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Media Campaigns Page UI Elements

The Media Campaigns page is a list of an Agency's campaigns.




Filters icon

Click to open the filter pane and filter through the list of all campaigns.


Search bar

Search for a campaign by:

  • Name: The name of the campaign.
  • ID: The identifier of the campaign.
  • EID (external ID): The external identifier of the campaign.
  • Estimate EID: The external identifier of any estimate linked to a campaign.
3Show archived Media Campaigns checkbox

Select to display campaigns that have been archived on the Media Campaigns Grid.

4Create From Campaign Group Id button

Click to create a media campaign and immediately add it to a Campaign Group.

5Create Media Campaign button
6Media Campaign grid

A list of an Agency's media campaigns.

For more information, see Media Campaigns Grid Reference.

Media Campaigns Grid Reference

Column Name


Status (Campaign Status)

By default, only campaigns with an Active status are displayed on the Media Campaigns grid,

The status of the campaign:

  • Active: The campaign is not archived.

  • Archived: The campaign was auto-archived. Campaigns are automatically archived when the end date of the campaign is six months in the past.

  • Manually Archived: The campaign was manually archived. 
ID / Name

Name (Campaign Name): The name of the campaign.

ID (Campaign ID): The unique, OneStrata identification number of the campaign.

EID (Campaign External ID): The external identification number of the campaign, if any.


The flight dates of the campaign.

Media Spend / Budget

A summary of committed spend, planned spend, and the campaign budget:

  • Committed spend: The sum of schedule lines with a status of Committed
  • Planned spend: The sum of all schedule lines with a status of Committed or Draft
Assigned Owner

The OneStrata user assigned to the campaign.

Campaign Group

The Campaign Group of the campaign, if any.

Client Hierarchy

The name and code of the Client Group (if any) and Client associated with the campaign.

Product Hierarchy

The name and code of the Product Group (if any) and Product associated with the campaign.


The Media Type of the campaign.

Agency / Business Unit

The Agency and Business Unit associated with the campaign.

Creation Date

The date that the campaign was created within OneStrata.

  • No labels
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