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Starting September 30, 2024, all Oracle products, including BlueKai, MOAT, and Grapeshot segments, as well as MOAT post bid measurement, will no longer be available on the Beeswax platform. If this impacts you, Beeswax account teams are available to assist in finding alternative options. For questions, please contact your Beeswax account representative.

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This page provides instructions on how to create a delivery modifier within the Buzz UI.


Follow these steps to get started with a Delivery Modifier with Terms:

1. Select “+New > Modifier”.

2. Enter the Modifier name.

3. Select the Advertiser ID the Modifier will be associated with. To create an account level Modifier, do not select an advertiser from the dropdown.

4. Click "Add Delivery Modifier Terms", and then select the targeting keys. You can select up to three targeting key/value pairs per Term. Further, all Terms in a Delivery Modifier must use matching sets of targeting keys. For example, if one Term uses the country and domain targeting keys, another Term can’t use publisher_id and device_type.

A Delivery Modifier can have up to three different targeting keys. If you require more than 3 targeting keys to shape your spending, consider using a Delivery Model instead.

There is a maximum of 100 rows in a Delivery Modifier.

5. Go to the Line Item (or Campaign), and associate the Delivery Modifier to it from the “Overview” page.

6. A Fallback Weight value of 0 ensures we deliver strictly to the criteria within the model.

Fallback Weight

For every Delivery Modifier, a Fallback Weight value is required, which will be the weight that is associated with any auctions that matched targeting but do not necessarily match a row in the model or delivery modifier terms (similar to a Default Bid for Bid Models and Modifiers). It is recommended to set the default to 1 in order to fulfill the budget. You can set the Fallback Weight Value to 0 to ensure that auctions outside of the model/modifier terms will not be bid on, but doing this may increase the likelihood of under-delivery.

Budget Cap

Budget Caps can be used to set hard limits on the amount that a single Term can spend. For example, if you want to spend 25% but not more than 50% of your budget on a particular domain, you could configure a Delivery Modifier with a Budget Cap. The value of a Budget Cap represents the maximum percent of the budget that can be spent on a Term.

In order to avoid under-delivery, it is not possible to set a budget cap that is lower than the Term’s allocated budget percent based on weight. If a Term’s weighted budget percent is 20% then its Budget Cap must be greater than or equal to 20.

Combining Modifier Terms & Models

While possible with Bid Models and Bid Modifiers, Delivery Models and Delivery Modifiers can not be combined. However, you will be able to combine a Delivery Modifier with a Bid Modifier.


The Priority field is used to break ties when multiple Delivery Modifier Terms match a given impression. Spend will be attributed to the highest priority Term. If the highest priority term is delivering on pace then the spend will be attributed to the second-highest priority term, and so on.

Expand Delivery Modifier Terms

The values associated with a List Item in a Custom List can be used by a Delivery Modifier. If there is no value set on the list item, then the default modifier on the entire list will be used. However, values assigned to user-segment associations in a segment are not currently utilized with delivery modifiers. 

User Time of Week 

Delivery can be allocated at an hour level using the User Time of Week targeting key.

User Time of Week is compatible with all other Delivery Modifier targeting keys. For example: You can configure expressions such as “Spend 20% of my budget on this Domain List, in this City, during the hours of 3 PM - 10 PM on Saturday and Sunday.”

The "Any Value" option is not available as this may cause an overlap issue with other terms.

There can be under delivery risk if Delivery Modifier terms do not align with a Line Item's flight schedule or User Time of Week configuration. User Time of Week delivery allocation operates independently of Flights and User Time of Week targeting. The budget will not be spent if you use Targeting or Flights to only deliver on Mondays and use Delivery Modifiers to only deliver on Fridays.

The Fallback Weight works as usual, setting a Fallback Weight greater than 0 will allow some spend outside the User Time of Week window defined in the Modifier.

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