelect an Advertiser to associate this Line Item to.
    CampaignSelect a Campaign for this Line Item to operate under.
    Line Item NameThis should should correspond with the purpose of this Line Item. I.e." Banner for"
    Line Item TypeLine item type can be either Banner, Video, or Native. The selected type will only allow creatives with that file type to run on this line Item. For example, a banner creative may only run on a Line Item with "Banner" selected as the Line Item Type. Mobile campaigns can be set up as either “video” or “banner” depending on the creative format being used.
    Programmatic Guaranteed"Yes" or "No" toggle. A Programmatic Guaranteed line item will have a guaranteed revenue outcome. 

  3. Next, the creation screen will appear. Below are the three tabs with their corresponding fields that will help complete the Line Item creation process. 

General Tab

Essential Settings

These settings are important in defining the key components of the Line Item activity behavior.

Field NameDescription
Start DateWhen this Line Item will begin being eligible to serve.
End DateWhen this Line Item will no longer be eligible to serve.
Budget TypeBudget types at the Line Item level can be of type “Spend” (dollar amount) or “Impressions” (number of impressions). Line Item budget types do not have to be the same as Campaign budget types.
BudgetOverall budget of the Line Item. The budget of an individual Line Item can not exceed the Campaign budget.
Daily BudgetDaily budget cap of the Line Item. Daily budget must be high enough to allow entire budget to spend over the dates of the Line Item.
Bidding Strategy

Bidding strategy to use for this Line Item. A Line Item can only have one Bidding strategy. Either Flat CPM, CPC, Goal, or CPA Goal. Learn more about Bidding Strategies.

When selecting CPA Goal (Cost Per Acquisition) bidding strategy, a conversion event (Creating an Event Tag) must be created prior. The event pixel must have at least 1,000 Beeswax-attributed conversions within the last 30 days to be used in the CPA bidding strategy. Learn more about CPA here.

PacingDetermines how your budget is spent through the life of the campaign. Can be Daily, Lifetime, Flight, or None. 
Custom Bidding AgentToggle "Yes" or "No" to activate a custom bidding agent.
Alternative IDA separately created ID that may be used for outside reporting purposes.
NotesFree text field to apply notes relevant to the line item.


Line item flights allow for granular control over the timing of line item delivery. Flights can strictly control delivery time frames, and can each have their own budget. The budget type is inherited from the line item and total budget of all flights cannot exceed the line item’s budget. 

Creating a Line Item Flight

Start by navigating to Line Items > click line item name > click General tab. From this screen, complete the essential settings section and then select Flights.

From the General tab, there will be an option to choose the pacing for the flight once the bidding strategy has been selected on the line item. Pacing is a required field for the flight.

Once pacing is selected, a view will expand that displays the line item flight information:

  1. To get started, choose a 'budget carry over' setting. See below for an explanation of the selectable options from this dropdown:

    For any of the three options, once the flight is over by 12 hours, the un-used budget on the flight will be allocated to future flights based on the carry-over type selected:

    None: Selected by default. No budget will carry over to the next flight. Additionally, you will be able to set a planned budget of custom or spend all.

    Add To next flight: Add all the remaining budget to the next available flight’s budget.  

    Distribute evenly: Any remaining budget will be distributed evenly to current and future flights. Each flight will receive the same amount of budget. 

    Prorated by length:  The remaining budget will be distributed prorated to the length of each future flight, meaning the longer flight will receive more carried-over budget than a shorter flight.

  2. Next, fill out the flight's table information below the Budget Carry Over dropdown.
    1. Enter a flight name.
    2. Select a start and end date (Required).
    3. Enter a planned budget amount (Required).

    4. Review the Approximate Post Flight Remaining budget below the 'End Date' field. This number takes the amount of budget from the line item and subtracts what is spent from your flights. Ensure the remaining budget is not negative.

      A planned budget can be either: Custom or Spend All. Only a budget carry over of type none will allow you to choose spend all.

