Use * syntax for faster search

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Assign a Search Provider to a Cost Line

Search providers are assigned to individual Cost Lines on the media schedule of a campaign through the Supplier field on the Schedule grid. When such a Cost Line is committed, it becomes available on the Search grid.

To assign a Search provider to a Cost Line, do the following:

  1. Open the campaign that creates the desired Cost Line.

  2. Navigate to the Schedule tab.

  3. On the Schedule grid, for Supplier, select a Supplier entity that is linked to a Search provider. External integration providers are managed by FreeWheel. To set up or manage an external integration provider, contact your OneStrata representative.

View the Details of a Linked Search Campaign

To view information about an external search campaign that a OneStrata Cost Line is linked to, do the following:

  1. Open the desired campaign.

  2. Navigate to the Search dashboard.

  3. Select the desired Cost Line.

  4. Click the View Link button to open the View Link widget.

In the View Link widget, the following information about the linked search campaign is available:

Field NameDescription
AdvertiserThe name of the advertiser, as used by the Search provider.
NameThe name of the search campaign, as used by the Search provider.
Date RangeThe start and end dates of the search campaign, as defined within the external search advertising platform.
Budget Amount

The budget of the search campaign, as defined within the external search advertising platform.

View the Delivery Metrics of a Linked Search Campaign


If a Cost Line is linked to a search campaign, the search campaign's delivery metrics (vendor delivery cost and number of delivered units) are available on the Standard Actualization grid, located on the Actualization tab.

To view the delivery metrics of a linked search campaign, do the following:

  1. Open the desired campaign.

  2. Navigate to the campaign's Actualization tab. By default, the Actualization tab opens on the Standard Actualization grid.

  3. On the Standard Actualization grid, do the following:

    1. Identify the Actualization grid line that represents the Cost Line linked to the search campaign, using the (Cost Line) ID or External ID values.

    2. If necessary, scroll horizontally until the Site Cost and Site Unit columns are reached.

      The Site Cost field displays the linked search campaign's vendor delivery cost, and the Site Unit field displays the linked search campaign's number of delivered units. For more information, see Standard Actualization Grid Reference.
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