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Table of Contents


The Analytics Data Dictionary is a glossary of terms for all available dimensions and measures found in Reporting. Each object includes the dimension or metric name, description, and one or more report scope(s) in which it is available. This document is updated regularly to reflect the introduction of new dimensions, metrics, and product changes.

Note: Some dimensions and metrics are not available by default, based on capabilities enabled on your network.

 The Analytics Data Dictionary is organized into two tables; Dimensions and Measures. To help understand what each column in the report tables mean, see below:


A dimension is a descriptive field for data in an Analytics report, with a data type such as text, date, or number. Dimension values do not change based on changing the time period or other fields in an Analytics report.

Examples: Advertiser, Campaign Name, Flight ID


A Measure is numeric or quantitative field for the data being aggregated/calculated/analyzed in a report. Metric values do change based on time period and other dimensions selected in the report.

Examples: CPM, Impressions, Spend

Report Scope(s)

This column lists the report scope(s) in which the dimension or metric is available for selection when creating a report.


Oops, it seems that you need to place a table or a macro generating a table within the Table Filter macro.

DimensionDescriptionReport Scope(s)
Account Alternative IDThe Alternative ID of the Account in Buzz.

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Events Report,
Incrementality Report,
Billing Report,

Account IDThe Account ID.

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Events Report,
Incrementality Report,
Billing Report,
Bid Decision Report,
Audience Report,

Account NameThe name of the Account in Buzz.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Deal ID Report,
Events Report,
Incrementality Report,
Billing Report,
ActiveThe active status of the relevant object in Buzz.Pacing Report,
Events Report,
Active OnlyFilter-only field. Used to indicate whether Pacing Report queries should be scoped to only active campaigns.Pacing Report
Ads Txt

The ads.txt authorization status for the request.

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Advertiser Alternative ID

The Alternative ID of the Advertiser in Buzz.

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Events Report,
Incrementality Report,
Billing Report,

Audience Report,

Advertiser CategoryThe IAB category that Beeswax advertiser belongs to.

Performance Report,
Audience Report,

Advertiser DomainThe domain of the Advertiser in Buzz.

Performance Report,
Audience Report,

Advertiser IDThe Advertiser ID.Audience Report,
Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Deal ID Report,
Events Report,
Incrementality Report,
Incrementality Report,
Billing Report,
Advertiser NameThe Advertiser name.

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Events Report,
Incrementality Report,
Billing Report,
Audience Report,

AgeExact age in the following ranges: 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65+Audience Report,
Alternative ID

The Alternative ID of the Deal in Buzz.

Deal ID Report
App BundleA platform-specific application identifier intended to be unique to the app and independent of the exchange.App Report,
Conversion Report,
App ID

Application ID. In Beeswax, these are prepended with the relevant exchange prefix for uniqueness.

App Report
App NameApplication name.App Report
Attribution Method

The methodology used to attribute the conversion.

Conversion Report,
Incrementality Report,
Base CpmThe default bid CPM set on the line item in Buzz.Pacing Report
Bid HourThe datestamp (YYYY-MM-DD HH:00:00) during which a particular bid was made. Deal ID Report
Bid Model IDThe ID of the Bid Model object in Buzz.Performance Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Bid Model NameThe name of the Bid Model object in Buzz.Bid Performance Report
Bid Modifier ID

The ID of the Bid Modifier object in Buzz.

Performance Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Bid Modifier Name

The name of the Bid Modifier object in Buzz.

Performance Report,
Bid Rate

The bid rate of the campaign/line item, defined as bids / auctions.

Rob note: this should be moved to the Measures section.

Deal ID Report
Bid Shade

The Bid Shade Status of the won impression.

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Bidding StrategyThe Bidding Strategy of the line item.Pacing Report
Broadcast MonthBroadcast months start on a Monday and end on the last Sunday of the calendar month. The next broadcast month starts at midnight on the Monday that follows.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Events Report,
Incrementality Report,
Billing Report,
Campaign Alternative ID

The Alternative ID of the Campaign in Buzz.

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,
Billing Report,

Audience Report,

Campaign Budget

The lifetime budget of the campaign.

