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The MRM 6.45 release guide is available about on the Hub. The guide provides a view of upcoming features and improvements that will take place on Tuesday, October 26, 2021. Please note that we will continue to update the guide as additional features are confirmed. If you have questions, please reach out to your FreeWheel account team.

A few 6.45 release highlights are listed below:

  • Creative Troubleshooting available in New Programmatic Insights
    • Creative Troubleshooting is a new tab available in New Programmatic Insights that allows users to troubleshoot creatives from Programmatic deals to determine if a deal is underperforming due to a creative or if a creative is causing issues with demand.
  • New global navigation menu for site map, plus icon, footer, and style updates to MRM User Interface
    • A new hamburger menu that expands to a site map has been added to the MRM navigation. Also, the icons for notifications and user profiles have been changed along with some styles in the User Profile dropdown and the global footer.
  • Additional Standard Attributes have been added to V4 Logs

    • To support future enhancements within MRM, FreeWheel will introduce multiple fields in v4 log files in order to connect and expand the capability to connect more Marketplace transactions to corresponding inventory.

As a reminder, the next MRM Release (6.46) is scheduled for Tuesday December 7, 2021.

The What's New with MRM | October 2021 video will provide an overview of upcoming release release features and enhancements.

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