Table of Contents
The Analytics Data Dictionary is a glossary of terms for all available dimensions and measures found in Reporting. Each object includes the dimension or metric name, description, and one or more report scope(s) in which it is available. This document is updated regularly to reflect the introduction of new dimensions, metrics, and product changes.
Note: Some dimensions and metrics are not available by default, based on capabilities enabled on your network.
The Analytics Data Dictionary is organized into two tables; Dimensions and Measures. To help understand what each column in the report tables mean, see below:
Dimension | A dimension is a descriptive field for data in an Analytics report, with a data type such as text, date, or number. Dimension values do not change based on changing the time period or other fields in an Analytics report. Examples: Advertiser, Campaign Name, Flight ID |
Measure | A Measure is numeric or quantitative field for the data being aggregated/calculated/analyzed in a report. Metric values do change based on time period and other dimensions selected in the report. Examples: CPM, Impressions, Spend |
Report Scope(s) | This column lists the report scope(s) in which the dimension or metric is available for selection when creating a report. |
Oops, it seems that you need to place a table or a macro generating a table within the Table Filter macro. Performance Report, Performance Report, The ads.txt authorization status for the request. The Alternative ID of the Advertiser in Buzz. Performance Report, Audience Report, Performance Report, Performance Report, Performance Report, The Alternative ID of the Deal in Buzz. Application ID. In Beeswax, these are prepended with the relevant exchange prefix for uniqueness. The methodology used to attribute the conversion. The ID of the Bid Modifier object in Buzz. The name of the Bid Modifier object in Buzz. The bid rate of the campaign/line item, defined as bids / auctions. Rob note: this should be moved to the Measures section. The Bid Shade Status of the won impression. The Alternative ID of the Campaign in Buzz. Performance Report, Audience Report, The lifetime budget of the campaign. The budget type for the campaign. Performance Report, Performance Report, OSI, or "On Schedule Indicator", is an index that indicates pacing status at a given point. Represents the ratio "budget delivered / campaign duration elapsed". Evaluated at the campaign level, to date. OSI, or "On Schedule Indicator", is an index that indicates pacing status at a given point. Represents the ratio "budget delivered / campaign duration elapsed". Evaluated at the campaign level, through the end of the previous full day. Comma-separated list of IAB-defined content categories. Declared by the publisher/SSP. Performance Report, Performance Report, Performance Report, Performance Report, The domain name where the bid request originated. Declared by the publisher/SSP. Indicates whether the request represents web- or app-based inventory. The alternative ID of the event in Buzz. The ID of the event in Buzz. The name of the event in Buzz. Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Frequently used to represent the number of items purchased, an order number, or other identifier. Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided. Used to represent the value of that conversion. Performance Report, Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event, for conversions attributable via FreeWheel Household ID. Frequently used to represent the number of items purchased, an order number, or other identifier. Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided. Used to represent the value of that conversion. Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event, for conversions attributable via FreeWheel Person ID. Frequently used to represent the number of items purchased, an order number, or other identifier. Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided. Used to represent the value of that conversion. The percent difference in treatment and control group conversion rates. It contains the following fees: Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided. Used to represent the value of that conversion. Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided. Used to represent the value of that conversion. Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided. Used to represent the value of that conversion. The value showing: (Treatment group conversion rate – Control group conversion rate)/ Control group conversion rate Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided. Used to represent the value of that conversion. Performance Report, OSI, or "On Schedule Indicator", is an index that indicates pacing status at a given point. Represents the ratio "budget delivered / flight duration elapsed". Evaluated at the flight level, to date. OSI, or "On Schedule Indicator", is an index that indicates pacing status at a given point. Represents the ratio "budget delivered / campaign duration elapsed". Evaluated at the flight level, through the end of the previous full day. Performance Report, Performance Report, Auction type, adhering to OpenRTB definitions. Filter-only field. Used to indicate whether Pacing Report queries should be scoped to only line items using a paced bidding strategy. The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time, using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. Dimension Description Report Scope(s) Account Alternative ID The Alternative ID of the Account in Buzz.