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,
Campaign Budget Delivery Through YesterdayThe campaign budget delivered through the end of the previous full day. Pacing Report
Campaign Budget Delivery to DateThe campaign budget delivered to date. Pacing Report
Campaign Budget Type

The budget type for the campaign.

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,
Campaign Daily BudgetThe daily budget cap for the campaign.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,
Campaign End DateThe end date of the campaign.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,
Campaign IDThe ID of the campaign in Buzz.

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,
Billing Report,
Bid Decision Report,
Audience Report,

Campaign NameThe name of the campaign in Buzz.

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,
Billing Report,
Audience Report,

Campaign OSI

OSI, or "On Schedule Indicator", is an index that indicates pacing status at a given point. Represents the ratio "budget delivered / campaign duration elapsed".

Evaluated at the campaign level, to date.

Pacing Report
Campaign OSI Yesterday

OSI, or "On Schedule Indicator", is an index that indicates pacing status at a given point. Represents the ratio "budget delivered / campaign duration elapsed".

Evaluated at the campaign level, through the end of the previous full day.

Pacing Report
Campaign Revenue TypeCampaign revenue type determines how revenue is booked by the advertiser for a particular campaign. CPM and CPC are the most common uses.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Campaign Start DateStart date of the campaign.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,
CityCity Name.Geography Report
City CodeCity Code.Geography Report
Content Category

Comma-separated list of IAB-defined content categories. Declared by the publisher/SSP.

Inventory Report
Content LanguageLanguage in which content associated to the request is written. Declared by the publisher/SSP.Inventory Report
Conversion HourThe datestamp (YYYY-MM-DD HH:00:00) that Beeswax received the conversion event. Conversion Report
Conversion TypeThe type of conversion event.Conversion Report
Conversions AttributedThe number of conversions that Beeswax was able to attribute to an impression.Events Report
Conversions Non-AttributedThe number of conversions that Beeswax was unable to attribute to an impression.Events Report
CountryCountry Name.Geography Report
Country CodeCountry Code.Geography Report
Creative Alternative IDThe Alternative ID of the creative in Buzz.

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,
Audience Report,

Creative IDBeeswax Creative ID.

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,
Audience Report,

Creative NameThe name of the creative in Buzz.

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,
Audience Report,

Creative SizeThe dimensions of the creative. 

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,
Audience Report,

CurrencyThe relevant currency. Expressed in ISO-4217 codes.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Currency SymbolThe symbol for the relevant currency.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Data CenterThe data center where the request was processed.Performance Report,
Bid Performance Report,
DayThe date (YYYY-MM-DD) during which a particular bid was made. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Deal ID Report, Incrementality Report,
Day of WeekThe day of week during which a particular bid was made. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Events Report,
Deal Auction TypeDeal auction type, adhering to OpenRTB definitions.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Deal FormatThe format of the deal (e.g. video).Deal ID Report
Deal IDBeeswax Deal ID.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Deal ID Report,
Delivery Model IDThe ID of the delivery model object in Buzz.Performance Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Delivery Model NameThe name of the delivery model object in Buzz.Bid Performance Report
Delivery Modifier IDThe ID of the delivery modifier object in Buzz.Performance Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Delivery Modifier NameThe name of the delivery modifier object in Buzz.Bid Performance Report

The domain name where the bid request originated.

Declared by the publisher/SSP.

Domain Report
Drop OrderThe order in which the evaluations occurred; used for ordering only.Bid Decision Report
Drop ReasonIndividual evaluations of eligibility to bid on a given request.Bid Decision Report
Drop StageThematically grouped sets of bid eligibility evaluations (drop reasons).Bid Decision Report
EducationEducation level in the following ranges: Less than HS Diploma, HS Diploma, Bach Degree, Grad DegreeAudience Report
End DateThe provided end date for the deal in Buzz.Deal ID Report
Environment Type

Indicates whether the request represents web- or app-based inventory.

Performance Report,
Platform Report,
Domain Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Event Alternative ID

The alternative ID of the event in Buzz.

Performance Report,
App Report,
Event ID

The ID of the event in Buzz.

Performance Report,
App Report,
Conversion Report,
Events Report,
Incrementality Report,
Event ID FilterFilter-only field. Used to specify an event ID.Segment Report
Event Name

The name of the event in Buzz.