  3. There will be an option to create another flight from this screen. Once done creating flights, select Save and Continue to finish setting up the line item.

Flight Summary

Once flight is completed, select the summary tab and navigate to Essential Settings within the line item to view the flight's settings. 

  • View the budget carry over selection and flights that have been set up.
  • To edit/view a flight, select that flight to be redirected to the general tab.

Flight Quick Stats

Flight quick stats will enhance the data insights offered when working with flights. This includes the following: 

Budget Information

  • Planned Budget
    • Planned budget means the budget planned to spend for that individual flight.

  • Carryover Budget

    • Carry over will display the carry over amount from the previous flight(s).

  • Total Flight

    • Total Flight Budget will show the sum of planned budget and budget carry over column.


  • Spend
    • The spend column will show the total amount spent for that flight.

  • Impressions
    • The impressions will show the total amount of impressions for that flight.

  • OSI
    • The on schedule indicator for that flight.

Rules for Flights

  • Line Item Flights are validated to assure that both the time intervals and budgets make logical sense: 
  • Two flights within the same Line Item cannot have overlapping date ranges. 
  • Flights cannot start before the Line Item start_date. 
  • Flights cannot end after the Line Item end_date.
  • The total budget of all flights cannot exceed the budget of the Line Item. 

Frequency Cap

When trafficking a Line Item, users have the option of setting a Frequency Cap to restrict the number of times a particular ad will be shown to a particular user. Frequency is typically determined by the ID found in the bidRequest.user.buyeruserID or device.ifa openRTB fields, which correspond to the Beeswax cookie ID on web traffic, and the mobile device ID on in-app traffic. Additionally, Beeswax has optional support for enhanced frequency capping on IP Address, IDFV, proprietary customer IDs, and cross device IDs.

Field NameDescription
ID Type

Select the level of ID for which the frequency cap will be applied:

  • Standard
  • IP Adress
  • Customer ID
  • Person ID
  • Household ID
Use Fallback"Yes" or "No" toggle.
Adding the Frequency CapConfigure how many ads may display every certain time period for this Line Item.

Vendor Fees

Be sure to account for any vendor fees that may be associated to this Line Item. Fees may include FreeWheel Identity Network, or other data providers.

Field NameDescription
VendorSelect the Vendor associated with this fee via dropdown.
Vendor Fee NameAssociate a free-text field name for this Fee.
Fee TypeOptions include: Default, Custom CPM, Custom Percent.
Fee AmountAdjust the fee amount that will be allocated to this Line Item.
Custom Event Association

To associate an Event, the event must be set to allow only selected Line Items for attribution

If an event has been created on the Account, it will be selectable to apply to this Line Item. To learn more, see Events


On a line item, there is an option set a Revenue value, which can be used to report on the revenue made from running a given Campaign. Profit margin is then able to be calculated by subtracting the spend from the Revenue.  

Revenue is calculated according to one of four calculations:

  1. CPM - Cost Per Mille
  2. CPC - Cost Per Click. 
  3. CPCV - Cost Per Complete View
  4. CPA/CPI - Cost Per Acquisition/Installation

Learn more about Revenue.


The targeting tab helps define certain targeting requirements so that the ad gets displayed to the correct audience. 


To learn more about Modifiers, please see Delivery Modifiers and Bid Modifiers.

Bid Modifier

Field NameDefinition
NameName the modifier to be relevant to the certain modifier terms selected. I.e. Language Modifier
AdvertiserSelect an Advertiser via dropdown to associate the modifier to. Modifiers can be applied to the account level, or to an Advertiser.
Bid ModelMatching Bid Model’s values will be multiplied with Bid Modifier terms. Learn more about Bid Models.
Max BidFinal bid prices will be capped at this value.
Min BidFinal bid prices will be floored at this value.
Alternative IDSeparately created ID for use of external reporting purposes.
NotesAny desired notes about this modifier.
Add Bid Modifier TermsHere is where multiple targeting fields may be selected and applied to the Modifier.