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Events Report,
Incrementality Report,
Billing Report,Account ID The Account ID.
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Events Report,
Incrementality Report,
Billing Report,
Bid Decision Report,
Audience Report,Account Name The name of the Account in Buzz. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Deal ID Report,
Events Report,
Incrementality Report,
Billing Report,Active The active status of the relevant object in Buzz. Pacing Report,
Events Report,Active Only Filter-only field. Used to indicate whether Pacing Report queries should be scoped to only active campaigns. Pacing Report Ads Txt Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Bid Performance Report,Advertiser Alternative ID
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Events Report,
Incrementality Report,
Billing Report,Advertiser Category The IAB category that Beeswax advertiser belongs to.
Audience Report,Advertiser Domain The domain of the Advertiser in Buzz.
Audience Report,Advertiser ID The Advertiser ID. Audience Report,
Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Deal ID Report,
Events Report,
Incrementality Report,
Incrementality Report,
Billing Report,Advertiser Name The Advertiser name.
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Events Report,
Incrementality Report,
Billing Report,
Audience Report,Age Exact age in the following ranges: 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65+ Audience Report, Alternative ID Deal ID Report App Bundle A platform-specific application identifier intended to be unique to the app and independent of the exchange. App Report,
Conversion Report,App ID App Report App Name Application name. App Report Attribution Method Conversion Report,
Incrementality Report,Base Cpm The default bid CPM set on the line item in Buzz. Pacing Report Bid Hour The datestamp (YYYY-MM-DD HH:00:00) during which a particular bid was made. Deal ID Report Bid Model ID The ID of the Bid Model object in Buzz. Performance Report,
Bid Performance Report,Bid Model Name The name of the Bid Model object in Buzz. Bid Performance Report Bid Modifier ID Performance Report,
Bid Performance Report,Bid Modifier Name Performance Report, Bid Rate Deal ID Report Bid Shade Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Bid Performance Report,Bidding Strategy The Bidding Strategy of the line item. Pacing Report Broadcast Month Broadcast months start on a Monday and end on the last Sunday of the calendar month. The next broadcast month starts at midnight on the Monday that follows. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Events Report,
Incrementality Report,
Billing Report,Campaign Alternative ID
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,
Billing Report,Campaign Budget Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,Campaign Budget Delivery Through Yesterday The campaign budget delivered through the end of the previous full day. Pacing Report Campaign Budget Delivery to Date The campaign budget delivered to date. Pacing Report Campaign Budget Type Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,Campaign Daily Budget The daily budget cap for the campaign. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,Campaign End Date The end date of the campaign. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,Campaign ID The ID of the campaign in Buzz.
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,
Billing Report,
Bid Decision Report,
Audience Report,Campaign Name The name of the campaign in Buzz.
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,
Billing Report,
Audience Report,Campaign OSI Pacing Report Campaign OSI Yesterday Pacing Report Campaign Revenue Type Campaign revenue type determines how revenue is booked by the advertiser for a particular campaign. CPM and CPC are the most common uses. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Campaign Start Date Start date of the campaign. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,City City Name. Geography Report City Code City Code. Geography Report Content Category Inventory Report Content Language Language in which content associated to the request is written. Declared by the publisher/SSP. Inventory Report Conversion Hour The datestamp (YYYY-MM-DD HH:00:00) that Beeswax received the conversion event. Conversion Report Conversion Type The type of conversion event. Conversion Report Conversions Attributed The number of conversions that Beeswax was able to attribute to an impression. Events Report Conversions Non-Attributed The number of conversions that Beeswax was unable to attribute to an impression. Events Report Country Country Name. Geography Report Country Code Country Code. Geography Report Creative Alternative ID The Alternative ID of the creative in Buzz.
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,
Audience Report,Creative ID Beeswax Creative ID.
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,
Audience Report,Creative Name The name of the creative in Buzz.
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,
Audience Report,Creative Size The dimensions of the creative.