Performance Report,
App Report,
Conversion Report,
Events Report,
Incrementality Report,
Event Order

Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event.

Frequently used to represent the number of items purchased, an order number, or other identifier. 

Events Report
Event Tag Fire CountTotal count of conversions sent to Beeswax via an event.Events Report
Event TypeThe type of conversion event.Events Report
Event Value

Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided.

Used to represent the value of that conversion. 

Events Report
Exchange HandleName of the exchange. Analogous to Inventory Source in other reports.Deal ID Report
Experiment ID TypeThe ID type used for segregation of impressions for Beeswax's experiment feature.Performance Report,
Conversion Report,
Flight Budget Delivery to DateThe flight budget delivered to date. Pacing Report,
Flight End DateThe end date of the flight.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Flight IDBeeswax Flight ID.

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Audience Report,

Flight NameBeeswax Flight Name.Audience Report,
Flight Start DateThe start date of the flight.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
FreeWheel Household ID Conversion Order

Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event, for conversions attributable via FreeWheel Household ID.

Frequently used to represent the number of items purchased, an order number, or other identifier. 

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
FreeWheel Household ID Conversion Value

Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided.

Used to represent the value of that conversion. 

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
FreeWheel Household ID ConversionsThe number of conversions that Beeswax was able to attribute to an impression via the FreeWheel Household ID.Segment Report,
Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
FreeWheel Person ID Conversion Order

Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event, for conversions attributable via FreeWheel Person ID.

Frequently used to represent the number of items purchased, an order number, or other identifier. 

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
FreeWheel Person ID Conversion Value

Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided.

Used to represent the value of that conversion. 

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
FreeWheel Person ID ConversionsThe number of conversions that Beeswax was able to attribute to an impression via the FreeWheel Person ID.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
FrequencyThe average number of impressions exposed to a given user or household. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Frequency (Custom ID with Fallback)The average number of impressions exposed to a given user or household. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Frequency (Custom ID)The average number of impressions exposed to a given user or household. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Frequency (Freewheel Household ID with Fallback)The average number of impressions exposed to a given user or household. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Frequency (Freewheel Household ID)The average number of impressions exposed to a given user or household. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Frequency (Freewheel Person ID with Fallback)The average number of impressions exposed to a given user or household. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Frequency (Freewheel Person ID)The average number of impressions exposed to a given user or household. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Frequency (IP-Based)The average number of impressions exposed to a given user or household. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Frequency (Liveramp Household ID with Fallback)The average number of impressions exposed to a given user or household. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Frequency (Liveramp Household ID)The average number of impressions exposed to a given user or household. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Frequency (Liveramp Person ID with Fallback)The average number of impressions exposed to a given user or household. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Frequency (Liveramp Person ID)The average number of impressions exposed to a given user or household. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Frequency (Standard with Fallback)The average number of impressions exposed to a given user or household. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
GenderGender (M or F)Audience Report,
Geo ZipZip code.Geography Report
Ghost Bidding ID TypeThe ID type used for segregation of impressions for Beeswax's experiment feature.Incrementality Report
Gross MarginRevenue - spend, in USD $0.00Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Gross Margin PercentPercentage of gross margin of total spend in USD $0.00Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
GuaranteedIndicates whether a given line item is a guaranteed line item or not.Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Home OwnershipHome ownership data (either Homeowner or Renter)Audience Report,
HourYYYY-MM-DD HH:00 - Based on the bid time for the impression.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Events Report,
Incrementality Report,
Hour of DayThe hour of day during which a particular bid was made.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Events Report,
Incrementality Report,
Household IncomeTotal estimated income for a household in the following ranges: Under $25,000, $25,000-$49,999, $50,000-$74,999, $75,000-149,999, $150,000+Audience Report,
Incremental Lift

The percent difference in treatment and control group conversion rates.

