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Line Item Import allows for bulk action editing and adding of line items. This is done by either exporting line items and making changes on a .CVS, or downloading the template and adding line items from scratch. It is recommended to select line items for export and add updates to that exported file.

How to Create a New Line Item

Note: Editing in Excel may cause formatting issues.

  1. To create a new line item, either use the template, or export selected line items to .CSV. 

    the Line Item ID column must be left blank when creating new line items.

  2. Next, line item details must be entered to the required columns when creating either an inactive or active line item. For information on what values should be entered in these fields, see Line Item Export.

    Please see below for the required details for each option:

    Required fields for Inactive line items:

    Required fields for Active line items:

    • Advertiser ID
    • Campaign ID
    • Line item name
    • Line item status
    • Line item type
    • Advertiser ID
    • Campaign ID
    • Line item name
    • Line item status
    • Line item type
    • Start Date
    • Budget type
    • Budget amount
    • Bidding strategy
    • Bidding Values
    • Enter at least ONE targeting setting
    • Associate at least one ACTIVE creative

  3. When entering multiple values in the same column, use a ";" to separate the values

  4. Once the desired values have been entered to the relative columns, save the file as a .CSV so it may be uploaded. 

How to Edit Line Items

When editing line item details on the spreadsheet, the following fields are not able to be edited:

  • Advertiser ID
  • Campaign ID
  • Line item type
  • If flights are set up:
    • Flight ID
  • If Vendors are set up:
    • Vendor ID
  1. When editing the columns for line items, please refer to Line Item Export for the relative values needed for each column.

  2. Once the values have been entered and saved, the file is now ready to be imported to the UI.

Import Line Item Settings

Only .CSV files with a maximum file size of 500kb is supported for import.

  1. Once the file is edited and saved as .CSV, navigate to the line item list view, and click the kebob at the top right corner.

  2. Click Import from this menu, and upload the most recently saved file to the Import Modal.

  3. Once selected, click Import to begin the upload process.

  4. The uploaded line items will now be processed and the status of the upload will appear in the bulk status page which is found in TraffickingToolsBulk Status.
  • No labels
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