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Starting September 30, 2024, all Oracle products, including BlueKai, MOAT, and Grapeshot segments, as well as MOAT post bid measurement, will no longer be available on the Beeswax platform. If this impacts you, Beeswax account teams are available to assist in finding alternative options. For questions, please contact your Beeswax account representative.

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`wseat`, `wadomain`, and `pmp.private_auction` are optional OpenRTB bid request attributes that afford inventory sellers the ability to selectively offer their supply to specific buyers.

In the `wseat` attribute, sellers have the option to declare eligible seat IDs for a given programmatic auction. `wadomain` allows sellers to declare eligible advertiser domains. Both enable eligible demand to transact on and win impressions for a given RTB auction. With `wseat` and 'wadomain` the programmatic seller can reduce the inefficiencies of blocked programmatic demand and eliminate bid responses ineligible for an impression.

How it Works

Within Beeswax, a buyer’s use case for wseat include:

  • Media firms that buy their own exclusive supply and do not want other buyers bidding on it
  • Ensuring that bidding on programmatic guaranteed supply is restricted to only the appropriate buyer

For non-private deals where `pmp.private_auction=0`, `wseat` and `wadomain` are respected. If a bidder bids on a request and the bidder does not have a matching `wseat` and/or `wadomain` that is present in the bid request, the bid will be dropped. 

For open marketplace buying, `wseat` is only supported on certain exchanges. If a deal is carried on the same bid request and has a different `wseat` than the open market auction, the `wseat` on either the deal or the open market aspect of the bid request will be respected. Please contact Beeswax support to understand Beeswax’s support for `wseat` on open marketplace transactions by exchange.

If you are working with an inventory seller for exclusive supply where `wseat` is required, please contact Beeswax Support to ensure your Beeswax account is configured with the proper SSP-specific seat ID. 


A Beeswax buyer strikes a deal with a publisher who sells their supply programmatically but only to a subset of DSP demand. The publisher has a requirement that no ineligible buyer should bid on the deal. The publisher can reference the Beeswax buyer’s SSP seat ID within the `wseat` RTB attribute, which effectively removes unknown buyers from the pool of eligible DSP demand.

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