Incrementality Report
InterstitialIndicates if the ad tag responsible for the bid request accepts interstitial creatives.Inventory Report
Invalid Impression Reason CodeReason code for invalid impressions. Can be one of: automated browser, incongruous browser, data center traffic, or UNKNOWN.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Inventory SourceEx: ADAPTV, AERSERV, APPNEXUS, GOOGLE_ADXPerformance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Invoice Row

It contains the following fees:

  1. Media paid to inventory source
  2. DSP Fee
  3. Professional Services Fee
  4. Bid Shading Fee
  5. Third party data Fee (Broken out by vendor)
  6. Small File Serving Fee
  7. Large File Serving Fee
  8. Cross Device Extension Fee (Broken out by vendor)
  9. Cross Device Frequency Capping Fee (Broken out by vendor)
  10. Cross Device Ghost Bidding Fee (Broken out by vendor)
Billing Report
IP Control Group Conversion OrderThe number of items purchased as part of the conversion.Incrementality Report
IP Control Group Conversion RateThe value showing: Treatment group conversions/Treatment group impressionsIncrementality Report
IP Control Group Conversion Value

Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided.

Used to represent the value of that conversion. 

Incrementality Report
IP Control Group ConversionsThe number of conversions attributed to the control group.Incrementality Report
IP Conversion OrdersThe number of items purchased as part of the conversion.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,                      Conversion Report,
IP Conversion Value

Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided.

Used to represent the value of that conversion. 

Conversion Report,
IP ConversionsNumber of conversions attributed on User_IDPerformance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
IP Conversions AttributedNumber of conversions attributable via IP address.Events Report
IP Conversions Non-AttributedNumber of conversions not attributable via IP address.Events Report
IP Conversions Value

Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided.

Used to represent the value of that conversion. 

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
IP Incremental Lift

The value showing: (Treatment group conversion rate – Control group conversion rate)/ Control group conversion rate

Incrementality Report
IP Treatment Group Conversion OrderThe number of items purchased as part of the conversionIncrementality Report
IP Treatment Group Conversion RateThe value showing: Treatment group conversions/Treatment group impressionsIncrementality Report
IP Treatment Group Conversion Value

Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided.

Used to represent the value of that conversion. 

Incrementality Report
IP Treatment Group ConversionsThe number of IP conversions attributed to the treatment group.Incrementality Report
Line Item Alternative IDCustomer Alternative Line Item ID

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,
Billing Report,
Audience Report,

Line Item BudgetThe lifetime budget of the line item.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,
Line Item Budget Delivery Through YesterdayThe line item budget delivered through the end of the previous full day. Pacing Report
Line Item Budget Delivery to DateThe line item budget delivered to date. Pacing Report
Line Item Budget TypeThe budget type for the line item.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,
Line Item Daily BudgetThe daily budget of the line item.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,
Line Item End DateThe end date of the line item.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,
Line Item Flight OSI

OSI, or "On Schedule Indicator", is an index that indicates pacing status at a given point. Represents the ratio "budget delivered / flight duration elapsed".

Evaluated at the flight level, to date.

Pacing Report
Line Item Flight OSI Yesterday

OSI, or "On Schedule Indicator", is an index that indicates pacing status at a given point. Represents the ratio "budget delivered / campaign duration elapsed".

Evaluated at the flight level, through the end of the previous full day.

Pacing Report
Line Item IDBeeswax Line Item ID

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,
Billing Report,
Bid Decision Report,
Audience Report

Line Item NameBeeswax Line Item Name

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,
Billing Report,
Audience Report,

Line Item Revenue TypeLine item revenue type determines how revenue is booked by the advertiser for a particular campaign. CPM and CPC are the most common uses.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Line Item Start DateThe start date of the line item.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,
Measurement Vendor NameThe name of the measurement vendor in Buzz.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Metro/DMAMetro/Demographic Market Area NameGeography Report
Metro/DMA CodeMetro/Demographic Market Area CodeGeography Report
MonthMonth namePerformance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Events Report,
Incrementality Report,
Billing Report,
NameName of the dealDeal ID Report
Number of Children in HouseholdNumber of Children in Household (0, 1-2, 3+)Audience Report,
OccupationOccupation data: Professional/Technical, Upper Management/Executive, Middle Management, Sales/Marketing, Clerical/Office, SkilledTrade/Machine/Laborer, Retired, Executive/Administrator, Self Employed, Professional Driver, Military, Civil Servant, Farming/Agriculture, Work From Home, Health Services, Financial Services, Teacher/Educator, Retail Sales, Computer Professional, Beauty, Real Estate, Architects, Interior Designers, Landscape Architects, Electricians, Engineers,  Accountants/CPA, Attorneys, Social Worker, Counselors, Occupational Ther/Physical Ther, Speech Path./Audiologist, Psychologist, Pharmacist, Opticians/Optometrist, Veterinarian, Dentist/Dental Hygienist, Nurse, Doctors/Physicians/Surgeons, Chiropractors, Surveyors, Clergy, Insurance/Underwriters, Services/CreativeAudience Report,
Open Market Auction Type

Auction type, adhering to OpenRTB definitions.