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,
Audience Report,Currency The relevant currency. Expressed in ISO-4217 codes. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,Currency Symbol The symbol for the relevant currency. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Data Center The data center where the request was processed. Performance Report,
Bid Performance Report,Day The date (YYYY-MM-DD) during which a particular bid was made. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Deal ID Report, Incrementality Report,Day of Week The day of week during which a particular bid was made. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Events Report,Deal Auction Type Deal auction type, adhering to OpenRTB definitions. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Bid Performance Report,Deal Format The format of the deal (e.g. video). Deal ID Report Deal ID Beeswax Deal ID. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Deal ID Report,Delivery Model ID The ID of the delivery model object in Buzz. Performance Report,
Bid Performance Report,Delivery Model Name The name of the delivery model object in Buzz. Bid Performance Report Delivery Modifier ID The ID of the delivery modifier object in Buzz. Performance Report,
Bid Performance Report,Delivery Modifier Name The name of the delivery modifier object in Buzz. Bid Performance Report Domain Domain Report Drop Order The order in which the evaluations occurred; used for ordering only. Bid Decision Report Drop Reason Individual evaluations of eligibility to bid on a given request. Bid Decision Report Drop Stage Thematically grouped sets of bid eligibility evaluations (drop reasons). Bid Decision Report Education Education level in the following ranges: Less than HS Diploma, HS Diploma, Bach Degree, Grad Degree Audience Report End Date The provided end date for the deal in Buzz. Deal ID Report Environment Type Performance Report,
Platform Report,
Domain Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,Event Alternative ID Performance Report,
App Report,Event ID Performance Report,
App Report,
Conversion Report,
Events Report,
Incrementality Report,Event ID Filter Filter-only field. Used to specify an event ID. Segment Report Event Name Performance Report,
App Report,
Conversion Report,
Events Report,
Incrementality Report,Event Order Events Report Event Tag Fire Count Total count of conversions sent to Beeswax via an event. Events Report Event Type The type of conversion event. Events Report Event Value Events Report Exchange Handle Name of the exchange. Analogous to Inventory Source in other reports. Deal ID Report Experiment ID Type The ID type used for segregation of impressions for Beeswax's experiment feature. Performance Report,
Conversion Report,Flight Budget Delivery to Date The flight budget delivered to date. Pacing Report, Flight End Date The end date of the flight. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,Flight ID Beeswax Flight ID.
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Audience Report,Flight Name Beeswax Flight Name. Audience Report, Flight Start Date The start date of the flight. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,FreeWheel Household ID Conversion Order Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,FreeWheel Household ID Conversion Value Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,FreeWheel Household ID Conversions The number of conversions that Beeswax was able to attribute to an impression via the FreeWheel Household ID. Segment Report,
Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,FreeWheel Person ID Conversion Order Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,FreeWheel Person ID Conversion Value Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,FreeWheel Person ID Conversions The number of conversions that Beeswax was able to attribute to an impression via the FreeWheel Person ID. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Frequency The average number of impressions exposed to a given user or household. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,Frequency (Custom ID with Fallback) The average number of impressions exposed to a given user or household. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Frequency (Custom ID) The average number of impressions exposed to a given user or household. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Frequency (Freewheel Household ID with Fallback) The average number of impressions exposed to a given user or household. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Frequency (Freewheel Household ID) The average number of impressions exposed to a given user or household. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Frequency (Freewheel Person ID with Fallback) The average number of impressions exposed to a given user or household. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Frequency (Freewheel Person ID) The average number of impressions exposed to a given user or household. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Frequency (IP-Based) The average number of impressions exposed to a given user or household. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,Frequency (Liveramp Household ID with Fallback) The average number of impressions exposed to a given user or household. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Frequency (Liveramp Household ID) The average number of impressions exposed to a given user or household. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Frequency (Liveramp Person ID with Fallback) The average number of impressions exposed to a given user or household. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Frequency (Liveramp Person ID) The average number of impressions exposed to a given user or household. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Frequency (Standard with Fallback) The average number of impressions exposed to a given user or household. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Gender Gender (M or F) Audience Report, Geo Zip Zip code. Geography Report Ghost Bidding ID Type The ID type used for segregation of impressions for Beeswax's experiment feature. Incrementality Report Gross Margin Revenue - spend, in USD $0.00 Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,Gross Margin Percent Percentage of gross margin of total spend in USD $0.00 Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,Guaranteed Indicates whether a given line item is a guaranteed line item or not. Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,Home Ownership Home ownership data (either Homeowner or Renter) Audience Report, Hour YYYY-MM-DD HH:00 - Based on the bid time for the impression. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Events Report,
Incrementality Report,Hour of Day The hour of day during which a particular bid was made. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Events Report,
Incrementality Report,Household Income Total estimated income for a household in the following ranges: Under $25,000, $25,000-$49,999, $50,000-$74,999, $75,000-149,999, $150,000+ Audience Report, Incremental Lift Incrementality Report Interstitial Indicates if the ad tag responsible for the bid request accepts interstitial creatives. Inventory Report Invalid Impression Reason Code Reason code for invalid impressions. Can be one of: automated browser, incongruous browser, data center traffic, or UNKNOWN. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Inventory Source Ex: ADAPTV, AERSERV, APPNEXUS, GOOGLE_ADX Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,Invoice Row Billing Report IP Control Group Conversion Order The number of items purchased as part of the conversion. Incrementality Report IP Control Group Conversion Rate The value showing: Treatment group conversions/Treatment group impressions Incrementality Report IP Control Group Conversion Value Incrementality Report IP Control Group Conversions The number of conversions attributed to the control group. Incrementality Report IP Conversion Orders The number of items purchased as part of the conversion. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report, Conversion Report,IP Conversion Value Conversion Report, IP Conversions Number of conversions attributed on User_ID Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,IP Conversions Attributed Number of conversions attributable via IP address. Events Report IP Conversions Non-Attributed Number of conversions not attributable via IP address. Events Report IP Conversions Value Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,IP Incremental Lift Incrementality Report IP Treatment Group Conversion Order The number of items purchased as part of the conversion Incrementality Report IP Treatment Group Conversion Rate The value showing: Treatment group conversions/Treatment group impressions Incrementality Report IP Treatment Group Conversion Value Incrementality Report IP Treatment Group Conversions The number of IP conversions attributed to the treatment group. Incrementality Report Line Item Alternative ID Customer Alternative Line Item ID
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,
Billing Report,
Audience Report,Line Item Budget The lifetime budget of the line item. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,Line Item Budget Delivery Through Yesterday The line item budget delivered through the end of the previous full day. Pacing Report Line Item Budget Delivery to Date The line item budget delivered to date. Pacing Report Line Item Budget Type The budget type for the line item. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,Line Item Daily Budget The daily budget of the line item. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,Line Item End Date The end date of the line item. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,Line Item Flight OSI Pacing Report Line Item Flight OSI Yesterday Pacing Report Line Item ID Beeswax Line Item ID
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,
Billing Report,
Bid Decision Report,
Audience ReportLine Item Name Beeswax Line Item Name
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,
Billing Report,
Audience Report,Line Item Revenue Type Line item revenue type determines how revenue is booked by the advertiser for a particular campaign. CPM and CPC are the most common uses. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Line Item Start Date The start date of the line item. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,
Deal ID Report,
Incrementality Report,Measurement Vendor Name The name of the measurement vendor in Buzz. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Metro/DMA Metro/Demographic Market Area Name Geography Report Metro/DMA Code Metro/Demographic Market Area Code Geography Report Month Month name Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Events Report,
Incrementality Report,
