Line items act as the engine of the campaign that are configured with different targeting criteria to help an ad reach the right viewer. This page will review the process of creating a new line item.
A window will open asking to define certain criteria for the line item. These fields include:
Field Name | Definition |
Advertiser* | Select an advertiser to associate this line item to. |
Campaign* | Select a campaign for this line item to operate under. |
Line Item Name* | This as a freeform field allowing for line item naming in accordance with your taxonomy requirements. |
Line Item Type* | Line item type can be Banner, Video, Native or Audio. The selected type will only allow creatives with that file type to run on this line Item. For example, a banner creative may only run on a Line Item with "Banner" selected as the Line Item Type. |
Programmatic Guaranteed | "Yes" or "No" toggle. A Programmatic Guaranteed line item must be used when targeting a Programmatic Guaranteed deal. |
Below are the available screens with their corresponding fields needed to complete the line item creation process.
The essential settings are important in defining the key components of the line item activity behavior.
Field Name | Description | |
Start Date* | When this line item will begin being eligible to serve. | |
End Date | When this line item will no longer be eligible to serve. | |
Budget Type* | Budget types at the line item level can be of type “Spend” (dollar amount) or “Impressions” (number of impressions). Line item budgets must be the same as the budget used in the campaign that houses the line item. | |
Budget* | Overall budget of the line item. The budget of an individual line item can not exceed the campaign budget. | |
Daily Budget | Daily budget cap of the line item. Daily budget is recommended to be high enough to allow entire budget to spend over the dates of the line item. | |
Bidding Strategy* | Bidding strategy to use for this line item. A line item can only have one bidding strategy - Flat CPM, CPC Goal, VCR Goal or CPA Goal. Learn more about Bidding Strategies.
| |
Pacing* | Determines how budget is spent through the life of the campaign. Can be Daily, Lifetime, Flight, or None. | |
Pacing Behavior* (Will display when a Pacing option has been chosen). | Pacing behavior determines the rate at which the budget is spent. Options include:
| |
Multiplier* (Will display when a Pacing option has been chosen). | Multiplier enables control over spending speed. For example, setting it to 1.5 will spend 150% of the allocated target amount. Enter a numerical value in this field. | |
Catchup Behavior* (Will display when a Pacing option has been chosen). | Catchup behavior determines how the pacemaker responds when the budget delivery falls behind and inventory becomes suddenly available at a certain point. Options include:
| |
CPM Bid* (Available when using CPM bidding strategy) | This is the bid amount for the line item. | |
Bid Shading (Fees Apply) (Available when using CPM bidding strategy) | By enabling Bid Shading, the CPM bid in first price auction environments will be reduced in order to generate savings while minimizing reductions in the win rate. A fee will be applied on the savings rate. | |
Bid Shading Control (Available when using CPM bidding strategy) | Choose either Normal, Less Aggressive, or More Aggressive. | |
eCPC Target* (Available when using CPC Goal) | The target effective Cost per Click. | |
Max CPM Bid* (Available when using CPC Goal) | The maximum amount to bid. | |
CPA Target* (Available when using CPA Goal) | CPA performance goal; displayed numerically. | |
CPA Event* (Available when using CPA Goal) | This strategy will determine bid amounts based on historical performance of the event and help optimize line items towards goals. | |
Max Bid* (Available when using CPA Goal) | The maximum amount to bid. | |
Use Custom Bidding Agent | Toggle "Yes" or "No" to activate a custom bidding agent. | |
Alternative ID | A separately created ID that may be used for outside reporting purposes. | |
Notes | Free text field to apply notes relevant to the line item. |
Line item flights allow for granular control over the timing of line item delivery. Flights can strictly control delivery time frames, and can each have their own budget. The budget type is inherited from the line item and total budget of all flights cannot exceed the line item’s budget.
Start by navigating to Line Items > click line item name > click General tab. From this screen, complete the essential settings section and then select Flights.
From the General tab, there will be an option to choose the pacing for the flight once the bidding strategy has been selected on the line item. Pacing is a required field for the flight.
Once pacing is selected, a view will expand that displays the line item flight information:
To get started, choose a 'budget carry over' setting. See below for an explanation of the selectable options from this dropdown:
For any of the three options, once the flight is over by 12 hours, the un-used budget on the flight will be allocated to future flights based on the carry-over type selected: |
None: Selected by default. No budget will carry over to the next flight. Additionally, a planned budget is able to be set with custom or spend all.
Add To next flight: Add all the remaining budget to the next available flight’s budget.
Distribute evenly: Any remaining budget will be distributed evenly to current and future flights. Each flight will receive the same amount of budget.
Prorated by length: The remaining budget will be distributed prorated to the length of each future flight, meaning the longer flight will receive more carried-over budget than a shorter flight.
Enter a planned budget amount (Required).
Review the Approximate Post Flight Remaining budget below the 'End Date' field. This number takes the amount of budget from the line item and subtracts what is spent from flights. Ensure the remaining budget is not negative.
A planned budget can be either: Custom or Spend All. Only a budget carry over of type none will allow you to choose spend all. |
Once flight is completed, select the summary tab and navigate to Essential Settings within the line item to view the flight's settings.