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Paced Only

Filter-only field. Used to indicate whether Pacing Report queries should be scoped to only line items using a paced bidding strategy.

Pacing Report
PlacementPlacement ID/name, as provided by the publisher. Prefixed with exchange handleInventory Report
Placement TypePlacement type of the impression (banner, video, banner and video, native, unknown)Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Platform BandwidthIndicates if the browser is using WiFi or a carrier service when establishing an internet connection.Platform Report
Platform BrowserBrowser Type; -1 if unknownPlatform Report
Platform Browser VersionBrowser version numberPlatform Report
Platform Device MakeDevice ManufacturerPerformance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Platform Device ModelDevice Model CodePerformance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Platform Device TypeDevice Type (e.g. MOBILE, TABLET, PC)Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Platform Js0 if no; 1 if yes; -1 if unknownPlatform Report
Platform OSPlatform Operating System, i.e. iOSPerformance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Platform OS VersionPlatform Operating System version, i.e. 6. -1 if unknownPlatform Report
Publisher IDPublisher ID on the exchange. Prefixed with the exchange handle for uniqueness.Inventory Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Publisher NamePublisher Name declared by the exchange on the request.Inventory Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
ReachThe unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Reach (Custom ID with Fallback)

The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time,  using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. 

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Reach (Custom ID)The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time,  using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Reach (Freewheel Household ID Fallback)The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time,  using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Reach (Freewheel Household ID)The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time,  using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Reach (Freewheel Person ID with Fallback)The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time,  using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Reach (Freewheel Person ID)The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time,  using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Reach (IP-Based)The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time,  using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Reach (Liveramp Household ID Fallback)The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time,  using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Reach (Liveramp Household ID)The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time,  using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Reach (Liveramp Person ID with Fallback)The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time,  using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Reach (Liveramp Person ID)The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time,  using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Reach (Standard with Fallback)The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time,  using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Reach (Tapad Household ID Fallback)The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time,  using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Reach (Tapad Household ID)The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time,  using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Reach (Tapad Person ID with Fallback)The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time,  using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Reach (Tapad Person ID)The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time,  using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Region/StateRegion/State NameGeography Report
Region/State CodeRegion/State CodeGeography Report
RevenueIn USD $0.00Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Seat IDThe seat used for transacting on the relevant exchange. Performance Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Seat TypeSeat type of campaign (customer or Beeswax billable)Performance Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Alternative IDCustomer Alternative Segment IDVendor Fee Report,
Segment Report,
Segment KeyBeeswax Segment Key in format: <buzzkey>-<segment_ID>Segment Report
Segment NameBeeswax Segment NameSegment Report
Site IDID of the site that generated the impression, as provided by the publisherInventory Report
Site NameName of the site that generated the impression, as provided by the publisherInventory Report
Start DateThe provided start date for the deal in Buzz.Deal ID Report
Test Group IDThe ID of the test group associated with the line item.Performance Report,
Conversion Report,
Test Group NameThe name of the test group associated with the line item.Performance Report,
Conversion Report,
Test Plan IDThe ID of the test plan associated with the campaign.Performance Report,
Conversion Report,
Test Plan NameThe name of the test plan associated with the campaign.Performance Report,
Conversion Report,
Time WindowFilter-only field. Used to specify the lookback window for the Bid Decision Report.Bid Decision Report
Treatment Group Conversion RateThe value showing: Treatment group conversions/Treatment group impressionsIncrementality Report
Vendor Fee Currency CodeThe currency code applicable for the vendor fee. Vendor Fee Report
Vendor Fee NameBeeswax Vendor Fee NameVendor Fee Report
Vendor FeesIn your default currencyVendor Fee Report
Vendor Fees USDIn USDVendor Fee Report
Vendor IDBeeswax Vendor IDVendor Fee Report
Vendor NameBeeswax Vendor Fee NameVendor Fee Report
Vendor TypeStandard or CustomVendor Fee Report
Video Companion CTRNumber of clicks of the video companion over number of impressions of the video companion (Only VAST Inline)Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Video Complete PercentPercentage of video completed by userPerformance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Video DurationDuration of video on videoPerformance Report
Video Placement TypeThe placement type for the video impression.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Domain Report,
Video Player SizeSize of video player.Performance Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Viewability Vendor NameName of the viewability vendor’s pixel being used on the CreativePerformance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
WeekWeekPerformance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Events Report,
Incrementality Report,
YearYYYYPerformance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Events Report,
Incrementality Report,
Billing Report,


