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Field NameDescription
Start Date*When this line item will begin being eligible to serve.
End DateWhen this line item will no longer be eligible to serve.
Budget Type*Budget types at the line item level can be of type “Spend” (dollar amount) or “Impressions” (number of impressions). Line item budgets must be the same as the budget used in the campaign that houses the line item.
Budget*Overall budget of the line item. The budget of an individual line item can not exceed the campaign budget.
Daily BudgetDaily budget cap of the line item. Daily budget is recommended to be high enough to allow entire budget to spend over the dates of the line item.
Bidding Strategy*

Bidding strategy to use for this line item. A line item can only have one bidding strategy - Flat CPM, CPC Goal, VCR Goal or CPA Goal. Learn more about Bidding Strategies.


When selecting CPA Goal (Cost Per Acquisition) bidding strategy, a conversion event (Creating an Event Tag) must be created prior. The event pixel must have at least 1,000 500 Beeswax-attributed conversions within the last 30 days to be used in the CPA bidding strategy. Learn more about CPA here.

Pacing*Determines how budget is spent through the life of the campaign. Can be Daily, Lifetime, Flight, or None. 
Pacing Behavior* (Will display when a Pacing option has been chosen).

Pacing behavior determines the rate at which the budget is spent. Options include:

  • Even - This pacing will evenly distribute the budget during the lifetime, day, or flight duration. This type is best for those who want to spend the same amount of money during the campaign duration and the inventory is consistent. Even is the default setting chosen.

  • Ahead - Attempts to spend slightly faster than Even. This option is best for those who's main goal is to avoid any risk of under-delivery.
Multiplier* (Will display when a Pacing option has been chosen).Multiplier enables control over spending speed. For example, setting it to 1.5 will spend 150% of the allocated target amount. Enter a numerical value in this field.
Catchup Behavior* (Will display when a Pacing option has been chosen).

Catchup behavior determines how the pacemaker responds when the budget delivery falls behind and inventory becomes suddenly available at a certain point. Options include:

  • Immediate - When inventory becomes available, it will try to use all spend immediately to catchup.

  • Even - Will evenly catchup to the desired spend rate.

  • Smooth - Will spend slightly more in the beginning when the inventory is available and gradually catchup with the target spend rate.
CPM Bid* (Available when using CPM bidding strategy)This is the bid amount for the line item.

Bid Shading (Fees Apply)

(Available when using CPM bidding strategy)

By enabling Bid Shading, the CPM bid in first price auction environments will be reduced in order to generate savings while minimizing reductions in the win rate. A fee will be applied on the savings rate.
Bid Shading Control (Available when using CPM bidding strategy)Choose either Normal, Less Aggressive, or More Aggressive.
eCPC Target* (Available when using CPC Goal)The target effective Cost per Click.
Max CPM Bid* (Available when using CPC Goal)The maximum amount to bid.
CPA Target* (Available when using CPA Goal)CPA performance goal; displayed numerically.
CPA Event* (Available when using CPA Goal)This strategy will determine bid amounts based on historical performance of the event and help optimize line items towards goals.
Max Bid* (Available when using CPA Goal)The maximum amount to bid.
Use Custom Bidding AgentToggle "Yes" or "No" to activate a custom bidding agent.
Alternative IDA separately created ID that may be used for outside reporting purposes.
NotesFree text field to apply notes relevant to the line item.