Billing Report,Name Name of the deal Deal ID Report Number of Children in Household Number of Children in Household (0, 1-2, 3+) Audience Report, Occupation Occupation data: Professional/Technical, Upper Management/Executive, Middle Management, Sales/Marketing, Clerical/Office, SkilledTrade/Machine/Laborer, Retired, Executive/Administrator, Self Employed, Professional Driver, Military, Civil Servant, Farming/Agriculture, Work From Home, Health Services, Financial Services, Teacher/Educator, Retail Sales, Computer Professional, Beauty, Real Estate, Architects, Interior Designers, Landscape Architects, Electricians, Engineers, Accountants/CPA, Attorneys, Social Worker, Counselors, Occupational Ther/Physical Ther, Speech Path./Audiologist, Psychologist, Pharmacist, Opticians/Optometrist, Veterinarian, Dentist/Dental Hygienist, Nurse, Doctors/Physicians/Surgeons, Chiropractors, Surveyors, Clergy, Insurance/Underwriters, Services/Creative Audience Report, Open Market Auction Type Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Bid Performance Report,Paced Only Pacing Report Placement Placement ID/name, as provided by the publisher. Prefixed with exchange handle Inventory Report Placement Type Placement type of the impression (banner, video, banner and video, native, unknown) Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,Platform Bandwidth Indicates if the browser is using WiFi or a carrier service when establishing an internet connection. Platform Report Platform Browser Browser Type; -1 if unknown Platform Report Platform Browser Version Browser version number Platform Report Platform Device Make Device Manufacturer Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,Platform Device Model Device Model Code Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,Platform Device Type Device Type (e.g. MOBILE, TABLET, PC) Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,Platform Js 0 if no; 1 if yes; -1 if unknown Platform Report Platform OS Platform Operating System, i.e. iOS Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,Platform OS Version Platform Operating System version, i.e. 6. -1 if unknown Platform Report Publisher ID Publisher ID on the exchange. Prefixed with the exchange handle for uniqueness. Inventory Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,Publisher Name Publisher Name declared by the exchange on the request. Inventory Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,Reach The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,Reach (Custom ID with Fallback) Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Reach (Custom ID) The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time, using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Reach (Freewheel Household ID Fallback) The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time, using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Reach (Freewheel Household ID) The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time, using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Reach (Freewheel Person ID with Fallback) The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time, using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Reach (Freewheel Person ID) The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time, using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Reach (IP-Based) The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time, using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,Reach (Liveramp Household ID Fallback) The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time, using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Reach (Liveramp Household ID) The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time, using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Reach (Liveramp Person ID with Fallback) The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time, using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Reach (Liveramp Person ID) The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time, using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Reach (Standard with Fallback) The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time, using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Reach (Tapad Household ID Fallback) The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time, using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Reach (Tapad Household ID) The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time, using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Reach (Tapad Person ID with Fallback) The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time, using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Reach (Tapad Person ID) The unique number of people or households exposed to a given medium (campaign, line, or deal) at a given time, using the ID signal declared in the field name for counting. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Region/State Region/State Name Geography Report Region/State Code Region/State Code Geography Report Revenue In USD $0.00 Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,Seat ID The seat used for transacting on the relevant exchange. Performance Report,
Bid Performance Report,Seat Type Seat type of campaign (customer or Beeswax billable) Performance Report,
Bid Performance Report,Segment Alternative ID Customer Alternative Segment ID Vendor Fee Report,
Segment Report,Segment Key Beeswax Segment Key in format: <buzzkey>-<segment_ID> Segment Report Segment Name Beeswax Segment Name Segment Report Site ID ID of the site that generated the impression, as provided by the publisher Inventory Report Site Name Name of the site that generated the impression, as provided by the publisher Inventory Report Start Date The provided start date for the deal in Buzz. Deal ID Report Test Group ID The ID of the test group associated with the line item. Performance Report,
Conversion Report,Test Group Name The name of the test group associated with the line item. Performance Report,
Conversion Report,Test Plan ID The ID of the test plan associated with the campaign. Performance Report,
Conversion Report,Test Plan Name The name of the test plan associated with the campaign. Performance Report,
