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The Advertiser View page provides a read-only, customizable view of a schedule that can be downloaded and shared with clients or retained for internal documentation purposes.

Access the Advertiser View Page of a Schedule

To access the Advertiser View page of a particular schedule, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Schedule tab of the desired campaign.

  2. Optional: If the campaign does multiple schedule options, use the Schedule Option list to change which schedule option is displayed in the Schedule grid.

  3. Click the Advertiser View button.

Advertiser View Page UI Elements

The Advertiser View page summarizes essential campaign information to facilitate review and approvals with the client. 

The Advertiser View page contains the following elements:



1Campaign Approvals section

Displays any required Advertiser Approvals and Agency Approvals.

Use this widget to action these approvals and download approval documentation. Approval requirements are enabled via Application Settings in Administration.

2Campaign sectionGeneral campaign information
3Client - Agency sectionClient and Agency details such as contact information and logos.

Advertiser View Schedule grid

Schedule details, with expandable and collapsible displayed cost lines.

Advertiser View Billing Summary grid

Aggregated costs, based on number of months in the campaign.
6Terms & Conditions section

The set of Terms & Conditions associated with the campaign.

Click the link to download a PDF copy of the Terms & Conditions.

7Close buttonClick to exit the Advertiser View page and return to the Schedule tab.
8Download buttonClick to download the Advertiser View page as an Excel sheet.

Advertiser View Schedule Grid Reference

The Advertiser View Schedule grid displays some—but not all—schedule details. with an focus on the details that are most relevant for clients.

The table below describes the default Advertiser View Schedule grid columns. If a OneStrata enterprise has created their own custom Advertiser View template, the Advertiser View Schedule grid may contain fewer or more columns, in a different order.

For more information, see Advertiser View Template and Input Types.

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Input Type

Column Name



Line Type

The type of Schedule Grid line.



The status of the Schedule grid line.


Start Date

The start date of the Schedule grid line.


End Date

The end date of the Schedule grid line.



The Supplier entity assigned to the Schedule grid line.



The name of the Schedule grid line.



The format type of the Schedule grid line.


Format Dimension

The dimensions of the Schedule grid line.

  • If Format is a display type like Square or Banner, the Format Dimension value is in pixel dimensions
  • If Format is a video type like Preroll or Midroll, the Format Dimension value is in seconds


Cost Category

The Cost Category assigned to the Schedule grid line.


Rate Type

The pricing model by which the Schedule Grid line is purchased, such as CPM (Impressions)CPC (Clicks), or Fixed.

The Rate Type value determines the type of unit represented in the Units value, and is required before entering rate, units, or cost information.


Client Net Rate (CC)

The cost per unit that the client is charged.



The number of units being purchased.


Client Net Cost (CC)

The amount that the client is charged for the media purchases, after any discounts are applied but before any commission or taxes are added.


Unit Calendar bars

A high-level summary and visual representation of a Schedule grid line's flight periods or billing periods

For more information, see Unit Calendar Bars.


Client Commission Rule

The Commission record applied to the Schedule grid line, if any.

Depending on Commission record settings, campaign settings, and Schedule grid line values, a default Commission record may be automatically applied.


Client Commission Cost (CC)

The amount of commission that the client is charged.


Client Total Cost (CC)

The amount that the client is charged, after any discounts are applied and commission is added, but before any taxes are added.

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