Flight quick stats will enhance the data insights offered when working with flights. This includes the following:
Budget Information
Carryover Budget
Total Flight
OSI shows line-item pacing as per its budget goal for the current time. For example: If a line item is 6 days into its 10-day flight but it has only spent $300 of its $1000 budget, then its OSI will be 50%. Pacing at 50% means it has spent $300 of $1000 but it should have been at $600 of $1000 by day 6 of 10. See more on Pacing Report.
When hovering over the line-item's OSI, two bars are visible:
The OSI field gets populated if the line item is using Lifetime or Flight pacing. |
Up to three frequency caps are allowed at the line item level. Frequency caps are also available to set at the line item level. |
When trafficking a line item, there is the option of setting a Frequency Cap to restrict the number of times a particular ad will be shown to a particular user. Standard uses the Beeswax cookie ID on web traffic, and the mobile device ID on in-app traffic. Additionally, Beeswax has optional support for enhanced frequency capping on IP Address, IDFV, proprietary customer IDs, and cross device IDs.
Field Name | Description | |
ID Type | Select the level of ID for which the frequency cap will be applied:
| |
Use Fallback | "Yes" or "No" toggle. Learn more about fallback here. | |
Add Another Frequency Cap | Add additional lines of frequency cap settings to configure the ads per number of time periods (day, hour, minute, or week). |
Be sure to account for any vendor fees that may be associated to this line item. Fees may include FreeWheel Identity Network, or other data providers.
To associate an Event, the event must be set to allow only selected line items for attribution. Events without whitelabled assignments will automatically track conversion for all line items under the advertisers. |
If an event has been created on the account, it will be selectable to apply to this line item. To learn more, see Events
On a line item, there is an option set a Revenue value, which can be used to report on the revenue made from running a given campaign. Profit margin is then able to be calculated by subtracting the spend from the Revenue.
Revenue is calculated according to one of four calculations:
Once the Revenue Type is selected, apply a numerical currency figure in the Revenue Amount field.
Learn more about Revenue.
The targeting tab helps define certain targeting requirements so that the ad gets displayed to the correct audience. To view all available targeting options, please see Line Item Targeting.
To learn more about Modifiers, please see Delivery Modifiers and Bid Modifiers. |
Field Name | Definition |
Name* | Name the modifier to be relevant to the certain modifier terms selected. I.e. Language Modifier |
Advertiser* | Select an Advertiser via dropdown to associate the modifier to. Modifiers can be applied to the account level, or to an Advertiser. |
Bid Model | Matching Bid Model’s values will be multiplied with Bid Modifier terms. Learn more about Bid Models. |
Max Bid* | Final bid prices will be capped at this value. |
Min Bid | Final bid prices will be floored at this value. |
Alternative ID | Separately created ID for use of external reporting purposes. |
Notes | Any desired notes about this modifier. |
Add Bid Modifier Terms | Here is where multiple targeting fields may be selected and applied to the Modifier. |
Field Name | Description |
Name* | Name the modifier to be relevant to the certain modifier terms selected. I.e. Language Modifier |
Advertiser* | Select an advertiser via dropdown to associate the modifier to. Modifiers can be applied to the account level, or to an advertiser. |
Modifier Type | Modify with either terms or model. Choosing terms will allow a manual selection of targeting requirements. A Delivery Model can be used in place of Modifier Terms, and requires choosing a Delivery Model and Fallback Weight. Learn more about Delivery Models. |
Delivery Model* (Available when selecting "With Model" as Modifier Type) | A Delivery Model can be used in place of Modifier Terms. See more here. |
Fallback Weight* (Available when selecting "With Model" as Modifier Type) | For every Delivery Modifier, a Fallback Weight value is required, which will be the weight that is associated with any auctions that matched targeting but do not necessarily match a row in the model or delivery modifier terms (similar to a Default Bid for Bid Models and Modifiers). It is recommended to set the default to 1 in order to fulfill the budget. The Fallback Weight Value can be set as "0" to ensure auctions outside of the model/modifier terms will not be bid on, but doing this may increase the likelihood of under-delivery. |
Notes | Any desired notes about this modifier. |
Alternative ID | Separately created ID for use of external reporting purposes. |
Add Delivery Modifier Terms | Here is where multiple targeting fields may be selected and applied to the modifier. |
Here is where the association of a creative to a line item occurs. See, Creatives to learn more.
Column Name | Description |
Creative Name & ID | Displays the name and ID applied to the creative. |
Association ID | ID of this specific association used for reporting |
Creative Thumbnail | Thumbnail uploaded representing the creative. |
Creative Status | Either Active or Inactive status for the creative association. |
Association Weight | Weight is used to control the relative likelihood that a given creative is chosen when one or more creatives matches and the Creative Weighting Method is 'Weighted'. Best practice is for the weights of all creatives of a single format/size to add up to 100. |
Creative Start Date | Starting date for eligibility of this creative to serve. |
Creative End Date | End date for eligibility of this creative to serve. |
Association Start Date | Start date for when this creative may be associated to the given line item. |
Association End Date | End date for when this creative may be associated to the given line item. |
The summary tab will show an overview of the selected settings for the created line item. There is an option to save Essential Settings as a Line Item Preset, which will be a selectable grouping of settings able to be applied to a future created line item.