Oops, it seems that you need to place a table or a macro generating a table within the Table Filter macro.

The table is being loaded. Please wait for a bit ...

MeasureDescriptionReport Scope(s)
Amount USDThe invoice row amount, in USD. Billing Report
AuctionsThe approximate count of bid requests eligible at a given stage/reason.Deal ID Report,
Bid Decision Report,
Auctions DroppedThe approximate count of bid requests dropped in a given stage/reason.Bid Decision Report

Audio Companion Clicks

Set to 1 if the audio's companion banner received a click

App Report,
Domain Report,
Geo Report,
Inventory Report,
Performance Report,
Platform Report,
Segment Report,

Audio Companion CTR

Clickthrough Rate for audio companion ads.App Report,
Domain Report,
Geo Report,
Inventory Report,
Performance Report,
Platform Report,
Segment Report,

Audio Companion Views

Views accrued by audio companion ads.App Report,
Domain Report,
Geo Report,
Inventory Report,
Performance Report,
Platform Report,
Segment Report,

Audio Complete Percent

Percentage of audio completed.App Report,
Domain Report,
Geo Report,
Inventory Report,
Performance Report,
Platform Report,
Segment Report,

Audio Completes

Set to 1 if audio ad is watched through the fourth quartile.App Report,
Domain Report,
Geo Report,
Inventory Report,
Performance Report,
Platform Report,
Segment Report,

Audio Midpoints

Set to 1 if audio ad is watched through the second quartile.App Report,
Domain Report,
Geo Report,
Inventory Report,
Performance Report,
Platform Report,
Segment Report,

Audio Plays

Set to 1 if audio ad is played.App Report,
Domain Report,
Geo Report,
Inventory Report,
Performance Report,
Platform Report,
Segment Report,

Audio Q1s

Set to 1 if audio ad is watched through the first quartile.App Report,
Domain Report,
Geo Report,
Inventory Report,
Performance Report,
Platform Report,
Segment Report,

Audio Q3s

Set to 1 if audio ad is watched through the third quartile.App Report,
Domain Report,
Geo Report,
Inventory Report,
Performance Report,
Platform Report,
Segment Report,

Audio Skips

Set to 1 if audio ad is skipped.App Report,
Domain Report,
Geo Report,
Inventory Report,
Performance Report,
Platform Report,
Segment Report,
Average Bid PriceAverage bid price in CPMBid Performance Report
Average Bid Price USDAverage bid price, in CPM, in USD.Bid Performance Report
Average Viewable SecondsViewable Seconds / Viewable ImpressionsPerformance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Bid Shading FeeThe fee withheld by Beeswax, accrued during the bid shading process. Articulated in line item's currency.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Shading Fee USDThe fee withheld by Beeswax, accrued during the bid shading process. Articulated in USD.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
BidsNumber of bids submitted to exchange(s)Bid Performance Report,
Deal ID Report,
Campaign ImpressionsImpressions served by the campaign.Pacing Report
Campaign Impressions Through YesterdayImpressions served by the campaign, exclusive of the current day.Pacing Report
Campaign Impressions YesterdayImpressions served by the campaign yesterday.Pacing Report
Campaign SpendSpend accrued by the campaign.Pacing Report
Campaign Spend Through YesterdaySpend accrued by the campaign, exclusive of the current day.Pacing Report
Campaign Spend YesterdaySpend accrued by the campaign yesterday.Pacing Report
ClicksNumber of clicks counted

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Audience Report

Clickthrough ConversionsUser was served an impression and clicked the ad within the clickthrough window prior to triggering the event. Cookie-based Beeswax attribution only.Performance Report,
App Report,
content.lenLength of content in seconds; appropriate for video or audio
Control Group Conversion Order

Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event, for conversions attributable to the control group.

