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Table of Contents

Table of Contents



Analytics will be updated with a new user interface and introducing domains report scopes as a new method of creating and scheduling Analytics reports. Domains Scopes are a pre-curated selection of relevant dimensions and metrics and will be organized to the following business functions:

  • Programmatic
  • Marketplace Platform Private
  • Marketplace Platform Exchange
  • Inventory
  • Direct Sold
  • Reseller Sold
  • Inventory
  • Partner Tags

These domains scopes will provide a streamlined workflow for creating reports based on these business functions. Users will be able to include or exclude any of the dimensions and metrics available in the domainscope.


Note: Creating non-domainscope-based reports will be available until this rollout is complete. These reports will be migrated according to the schedule.

Please contact your FreeWheel account team if you have any questions.


Report Migration

To support the new domain scope method for report creation, FreeWheel will be migrating existing Analytics reports to one domainscope. This will impact the data in these reports and report templates.

Reports migrated to a domain scope will only contain the dimensions and metrics related to that domainscope.

Migration Schedule

Reports will be migrated to domains in scopes in phases beginning with the 6.52 release Release (October 25, 2022) with the Programmatic, Marketplace Platform Private, and Marketplace Platform Exchange domainsscopes.

The Inventory, Direct Sold, and Reseller domains will scopes will be released to MRM at a later date. FreeWheel will announce in the Release Guide and update this page once those dates are confirmed.

DomainScopeReleaseStaging DateProduction Date



June 20, 2023July 6, 2023
Partner Tags6.57June 20, 2023July 6, 2023
Programmatic6.52October 11, 2022October 25, 2022
Marketplace Platform Private6.52October 11, 2022October 25, 2022
Marketplace Platform Exchange6.52October 11, 2022October 25, 2022
Direct Sold6.56April 25, 2023May 9, 2023
Reseller Sold6.56April 25, 2023May 9, 2023

Required Actions for Inventory


Scope Migration

Users must complete the following steps for their impacted Analytics reports before the 6.56.1 MRM Release on June 6, 2023.

  1. Review the below tables to see which dimensions and metrics are supported for the Inventory Scope.
  2. Update the dimensions and/or metrics to align the report with Inventory scope.

Available Dimension Groups by Scope


Dimension GroupDimensionInventory Scope
Network Level

Decision Type(tick)
Delivery Method(tick)
Linear Avail Type(tick)
Linear Decision Type(tick)
Network ID(tick)
Network Name(tick)
Sales Channel Type(tick)
Supply Source(tick)

Global Advertiser ID


Global Advertiser Name(tick)
Global Brand ID(tick)
Global Brand Name(tick)

Purchase Order

Purchased Order ID


Purchased Order Loop Indicator(tick)
Purchased Order Name(tick)
Geography DimensionsAll dimensions within this group(tick)
Platform Dimensions

All dimensions within this group



  • Programmatic Device
Audience DimensionsTracked Audience Item(tick)
Global Ad UnitAll dimensions within this group



  • Ad Unit Type
  • Ad Unit Type Package ID
  • Ad Unit Type Package Name
PartnerAll dimensions within this group(tick)
Inbound MRM RuleAll dimensions within this group(tick)
Video GroupAll dimensions within this group(tick)
Video SeriesAll dimensions within this group(tick)
VideoAll dimensions within this group(tick)
Site GroupAll dimensions within this group(tick)
SiteAll dimensions within this group(tick)
Site SectionAll dimensions within this group(tick)
Standard AttributesAll dimensions within this group



  • SSP App
  • SSP Publisher
BreakAll dimensions within this group(tick)
ChannelAll dimensions within this group(tick)
AiringAll dimensions within this group(tick)
StationAll dimensions within this group(tick)
TV NetworkAll dimensions within this group(tick)
MRC DimensionsAll dimensions within this group(tick)
Privacy DimensionsAll dimensions within this group(tick)

Available Metric Groups by Scope


Metric GroupMetricInventory Scope
Delivery Metrics
  • Ads Selected - Primary
  • Click Thru Rate (%)
  • Clickable Ad Impressions
  • Content Owner Delivered Clicks
  • Content Owner Delivered Impressions
  • Delivered Clicks
  • Fill Rate (%)
  • Gross Counted Ads
  • Gross Delivered Impressions
  • Net Counted Ads
  • Net Delivered Impressions
  • Sell-thru Rate (%)
  • Video Starts
  • Ad Insertions
  • Live Linear Request Count


