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Platform targeting is used to ensure you are targeting the desired device or platform, including device types and operating systems. 

Targeting Keys

Targeting KeyDescriptionRecommendation
BandwidthDevice bandwidth, e.g. cellular network, ethernet or WiFiUse INCLUDE or EXCLUDE targeting.
BrowserUser’s web browser (Chrome, Safari)Use INCLUDE or EXCLUDE targeting.
Browser VersionUser’s browser versionUse INCLUDE or EXCLUDE targeting.
CarrierDevice carrier or ISP, e.g. VERIZONUse INCLUDE or EXCLUDE targeting.
Device TypeThe type of device from which the impression originated, e.g. Mobile Phone, CTV, Tablet, etc.Use INCLUDE or EXCLUDE targeting.
Device MakeMake of the device, e.g. Apple.Use INCLUDE or EXCLUDE targeting.
Device ModelModel of the device, e.g. iPhone.Use INCLUDE or EXCLUDE targeting.
Device Screen SizePhysical dimensions of the screen size.  The sizes are (in pixel area): 
XL - Greater than 640001 
L - From 250001 to 640000 
M - From 90001 to 250000 
S - Less than or equal to 90000
Use EXCLUDE targeting. INCLUDE targeting may limit delivery.
Operating SystemSpecifies the operating system of the device.Use INCLUDE or EXCLUDE targeting.
Operating System VersionSpecifies the operating system version of the device (iOS 10, Android Honeycomb, etc)Use INCLUDE or EXCLUDE targeting.

Best Practices For Platform Targeting

There are several different ways you can target mobile app, mobile web or desktop web inventory. Below are the best practices that optimize for both reach and accuracy: 

PlatformBest practice targeting to reach Platform
Desktop WebFor Desktop Web inventory, best practice is simply to utilize the “Operating System” key within the“Platform” targeting module.  
Specifically, INCLUDE target Windows, OSX, Linux/Unix, within the “Operating System” targeting key.
Mobile AppFor Mobile App inventory, the best practice is to target utilize the “Environment Type” targeting key within the “Inventory” targeting module.  
Specifically, select the “In-App” value from the “Environment Type” targeting key.
Mobile WebTo target mobile web, the best practice is to combine “Operating System” and “Environment Type” targeting. 
Specifically you should 
  1. Target “Web” from the “Environment Type” targeting key
  2. Target “Android, iOS, Windows Mobile” from the “Operating System” targeting key
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