Conversion Report,Time Window Filter-only field. Used to specify the lookback window for the Bid Decision Report. Bid Decision Report Treatment Group Conversion Rate The value showing: Treatment group conversions/Treatment group impressions Incrementality Report Vendor Fee Currency Code The currency code applicable for the vendor fee. Vendor Fee Report Vendor Fee Name Beeswax Vendor Fee Name Vendor Fee Report Vendor Fees In your default currency Vendor Fee Report Vendor Fees USD In USD Vendor Fee Report Vendor ID Beeswax Vendor ID Vendor Fee Report Vendor Name Beeswax Vendor Fee Name Vendor Fee Report Vendor Type Standard or Custom Vendor Fee Report Video Companion CTR Number of clicks of the video companion over number of impressions of the video companion (Only VAST Inline) Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Video Complete Percent Percentage of video completed by user Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Video Duration Duration of video on video Performance Report Video Placement Type The placement type for the video impression. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Domain Report,Video Player Size Size of video player. Performance Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,Viewability Vendor Name Name of the viewability vendor’s pixel being used on the Creative Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Week Week Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Events Report,
Incrementality Report,Year YYYY Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Events Report,
Incrementality Report,
Billing Report,
Oops, it seems that you need to place a table or a macro generating a table within the Table Filter macro. The table is being loaded. Please wait for a bit ... Audio Companion Clicks App Report, Audio Companion CTR Audio Companion Views Audio Complete Percent Audio Completes Audio Midpoints Audio Plays Audio Q1s Audio Q3s Audio Skips Performance Report, Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event, for conversions attributable to the control group. Frequently used to represent the number of items purchased, an order number, or other identifier. Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided. Used to represent the value of that conversion. Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Frequently used to represent the number of items purchased, an order number, or other identifier. Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided. Used to represent the value of that conversion. Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided. Used to represent the value of that conversion. In USD $0.00 Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event, for conversions attributable via FreeWheel Household ID. Frequently used to represent the number of items purchased, an order number, or other identifier. Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided. Used to represent the value of that conversion. Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event, for conversions attributable via FreeWheel Person ID. Frequently used to represent the number of items purchased, an order number, or other identifier. Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided. Used to represent the value of that conversion. Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided. Used to represent the value of that conversion. Performance Report, Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event, for conversions attributable via IP address. Frequently used to represent the number of items purchased, an order number, or other identifier. Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided. Used to represent the value of that conversion. IP Conversions Value Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided. Used to represent the value of that conversion. Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event, for conversions attributable to the treatment group when using the IP Address ID type for segregation. Frequently used to represent the number of items purchased, an order number, or other identifier. Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided. Used to represent the value of that conversion. Performance Report, App Report Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event, for conversions attributable to the treatment group when using the Standard ID type for segregation. Frequently used to represent the number of items purchased, an order number, or other identifier. Optional field passed to Beeswax by customer as part of conversion event. Will use the default value set on the Event object if none is provided. Used to represent the value of that conversion. Measure Description Report Scope(s) Amount USD The invoice row amount, in USD. Billing Report Auctions The approximate count of bid requests eligible at a given stage/reason. Deal ID Report,
Bid Decision Report,Auctions Dropped The approximate count of bid requests dropped in a given stage/reason. Bid Decision Report Set to 1 if the audio's companion banner received a click
Domain Report,
Geo Report,
Inventory Report,
Performance Report,
Platform Report,
Segment Report,Clickthrough Rate for audio companion ads. App Report,
Domain Report,
Geo Report,
Inventory Report,
Performance Report,
Platform Report,
Segment Report,Views accrued by audio companion ads. App Report,
Domain Report,
Geo Report,
Inventory Report,
Performance Report,
Platform Report,
Segment Report,Percentage of audio completed. App Report,
Domain Report,
Geo Report,
Inventory Report,
Performance Report,
Platform Report,
Segment Report,Set to 1 if audio ad is watched through the fourth quartile. App Report,
Domain Report,
Geo Report,
Inventory Report,
Performance Report,
Platform Report,
Segment Report,Set to 1 if audio ad is watched through the second quartile. App Report,