HyLDA MetricsAll metrics within this group


Ad InteractionsAll metrics within this group(tick)
Quartiles and CompletesAll metrics within this group(tick)
Revenue Metrics

All metrics within this group



  • Avg Price - Selected Ads
  • Avg Price - Valid Bids
  • Inventory Cost
Opportunity Metrics
  • Ad Requests
  • Historical Unfilled Available
  • Historical Unfilled Available - Committed
  • Historical Unfilled Available - Non-Committed
  • Purchased Order Avails
  • Total Historical Constrained Ad Avails
  • Total Historical Unconstrained Ad Avails


MRC MetricsAll metrics within this group(tick)

Required Actions for Partner Tags Report Migration

Users must complete the following steps for their impacted Analytics report before 6.57 MRM release on July 6, 2023. 

  1. Review the below tables to see which dimensions and metrics are supported for the Partner Tags scope.
  2. Update the dimensions and/or metrics to align the report with Partner Tags scope.
  3. The following dimensions will be renamed and clients are advised to review their subscribed reports to sure the changes will not disrupt their data processing workflow.
    1. Partner Tag Creative ID → Partner Tags Creative ID
    2. Partner Tag Creative External ID → Partner Tags Creative External ID
    3. Partner Tag Creative Industry Name → Partner Tags Creative Industry Name

Available Dimension Groups by Scope


Dimension GroupDimensionPartner Tags Scope
NetworkNetwork ID(tick)
Network Name(tick)
Sales Channel Type(tick)
Supply Source(tick)

Global Advertiser ID


Global Advertiser Name(tick)
Global Brand ID(tick)
Global Brand Name(tick)
Sold OrderAll dimensions within this group



  • Partner Tags Indicator
Partner Tags CreativeAll dimensions within this group(tick)
Audience DimensionsTracked Audience Item(tick)
Global Ad UnitAd Unit Position


PartnerAll dimensions within this group(tick)
Standard AttributesAll dimensions within this group



  • SSP App
  • SSP Publisher

Available Metric Groups by Scope


Metric GroupMetricInventory Scope
Delivery Metrics

Click Thru Rate (%)


Clickable Ad Impressions


Delivered Clicks


Gross Counted Ads


Gross Delivered Impressions


Net Counted Ads


Net Delivered Impressions

Quartiles and CompletesAll metrics within this group(tick)
Revenue Metrics

Run Revenue




Required Actions for Direct Sold and Reseller Sold Report Migration

Users must complete the following steps for their impacted Analytics reports before the 6.55.1 MRM Release on April 11, 2023.

  1. Review the below tables to see which dimensions and metrics are supported for the Direct Sold and Reseller Sold DomainsScopes.
  2. Remove the dimensions and/or metrics to align the report with either the Direct Sold Domain Scope or Reseller Sold DomainScope.

After the 6.55.1 MRM Release, Analytics will not permit creating reports with unsupported dimension and metric combinations. After the 6.56 MRM Release, your reports will be updated to indicate which domain scope they are aligned to.

Available Dimension Groups by DomainScope


A Shared Block

Dimension GroupDimensionDirect Sold DomainScopeReseller Sold DomainScope
Network LevelDecision Type(tick)(error)

Delivery Method(tick)(tick)

Linear Avail Type(tick)(error)

Linear Decision Type(tick)(error)

Network ID(tick)(tick)

Network Name(tick)(tick)

Sales Channel Type(tick)(tick)

Supply Source(tick)(tick)

All dimensions within this group


  • Global Agency/Global Holding Company
AdvertiserAll dimensions within this group 



  • Programmatic Advertiser
Purchase Order

All dimensions within this group 



  • Purchased Order Loop
CampaignAll dimensions within this group(tick)(error)
Insertion OrderAll dimensions within this group(tick)(error)
PlacementAll dimensions within this group(tick)


Geography DimensionsAll dimensions within this group(tick)