Frequently used to represent the number of items purchased, an order number, or other identifier. 

Incrementality Report
Control Group Conversion Value

Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided.

Used to represent the value of that conversion. 

Incrementality Report
Control Group ConversionsThe number of conversions attributed to the control group.Incrementality Report
Control Group ImpressionsThe number of “ghost” impressions viewed by the control group.Incrementality Report
Conversion Order

Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event.

Frequently used to represent the number of items purchased, an order number, or other identifier. 

Conversion Report,
Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Conversion Value

Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided.

Used to represent the value of that conversion. 

Conversion Report
ConversionsNumber of conversions attributed on User_IDPerformance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Conversions AttributedNumber of conversions that were successfully attributed.Events Report
Conversions Non-AttributedNumber of conversions that were unsuccessfully attributed.Events Report
Conversions' Value

Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided.

Used to represent the value of that conversion. 

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
CPCCost Per ClickPerformance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
CPC USDCost Per Click - in USDPerformance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
CPMCost per 1000 impressionsPerformance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Deal ID Report,
Cpm CostThe CPM cost associated with the segment in Buzz.Segment Report
CPM USDCost per 1000 impressions - in USDPerformance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Deal ID Report,
CTRClick Through Rate - number of clicks over number of impressionsPerformance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Event Tag Fire CountTotal count of events tag firedEvents Report
Event Value

In USD $0.00

Events Report
Flight BudgetThe budget associated with the flight in Buzz.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Flight Budget Delivery Through YesterdayThe flight budget delivered through the end of the previous full day. Pacing Report
Flight ImpressionsThe flight impressions delivered to date. Pacing Report
Flight Impressions Through YesterdayThe flight impressions delivered through the end of the previous full day. Pacing Report
Flight Impressions YesterdayThe flight impressions delivered yesterday.Pacing Report
Flight SpendThe flight spend delivered to date. Pacing Report
Flight Spend Through YesterdayThe flight spend delivered through the end of the previous full day. Pacing Report
Flight Spend YesterdayThe flight spend delivered yesterday. Pacing Report
Floor PriceThe floor price associated with the deal in Buzz.Deal ID Report
FreeWheel Household ID Conversion Order

Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event, for conversions attributable via FreeWheel Household ID.

Frequently used to represent the number of items purchased, an order number, or other identifier. 

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
FreeWheel Household ID Conversion Value

Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided.

Used to represent the value of that conversion. 

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
FreeWheel Household ID ConversionsThe number of conversions that Beeswax was able to attribute to an impression via the FreeWheel Household ID.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
FreeWheel Person ID Conversion Order

Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event, for conversions attributable via FreeWheel Person ID.

Frequently used to represent the number of items purchased, an order number, or other identifier. 

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
FreeWheel Person ID Conversion Value

Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided.

Used to represent the value of that conversion. 

Conversion Report
FreeWheel Person ID Conversion Value

Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided.

Used to represent the value of that conversion. 

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
FreeWheel Person ID ConversionsThe number of conversions that Beeswax was able to attribute to an impression via the FreeWheel Person ID.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Gross MarginRevenue - spend, in USD $0.00Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
ImpressionsNumber of impressions counted

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Deal ID Report,
Audience Report

Invalid Impression %Percent of measurable impressions deemed to be invalid by vendor.Performance Report
Invalid ImpressionsNumber of measurable, invalid impressions.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Inventory CostExchange clearing price in USD$Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Inventory Cost USDExchange clearing price in USD$Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
IP Conversion Order

Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event, for conversions attributable via IP address.

Frequently used to represent the number of items purchased, an order number, or other identifier. 

Conversion Report,
Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
IP Conversion Value

Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided.

Used to represent the value of that conversion. 

Conversion Report
IP ConversionsNumber of conversions attributed on IP AddressPerformance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
IP Conversions AttributedNumber of conversions attributable via IP address.Events Report
IP Conversions Non-AttributedNumber of conversions not attributable via IP address.Events Report

IP Conversions Value

Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided.