Delivery Modifier

Field NameDescription
NameName the modifier to be relevant to the certain modifier terms selected. I.e. Language Modifier
AdvertiserSelect an Advertiser via dropdown to associate the modifier to. Modifiers can be applied to the account level, or to an Advertiser.
Modifier TypeModify with either Terms or Model. Choosing terms will allow a manual selection of Targeting requirements. A Delivery Model can be used in place of Modifier Terms, and requires choosing a Delivery Model and Fallback Weight. Learn more about Delivery Models.
NotesAny desired notes about this modifier.
Alternative IDSeparately created ID for use of external reporting purposes.
Add Delivery Modifier TermsHere is where multiple targeting fields may be selected and applied to the Modifier.

Bulk Edit Modifiers

To bulk edit Modifiers, select the checkbox next to the desired line items for Modifier bulk edit. Next, a button will appear at the bottom of the screen called "Bulk Edit". Select the button and click "Creative Association". The following screen will allow users to edit the following fields below: 

Bid Modifiers:

  • Bid Modifier
  • Max bid
  • Min bid

Delivery Modifiers:

  • Delivery Modifier
  • Fallback weight

Apply changes by clicking "Save and close" for the creatives to update.

Creative Association

Here is where the association of a creative to a line item occurs. See, Creatives to learn more.

Column NameDescription
Creative Name & IDDisplays the name and ID applied to the creative.
Association IDID of this specific association used for reporting
Creative ThumbnailThumbnail uploaded representing the creative.
Creative StatusEither Active or Inactive.
Association WeightWeight is used to control the relative likelihood that a given creative is chosen when one or more creatives matches and the Creative Weighting Method is 'Weighted'. Best practice is for the weights of all creatives of a single format/size to add up to 100.
Creative Start DateStarting date for eligibility of this creative to serve.
Creative End DateEnd date for eligibility of this creative to serve.
Association Start DateStart date for when this creative may be associated to the given line item.
Association End DateEnd date for when this creative may be associated to the given line item.


The summary tab will show an overview of the selected settings for the created line item. There is an option to save Essential Settings as a Line Item Preset, which will be a selectable grouping of settings able to be applied to a future created line item.


The Analytics tab displays two charts, Real Time Stats and Bid Decision Flow graphs. These charts display information about the line item to better help understand its performance.

Real Time Stats

The stats here are represented in both a "Bids and Wins" chart, which shows a real time numerical count of both bids and wins on the given line item, and a "Spend" chart that displays Budget, Total Spend, and Incremental Spend. For a historical view on these numbers, there is a "Lookback Range" dropdown that will adjust the charts to anywhere from the last 1-72 hours. Be sure to click Refresh to view the most recent and relevant data.

Bid Decision Flow

A number of factors can contribute to why a line item may not be bidding. Given the multitude of permutations for setting up and optimizing line items in Beeswax, it can be difficult to narrow down the cause of delivery issues. Bid Decision Flow is a diagnostic tool for troubleshooting line item performance that provides a graph of the auction data being sent to the customer’s bidder and visualizes how the bidding system chose to respond to auctions within a given lookback window. This lookback range may be adjust between 1-72 hours, similarly to Real Time Stats. To learn more, see Bid Decision Flow.

Activity Log

This log is a view of different changes an activity that has been done to this selected Line Item. See the table below for the viewable fields:

Column NameDescription
Log IDAn associated Log ID to the specific activity.
CategoryThe location of the change within the Campaign settings.
FieldWhich field in the Campaign settings that was altered.
AddedAny settings added.
RemovedAny settings removed
Action Options include: Update, Create, Delete.
Date & TimeDate & Time of the activity.
User & IDThe User & ID of the user who made the Change.
Review & RestoreRestore a previous version of this activity to be applied to the Campaign.
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