Overview |
This page describes the environment targeting keys and their respective recommendations. |
Targeting Key | Description | Recommendation |
Ad Position | Describes where on the page the ad slot is--the values are publisher defined and are not always reliably reported. | Use as INCLUDE or EXCLUDE targeting |
Ads.txt | Find details on Ads.txt targeting here | Use as INCLUDE or EXCLUDE targeting |
Environment Type | Environment type is either “In-App” or “Web”. “In-App” is the best way to target Mobile App inventory. “Web” means both Desktop and Mobile web. If you would like to target only Desktop or Mobile web the best practice is layer on additional platform targeting. | Use as INCLUDE or EXCLUDE targeting |
Interstitial | Whether or not the placement is an interstitial placement. Interstitials are common in mobile app environments but can also be utilized in desktop and mobile web environments. | Use as INCLUDE or EXCLUDE targeting |
Interstitial Type | Whether the Interstitial slot accepts banner, video, or both | Use as INCLUDE or EXCLUDE targeting |
Native Layout | Describes layout targeting only available on native line items. Note: This targeting type is only available for certain exchanges and is not passed on all native bid requests, so usage of it may limit traffic. | Use as INCLUDE or EXCLUDE targeting |
Rewarded | Whether the placement is Rewarded (also known as Incentivized) | Use as INCLUDE or EXCLUDE targeting |
Top Frame | Describes inventory where the ad slot is NOT in an iFrame. Top Frame targeting can be useful in cases where the creative does not interact well in iFrame environments. Note: Excluding Top Frame is equivalent to targeting iFrame. | Use as INCLUDE or EXCLUDE targeting |
API Framework | The API Frameworks that are allowable for the placement. Values include MRAID 1, MRAID 2, MRAID 3, OMID (also known as Open Measurement SDK), ORMMA, Unknown, VPAID 1, and VPAID 2. The field is most useful for ensuring you are delivering to placements that allow for certain scripts to run, such as viewability measurement. | Use as INCLUDE or EXCLUDE targeting |