Used to represent the value of that conversion. 

Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
IP Treatment Group Conversion Order

Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event, for conversions attributable to the treatment group when using the IP Address ID type for segregation.

Frequently used to represent the number of items purchased, an order number, or other identifier. 

Incrementality Report
IP Treatment Group Conversion Value

Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided.

Used to represent the value of that conversion. 

Incrementality Report
IP Treatment Group ConversionsThe number of IP conversions attributed to the treatment group.Incrementality Report
Line Item ImpressionsImpressions served by the line item, to date. Pacing Report
Line Item Impressions Through YesterdayImpressions served by the line item, exclusive of the current day.Pacing Report
Line Item Impressions YesterdayImpressions served by the line item yesterday.Pacing Report
Match ratethe % of impressions we were able to match to our demographic data sourceAudience Report,
Measurable Impression %Measurable Impressions / Total Impressions counted by BeeswaxPerformance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Measurable ImpressionsThe number of impressions where viewability was measurablePerformance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Measurable Invalid ImpressionsThe measurable impressions deemed to be invalid by vendor.Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Media SpendBillable Spend on Media: Inventory Cost + Discrepancy allowance + Beeswax Media Seat Fee in USD$Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Deal ID Report,
Media Spend USDBillable Spend on Media: Inventory Cost + Discrepancy allowance + Beeswax Media Seat Fee in USD$Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Deal ID Report,
Net MarginIn USD $0.00Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Net Margin PercentIn USD $0.00Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Postback ConversionsCustomer or Postback vendor provided Beeswax an Auction ID to assign credit for a conversion. Provided by a non-Beeswax party via Postback endpoint.

Performance Report, App Report

SpendMedia Spend + Vendor Fees in USD$ (when 'Spend with Vendor Fees' is selected as the 'Budget Type' on the Line Item. If 'Spend' is selected, this will equal 'Media Spend')Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Deal ID Report,
Spend per ConversionIn USD $0.00Performance Report
Spend USDMedia Spend + Vendor Fees in USD$ (when 'Spend with Vendor Fees' is selected as the 'Budget Type' on the Line Item. If 'Spend' is selected, this will equal 'Media Spend')Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Deal ID Report,
Audience Report,
Treatment Group Conversion Order

Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event, for conversions attributable to the treatment group when using the Standard ID type for segregation.

Frequently used to represent the number of items purchased, an order number, or other identifier. 

Incrementality Report
Treatment Group Conversion Value

Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided.

Used to represent the value of that conversion. 

Incrementality Report
Treatment Group ConversionsTreatment Group ConversionsIncrementality Report
Treatment Group ImpressionsTreatmentGroup ImpressionsIncrementality Report
vCPMThe CPM calculated against viewable impressionsPerformance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Vendor FeesIn USD $0.00. Includes Beeswax Ad Serving Fees, where the vendor name is "Beeswax".Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Deal ID Report,
Vendor Fees USDIn USD $0.00. Includes Beeswax Ad Serving Fees, where the vendor name is "Beeswax".Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Deal ID Report,
Video Companion ClicksNumber of clicks on the video companion (Only VAST Inline)Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Video Companion ViewsNumber of views of the video companion (Only VAST Inline)Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Performance Report,
Video CompletesNumber of videos that played to 100% completionPerformance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Video MidpointsNumber of videos that played to at least 50% completionPerformance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report
Video PlaysNumber of video playsPerformance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Video Q1sNumber of videos that played to at least 25% completionPerformance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Video Q3sNumber of videos that played to at least 75% completionInventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Video SkipsNumber of video skips performedPerformance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Viewability %Viewable Impressions / Total Impressions counted by BeeswaxPerformance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Viewable ImpressionsThe number of impressions where at least 50% of an ad was in-view for more than a secondPerformance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Viewable SecondsTotal number of seconds that were viewablePerformance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Viewthrough ConversionsThe user was served an impression within the viewthrough window and did not click the ad in the clickthrough window prior to triggering the event. Cookie-based Beeswax attribution only.Performance Report,
App Report,
Win RateExpressed as a percentage (Number of Impressions/Number of Bids)Bid Performance Report,
Deal ID Report,

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