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List of Features and Updates

About the Release

Release Date: October 8, 2024

Other Information

Targeting Support for Content Genre

What is it? An additional targeting field called Content Genre is available that enables advertisers to target and report on content genre across all video supply, allowing for more relevant ad placements. A Beeswax-defined taxonomy for content genres will be regularly updated and added to the platform to ensure accuracy. 

How am I affected? This feature is gated by a feature flag. To enable this feature, contact your Beeswax account representative.

Resource(s) Content Targeting

Integration of Experian Third-Party Segments with Beeswax

What is it?  This is a new integration of Experian’s third-party (3P) segments and audiences into the Beeswax platform. This enhancement allows all Beeswax customers to access and activate Experian’s audience segments seamlessly.

How am I affected? This change is automatically applied to all accounts; no action is required.

Bulk Line Item Import

What is it? A new Bulk Line Item Import feature is available in the Beeswax platform, allowing users to efficiently manage multiple line items after they have been exported. This feature enables the option to import line items directly from a CSV file, supporting all line item settings.  All settings can be easily managed, allowing users to create and upload new line items directly into the platform. This streamlines the overall operational workflow for managing line items.

How am I affected? This change is automatically applied to all accounts; no action is required.

Resource(s) Line Item Import

Revamped Creative Workflow

What is it? Beeswax has introduced several enhancements to improve creative management. A new creative module, an improved asset uploader with auto-detection features that streamline file handing and reduce errors, and more efficient HTML5 creative uploads with support using a zip file. Additionally, support for pre-approving PMP FW creatives was added and a new approval status table that outlines key details. Overall, these updates make it easier to create, edit, and track creatives more effectively.

How am I affected? This feature is gated by a feature flag. To enable this feature, contact your Beeswax account representative.

Resource(s) Create a New Creative

Audio Support for Line Items and Creatives

What is it? Beeswax now supports audio advertising, introducing a powerful new channel for enhancing omnichannel campaigns. Access to global audio inventory through Triton enables reach to highly engaged audiences on premium audio platforms. A new audio creative template simplifies ad creation, while dedicated tools for trafficking and reporting streamline campaign management and optimization.

How am I affected? This feature is gated by a feature flag. To enable this feature, contact your Beeswax account representative.

Resource(s) Create a Line Item, Create a New Creative

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