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Starting September 30, 2024, all Oracle products, including BlueKai, MOAT, and Grapeshot segments, as well as MOAT post bid measurement, will no longer be available on the Beeswax platform. If this impacts you, Beeswax account teams are available to assist in finding alternative options. For questions, please contact your Beeswax account representative.

Table of Contents


This page describes the process of adding a new Creative and Creative Bulk Upload in the Beeswax UI. A creative can be set up using a creative template type of Banner, Video, or Native. These templates help specify the type of creative that will serve for the line item. Creative Bulk Upload enables the upload of a zip file containing images or a spreadsheet of tags to automatically generate Creative Assets and corresponding Creatives. Each valid image file in the zip or each tag in the spreadsheet will be used to create these assets and creatives.

Adding Creatives

Start by navigating to TraffickingCreatives. The two options that will appear are New Creative and New Creative Bulk Upload. The information below will outline the differences between the two processes.

New Creative

  1. Start by Clicking New Creative at the top right of the list view. Additionally, creatives can be created by clicking the button, then clicking Creative at the top right of the UI.

  2. A page will appear with the following tabs: Overview, Associate Line Items, and Vendor Fees.

  3. Complete the following sections to finish setting up a new Creative.

Overview Tab


Field NameDescription
Creative IDAn ID that will be automatically created and applied to this creative.
How would you like to set up your Creative?Creative templates are used to build different types of creatives. For example, to create a banner ad where Beeswax hosts and serve the images, select “Banner Image”. To create a banner ad where the client gives Beeswax a JavaScript tag, select “Banner JS Tag.”
Creative Name*Give the Creative a name that is relevant to its purpose. An example is: "Spring Banner Creative"
ActiveStatus of the creative. When set to inactive, this creative will not be eligible to serve.
SecureEither Secure or Insecure. Secure means that the creative is SSL compliant and can therefore run on publisher inventory that requires SSL compliant creatives. “Insecure” means that the creative is not SSL compliant. Beeswax recommends always leaving this setting as “Secure.”
Start/End DateThe desired dates for this creative to serve when applied to a line item.
Alternative IDAny number or string. Used to map this object to an object in an outside system.

Associate the creative with a particular advertiser by selecting an advertiser from the dropdown menu. Advertisers can be selected from any that are created on this account. 

Ad Content*This is where the creative asset is assigned. Choose either to select an existing asset that was uploaded to an advertiser previously. Or, upload a new file. Additionally, a Click URL should be provided in the field below. 
Creative Attributes
Exchange-Specific Options

There will be an additional option via checkbox to submit a creative to Xandr for audit. This is a required to serve on Xandr.

Pixels and Scripts

This is where a creative add-on may be applied. Select from a list of add-ons created in the account. 

Add 3rd party impression pixel: URL Required

Add 3rd party JavaScript: URL Required

Users may add up to ten 3rd party impression pixels per creative. These pixels will be fired at the same time that the impression is tracked by Beeswax's system.

Associate Line Items tab

Here is where the creative may be applied to a desired line item.

Field NameDefinition
Associate Line ItemsSelect a line item from the dropdown that this creative should be applied to.
Association Start DateSelect a date for which this creative is eligible to serve on this line item.
Association End DateSelect a date for which this creative is no longer eligible to serve on this line item.

Finish by clicking Add Association. Multiple associations are able to be created from this screen for this new creative. 

Vendor Fees tab

If this creative will serve with associated vendor fees, this tab will allow configuration of which vendor the fee will be applied to, along with the fee type and amount. Multiple vendor fees may be created during this process.


Field NameDescription
Vendor*Select a vendor from the dropdown to associate the fee to.
Vendor Fee NameCreate a desired vendor fee name.
Fee Type

There are three types of vendor fees:

  • Default (dollar figure)
  • CPM (select a currency and amount)
  • Percent
Fee AmountConfigure an amount based on the Fee Type selected.

New Creative Bulk Upload

Upload a zip file of images or a spreadsheet of tags and automatically create Creative Assets and corresponding Creatives from each valid file in the zip files or tag in a spreadsheet. Six formats are supported:

  • A zip file of images.
  • An Excel spreadsheet from DoubleClick's DCM ("DFA") system.
  • A spreadsheet from Doubleclick for publishers.
  • An Excel spreadsheet from Facebook's Atlas system.
  • An Excel spreadsheet from FlashTalking.
  • A text file from Sizmek.
  1. To create a bulk upload, navigating to Trafficking > Creatives. Click the Bulk Upload button to the left of New Creative.

  2. A screen appears with the following fields to complete:
    Field NameDescription
    Bulk Type*

    Allowed bulk upload types:

    • Image (zip file)
    • DFA Tag
    • DFP Tag
    • Atlas Tag
    • Sizmek Tag
    • Flash Talking Tag
    Creative Template*Template style. An example is: "Banner Image"
    Creative Name PrefixAny desired prefix that may be associated to the creatives.
    SecureEither Secure or Insecure. Secure means that the creative is SSL compliant and can therefore run on publisher inventory that requires SSL compliant creatives. “Insecure” means that the creative is not SSL compliant. We recommend always leaving this setting as “Secure.”
    Advertiser*Include the advertiser, domain, and advertiser category.
    Ad Content*Depending on the bulk upload type, a certain file must be added. An example is: Zip, spreadsheet, etc.
    Creative Attributes*

    Certain attributes are able to be applied to the creative upload. Below are the available options:
    Technical Vendor (Required for Google AdX)

    • In-Banner Video
    • Video Ad Duration
    • MIME Types*
    Exchange-Specific OptionsUpload both a Landing Page URL and Thumbnail. A Thumbnail is required for most mobile exchanges.
    Pixels and Scripts

    This is where a creative add-on may be applied. Select from a list of add-ons created in the account. 

    Add 3rd party impression pixel: URL Required

    Add 3rd party JavaScript (Not available for VAST creatives): URL Required

    Users may add up to ten 3rd party impression pixels per creative. These pixels will be fired at the same time that the impression is tracked by Beeswax's system.

  3. Once these settings are saved, click Upload and Save.
  • No labels
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