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After creating a Campaign and assigning an advertiser, the next step in the trafficking workflow is to create line items to associate with a campaign. A line item serves the specific purpose of controlling buying activity and targeting criteria. The performance of a line item can also be tracked using the Analytics tool by selecting the "Line Item ID" dimension in the report scope.

The line item is important for successful campaign delivery and requires efficient setup. To learn how to correctly set up a line item, please refer to Create a Line Item.

Accessing Line Items Page

To access the Line Items page, navigate to Trafficking > Line Items at the top of the screen in Beeswax. Alternatively, line items can be accessed by clicking the pill next to the campaign or advertiser name on their respective list views.

Line Items List View

The list view fields are default columns. To manage and edit these columns, click the kebob on the top right of the list view and click Manage Columns.

List View Fields

Column NameDescription
Name & IDName and associated ID for the created line item.
CreativesDisplays the number of associated creatives with the given line item. Clicking this field will navigate users to the Creative Association tab under line item settings.
StatusEither "Active" or "Inactive".
Delivery Status

Current status of line item performance. Options include:

  • Winning
  • Not Winning
  • Not Bidding

Displays how the line item was set up to deliver the creative. Options include:

  • Banner
  • Video
  • Native
  • Audio 

Total budget and remaining budget for the line item.

The bottom number displayed in green is the remaining budget.

Start/End DateStart and end dates for the line item flight.

OSI (On Schedule Indicator)

(Scroll right to view in UI)

Displays what percentage of spend has been used throughout the line item's flight. Also included is a percentage of spend and amount of days left on the flight.

Today Spend

(Scroll right to view in UI)

Amount spent for the line item on the day of viewing.

Lifetime Spend

(Scroll right to view in UI)

Amount spent over the course of the line item's flight.

Quick Filters

While in the line item list view, quick filters are available to apply on the left side of the screen. These filters will control which line items are displayed on the list view. Available filters are found below:

Filter NameDescription
ActiveFilters to display active line items only.
WinningFilters to display line items with a delivery status of "Winning", meaning the line item is winning bids.
Not WinningFilters to display line items with a delivery status of "Not Winning", meaning the line item is not winning bids.
Not BiddingFilters to display line items with a delivery status of "Not Bidding".
Spent TodayFilters to display line items that have spent on day of viewing.

Under Pacing

Filters to display line items that are performing under pacing, relative to the OSI.
Associated CreativesFilters to display line items with at least one creative associated to it.
Edited TodayFilters to display line items that were edited today.
Ending Within 7 DaysFilters to display line items that will no longer run within 7 days.
Out of BudgetFilters to display line items with no remaining budget.
Favorites OnlyFilters to display line items that have been favorited. This is done by clicking the star to the left of the line item name.
BudgetFilter line items by budget amount. This is done by inputing a minimum and maximum integer in this field.

Line Item Features

Below are the features relative to line items that are usable during creation or while in the list view.


The Analytics tab displays two charts, Real Time Stats and Bid Decision Flow graphs. These charts display information about the line item to better help understand its performance.

Real Time Stats

The stats here are represented in both a "Bids and Wins" chart, which shows a real time numerical count of both bids and wins on the given line item, and a "Spend" chart that displays Budget, Total Spend, and Incremental Spend. For a historical view on these numbers, there is a "Lookback Range" dropdown that will adjust the charts to anywhere from the last 1-72 hours. Be sure to click Refresh to view the most recent and relevant data.

Bid Decision Flow

A number of factors can contribute to why a line item may not be bidding. Given the multitude of permutations for setting up and optimizing line items in Beeswax, it can be difficult to narrow down the cause of delivery issues. Bid Decision Flow is a diagnostic tool for troubleshooting line item performance that provides a graph of the auction data being sent to the customer’s bidder and visualizes how the bidding system chose to respond to auctions within a given lookback window. This lookback range may be adjust between 1-72 hours, similarly to Real Time Stats. To learn more, see Bid Decision Flow.

Line Item Preset

Presets are created once a group of settings for a line item are saved as a preset after creation. This is done from the Summary tab on the upper right hand corner. Once that preset is created, it may be used on other line items as a seamless way to apply the same settings. To use a preset on a line item, see below:

  1. From the line Item General tab > click Select Line Item Preset on the top right of the screen.

  2. Search by name or select from a list on the left hand of the screen.

  3. Once a preset has been clicked on, the settings that will carry over will be displayed in a preview on the right side of the screen.

  4. One the desired preset is selected, click Apply Preset on the lower right hand corner. 

Quick Stats

The Quick Stats panel appears on the right-side of the General, Targeting, Analytics, and Summary pages during Line Item creation. This table below displays the information found in Quick Stats.

Field NameDefinition
Bids & WinsThis graph pulls data of the past six hours of the line item performance.
On Schedule Index

This chart displays the following information:

  • Time % - Hours past / Total hours 
  • Budget % (Progress bar calculation / Number on the bottom left) - (Flight Spend / Total Flight Budget)  
  • Index calculation -  Budget % / Time %
Start Date - End DateStart and End date of Line Item.
Total Budget/Daily BudgetDisplays two numbers of both the budget for the total line item, and current daily budget.
Total Spend/Remaining BudgetDisplays two numbers of both the total Spend and remaining budget of the line item.
Total ImpressionsTotal number of impressions received for this this line item so far.
Performance Report

This is a clickable link that curates a report from the last seven days with the following information:

  • Day
  • Creative ID
  • Impressions
  • Spend
  • Clicks
  • CTR
  • Video Complete Percent
Creatives AssociatedThe total number of Creatives associated with the Line Item. This displays the specific creatives along with links that navigate directly to them.

Line Item Health Check

Line item health check provides notifications upfront when a line item may not be serving. These notifications are displayed in the summary, targeting, creative association and summary tabs under the header. 

Each notification on the summary page is a redirect link that redirects to the page where the issue is occurring.

There are two main types of notifications:

  • Critical Notifications are displayed in red and should be fixed immediately
  • Severe Notifications display in yellow and identify line-item criteria that may prevent a line item from serving. Severe notifications are dismissible.

For additional information on this feature, visit Line Item Doctor

In-Line Edit

In-Line Edit allows the editing of line items right from the list view screen. To begin editing, toggle the Edit Mode button on the right side of the screen next to Manage Columns. Once the toggle is enabled, the following fields are able to be edited:

  • Name
  • Status
  • Budget
  • Start/End dates

Click Save Change to save your updates or Cancel to disregard any edits that were made.

Warning Opt-Out

The  "Warning Opt out" allows users to opt-out of warnings presented to them when configuring line items. Click the Don't ask me again checkbox to remove the warning from a workflow for faster line item enablement.  After "Don't ask me again" has been clicked, the notification will re-appear on the following page for five seconds. In order to subscribe, click the desired checkbox and select save anyway.

  • No labels
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