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The Financial Orders Management page provides a high-level overview of all financial orders, including their current export status with any integrated financial or media finance systems.

Access the Financial Order Management page

Access the Financial Order Management page from the top navigation bar under Finance, or from the Welcome home page under the Finance section.

Financial Order Management Page UI Reference

The Financial Order Management page displays a list of all financial orders.

Financial Order Management Page UI Elements 


Depending on how your Enterprise is configured, financial orders are grouped by campaign and then by estimate, or by estimate and then by campaign.

By default, the list of all financial orders has all rows expanded:

  • If all rows are expanded, click to collapse all rows
  • If all rows are collapsed, click to expand all rows

Filters icon

Click to open the filter pane and filter through the list of all financial orders


Search bar

Search for:

  • A campaign by campaign ID
  • An estimate by estimate ID
  • A campaign or estimate by name
  • A campaign or estimate or External ID (EID)
4Cost Types Options

Select a Cost Type to update how values in the Total Cost column are displayed.

Changing the Cost Type that is displayed does not change how the financial order is exported; all Cost Types are included in the exported financial order.

There are five Cost Types options:

  • Vendor GrossThe amount that the vendor quotes, before any standard discounts are applied and any taxes are added.
  • Vendor Net: The amount that the vendor charges for the media purchase(s), after any discounts are applied but before any taxes are added.
  • Client Gross: The amount that the client is quoted, before any discounts are applied.
  • Client Net: The amount that the client is charged for the media purchases, after any discounts are applied but before any commission or taxes are added.
  • Client Total with Tax: The amount that the client is charged, after any discounts are applied and after any commission or taxes are added.

Export Financial Order button 



Click to manually export selected financial orders:

  • If no financial orders are selected, the Export Financial Order button is inactive.
  • If one or more financial orders are selected, the Export Financial Order button is active.


Financial Order Management (FOM) Grid

A list of all financial orders, grouped by Estimate and Media Campaign.

For more information, see Financial Order Management (FOM) Grid Reference.

Financial Order Management (FOM) Grid Reference

Column nameDescription

Checkbox column

Click the checkbox of a financial order row to select the financial order


The name of the estimate associated with the financial order, including:

  • ID (Estimate ID): The OneStrata identification number of the estimate
  • EID (External ID): The identification number of the estimate used by an external media finance system, such as SBMS
Media Campaign

The name of the media campaign associated with the estimate, including:

  • ID (Campaign ID): The OneStrata identification number of the media campaign
Financial Order ID

The OneStrata identification number of the financial order

Financial Order Status

The export (sent and uploaded) status of the financial order to an external media finance system, such as SBMS:

  • Unsent: The newest financial order version has not been sent or uploaded to an external media finance system
  • Sent: The newest financial order version was successfully sent and uploaded to an external media finance system
  • Failed: The newest financial order version was sent to an external media finance system, but was not successfully uploaded

Export Summarization

The summarization type of the financial order when it is exported or uploaded to an external media finance system:

  • Detailed: The exported financial order includes all information for all schedule cost lines
  • Summary: The exported financial order summarizes schedule cost line information into one line per supplier per month

The Financial Order Export Summarization setting is managed by OneStrata. To edit this setting, contact your OneStrata representative.

Status Message

More information about the financial order, depending on the value of Financial Order Status:

  • If Financial Order Status is Unsent:
  • If Financial Order Status is Sent, the status message confirms that financial order was successfully exported to the external media finance.
    • For example, "BillingPeriod 123: Successfully created in SBMS".

  • If Financial Order Status is Failed, the status message contains troubleshooting information.
    • For example, "Order : Cannot determine order module". 


The Agency associated with the financial order

Business Unit

The Business Unit associated with the financial order


The Client associated with the financial order

Client Group

The Client Group associated with the financial order, if any


The Media Type associated with the financial order


The Payee associated with the financial order

Order Partner

The Order Partner associated with the financial order


The Supplier associated with the financial order

Start Date

The Start Date associated with the financial order

End Date

The End Date associated with the financial order


The currency type associated with the financial order

Cost Type

The Cost Type of the financial order:

  • Vendor GrossThe amount that the vendor quotes, before any standard discounts are applied and any taxes are added.
  • Vendor Net: The amount that the vendor charges for the media purchase(s), after any discounts are applied but before any taxes are added.
  • Client Gross: The amount that the client is quoted, before any discounts are applied.
  • Client Net: The amount that the client is charged for the media purchases, after any discounts are applied but before any commission or taxes are added.
  • Client Total with Tax: The amount that the client is charged, after any discounts are applied and after any commission or taxes are added.

Total Cost

The total cost of the financial order, campaign or estimate, in the selected Cost Type

Financial Order Version

The order version of the financial order.

New financial order versions are triggered by:

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