Domain Report,
Geo Report,
Inventory Report,
Performance Report,
Platform Report,
Segment Report,Set to 1 if audio ad is played. App Report,
Domain Report,
Geo Report,
Inventory Report,
Performance Report,
Platform Report,
Segment Report,Set to 1 if audio ad is watched through the first quartile. App Report,
Domain Report,
Geo Report,
Inventory Report,
Performance Report,
Platform Report,
Segment Report,Set to 1 if audio ad is watched through the third quartile. App Report,
Domain Report,
Geo Report,
Inventory Report,
Performance Report,
Platform Report,
Segment Report,Set to 1 if audio ad is skipped. App Report,
Domain Report,
Geo Report,
Inventory Report,
Performance Report,
Platform Report,
Segment Report,Average Bid Price Average bid price in CPM Bid Performance Report Average Bid Price USD Average bid price, in CPM, in USD. Bid Performance Report Average Viewable Seconds Viewable Seconds / Viewable Impressions Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Bid Shading Fee The fee withheld by Beeswax, accrued during the bid shading process. Articulated in line item's currency. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,Bid Shading Fee USD The fee withheld by Beeswax, accrued during the bid shading process. Articulated in USD. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,Bids Number of bids submitted to exchange(s) Bid Performance Report,
Deal ID Report,Campaign Impressions Impressions served by the campaign. Pacing Report Campaign Impressions Through Yesterday Impressions served by the campaign, exclusive of the current day. Pacing Report Campaign Impressions Yesterday Impressions served by the campaign yesterday. Pacing Report Campaign Spend Spend accrued by the campaign. Pacing Report Campaign Spend Through Yesterday Spend accrued by the campaign, exclusive of the current day. Pacing Report Campaign Spend Yesterday Spend accrued by the campaign yesterday. Pacing Report Clicks Number of clicks counted
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Audience ReportClickthrough Conversions User was served an impression and clicked the ad within the clickthrough window prior to triggering the event. Cookie-based Beeswax attribution only. Performance Report,
App Report,content.len Length of content in seconds; appropriate for video or audio Control Group Conversion Order Incrementality Report Control Group Conversion Value Incrementality Report Control Group Conversions The number of conversions attributed to the control group. Incrementality Report Control Group Impressions The number of “ghost” impressions viewed by the control group. Incrementality Report Conversion Order Conversion Report,
Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Conversion Value Conversion Report Conversions Number of conversions attributed on User_ID Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Conversions Attributed Number of conversions that were successfully attributed. Events Report Conversions Non-Attributed Number of conversions that were unsuccessfully attributed. Events Report Conversions' Value Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,CPC Cost Per Click Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,CPC USD Cost Per Click - in USD Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,CPM Cost per 1000 impressions Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Deal ID Report,Cpm Cost The CPM cost associated with the segment in Buzz. Segment Report CPM USD Cost per 1000 impressions - in USD Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Deal ID Report,CTR Click Through Rate - number of clicks over number of impressions Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,Event Tag Fire Count Total count of events tag fired Events Report Event Value Events Report Flight Budget The budget associated with the flight in Buzz. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Pacing Report,Flight Budget Delivery Through Yesterday The flight budget delivered through the end of the previous full day. Pacing Report Flight Impressions The flight impressions delivered to date. Pacing Report Flight Impressions Through Yesterday The flight impressions delivered through the end of the previous full day. Pacing Report Flight Impressions Yesterday The flight impressions delivered yesterday. Pacing Report Flight Spend The flight spend delivered to date. Pacing Report Flight Spend Through Yesterday The flight spend delivered through the end of the previous full day. Pacing Report Flight Spend Yesterday The flight spend delivered yesterday. Pacing Report Floor Price The floor price associated with the deal in Buzz. Deal ID Report FreeWheel Household ID Conversion Order Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,FreeWheel Household ID Conversion Value Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,FreeWheel Household ID Conversions The number of conversions that Beeswax was able to attribute to an impression via the FreeWheel Household ID. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,FreeWheel Person ID Conversion Order Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,FreeWheel Person ID Conversion Value Conversion Report FreeWheel Person ID Conversion Value Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,FreeWheel Person ID Conversions The number of conversions that Beeswax was able to attribute to an impression via the FreeWheel Person ID. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Gross Margin Revenue - spend, in USD $0.00 Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,Impressions Number of impressions counted
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Bid Performance Report,
Segment Report,
Deal ID Report,
Audience ReportInvalid Impression % Percent of measurable impressions deemed to be invalid by vendor. Performance Report Invalid Impressions Number of measurable, invalid impressions. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Inventory Cost Exchange clearing price in USD$ Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Inventory Cost USD Exchange clearing price in USD$ Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,IP Conversion Order Conversion Report,
Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,IP Conversion Value Conversion Report IP Conversions Number of conversions attributed on IP Address Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Conversion Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,IP Conversions Attributed Number of conversions attributable via IP address. Events Report IP Conversions Non-Attributed Number of conversions not attributable via IP address. Events Report Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,IP Treatment Group Conversion Order Incrementality Report IP Treatment Group Conversion Value Incrementality Report IP Treatment Group Conversions The number of IP conversions attributed to the treatment group. Incrementality Report Line Item Impressions Impressions served by the line item, to date. Pacing Report Line Item Impressions Through Yesterday Impressions served by the line item, exclusive of the current day. Pacing Report Line Item Impressions Yesterday Impressions served by the line item yesterday. Pacing Report Match rate the % of impressions we were able to match to our demographic data source Audience Report, Measurable Impression % Measurable Impressions / Total Impressions counted by Beeswax Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Measurable Impressions The number of impressions where viewability was measurable Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Measurable Invalid Impressions The measurable impressions deemed to be invalid by vendor. Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Media Spend Billable Spend on Media: Inventory Cost + Discrepancy allowance + Beeswax Media Seat Fee in USD$ Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Deal ID Report,Media Spend USD Billable Spend on Media: Inventory Cost + Discrepancy allowance + Beeswax Media Seat Fee in USD$ Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Deal ID Report,Net Margin In USD $0.00 Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,Net Margin Percent In USD $0.00 Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,Postback Conversions Customer or Postback vendor provided Beeswax an Auction ID to assign credit for a conversion. Provided by a non-Beeswax party via Postback endpoint. Spend Media Spend + Vendor Fees in USD$ (when 'Spend with Vendor Fees' is selected as the 'Budget Type' on the Line Item. If 'Spend' is selected, this will equal 'Media Spend') Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Deal ID Report,Spend per Conversion In USD $0.00 Performance Report Spend USD Media Spend + Vendor Fees in USD$ (when 'Spend with Vendor Fees' is selected as the 'Budget Type' on the Line Item. If 'Spend' is selected, this will equal 'Media Spend') Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Vendor Fee Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Deal ID Report,
Audience Report,Treatment Group Conversion Order Incrementality Report Treatment Group Conversion Value Incrementality Report Treatment Group Conversions Treatment Group Conversions Incrementality Report Treatment Group Impressions TreatmentGroup Impressions Incrementality Report vCPM The CPM calculated against viewable impressions Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Vendor Fees In USD $0.00. Includes Beeswax Ad Serving Fees, where the vendor name is "Beeswax". Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Deal ID Report,Vendor Fees USD In USD $0.00. Includes Beeswax Ad Serving Fees, where the vendor name is "Beeswax". Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Deal ID Report,Video Companion Clicks Number of clicks on the video companion (Only VAST Inline) Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Video Companion Views Number of views of the video companion (Only VAST Inline) Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,
Performance Report,Video Completes Number of videos that played to 100% completion Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Video Midpoints Number of videos that played to at least 50% completion Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment ReportVideo Plays Number of video plays Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Video Q1s Number of videos that played to at least 25% completion Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Video Q3s Number of videos that played to at least 75% completion Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Video Skips Number of video skips performed Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Viewability % Viewable Impressions / Total Impressions counted by Beeswax Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Viewable Impressions The number of impressions where at least 50% of an ad was in-view for more than a second Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Viewable Seconds Total number of seconds that were viewable Performance Report,
Inventory Report,
Platform Report,
App Report,
Domain Report,
Geography Report,
Segment Report,Viewthrough Conversions The user was served an impression within the viewthrough window and did not click the ad in the clickthrough window prior to triggering the event. Cookie-based Beeswax attribution only. Performance Report,
App Report,Win Rate Expressed as a percentage (Number of Impressions/Number of Bids) Bid Performance Report,
Deal ID Report,