  • Delivered Operator Zone Name
Platform Dimensions

All dimensions within this group


  • Programmatic Device


Audience DimensionsMatched Key Value(tick)(error)
Matched Audience Item(tick)(error)
Matched Audience Item Delivery(tick)(error)
Tracked Audience Item(tick)(tick)
Ad UnitAll dimensions within this group(tick)(tick)
Global Ad UnitAll dimensions within this group(tick)(tick)
CreativeAll dimensions within this group(tick)(tick)
PartnerAll dimensions within this group(tick)(tick)
Reseller PlacementAll dimensions within this group(error)(tick)
MRM RuleAll dimensions within this group(error)(tick)
Inbound MRM RuleAll dimensions within this group(tick)(tick)
Video GroupAll dimensions within this group(tick)(tick)
Video SeriesAll dimensions within this group(tick)(tick)
VideoAll dimensions within this group(tick)(tick)
Site GroupAll dimensions within this group(tick)(tick)
SiteAll dimensions within this group(tick)(tick)
Site SectionAll dimensions within this group(tick)(tick)
Standard AttributesAll dimensions within this group(tick)(error)
BreakAll dimensions within this group(tick)


ChannelAll dimensions within this group(tick)(tick)
AiringAll dimensions within this group(tick)(tick)
StationAll dimensions within this group(tick)(error)
TV NetworkAll dimensions within this group(tick)(error)
MRC DimensionsAll dimensions within this group(tick)

(tick)traffic from all supply sources.

Available Metric Groups by DomainScope


A Shared Block

Metric GroupMetricDirect Sold
ScopeReseller Sold
Demographic MetricsAll metrics within this group(tick)(error)
Custom Billable MetricsAll metrics within this group(tick)(error)
Delivery Metrics
All metrics within this group(except Content Owner Delivered Clicks, Content Owner Delivered Impressions)


  • Ads Selected - Primary
  • Click Thru Rate (%)
  • Clickable Ad Impressions
  • Delivered Clicks
  • Fill Rate (%)
  • Gross Counted Ads
  • Gross Delivered Impressions
  • Net Counted Ads
  • Net Delivered Impressions
  • Ad Insertion




  • Ad Insertions
HyLDA MetricsAll metrics within this group



  • Break Starts


Ad InteractionsAll metrics within this group(tick)(error)
Quartiles and CompletesAll metrics within this group(tick)(tick)
Revenue Metrics

All metrics within this group


  • Avg Price - Selected Ads
  • Avg Price - Valid Bids
  • Inventory Cost


Opportunity Metrics

Total Ad Opportunities



Total Slot Opportunities Won(error)(tick)
Total Slot Opportunities(error)(tick)
MRC MetricsAll metrics within this group(tick)


Unsupported Dimension and Metric Combinations




Disable MRM Rule or Reseller Placement with Campaign, IO, Placement, Matched Audience Item, Matched KV, Matched Audience Delivery, Agency, Advertiser - 6.55.1 (April 11, 2023)

Although these dimensions can be selected in the same report, there is no data in these columns. After the migration, MRM Rule/Reseller Placement dimensions will be removed from the report template.

Disable Content Owner Delivered Impressions or Content Owner Delivered Impressions Clicks with Campaign, IO, Placement, Matched Audience Item, Agency, Advertiser, MRM Rule, Reseller Placement, Other Metrics - Date to be determined

Content Owner Delivered Impressions / Clicks are only for Distributor roles in the ad value chain and the other dimensions and metrics are for other roles. After the migration, Content Owner Delivered Impressions / Content Owner Delivered Clicks metrics will be removed from report templates.

For reporting on Content Owner Delivered Impressions / Clicks, add only these two metrics with available dimensions in a new report.


Disable Selected Ads Rate with Programmatic Advertiser or Programmatic Creative - 6.51 (August 30, 2022)

This is an invalid combination that has been restricted in Analytics. Selected Ads Rate will be removed from the report template in 6.51 release (August 30, 2022). Please use Selected Ads Rate - Valid Bids instead.

Disable Sold Order with Agency, Advertiser, Campaign, Insertion Order, Placement, Ad Unit, Global Ad Unit, or Creative - 6.51.1 (September 27, 2022)

These dimensions can be selected for the same report but since they are different sales channels, some rows only have data for Sold Order and other rows only have data for Direct Sold dimensions and will not be available to select in the same report in the 6.51.1 release (September 27, 2022). After the migration, Sold Order dimensions will be removed from the report template.

Disable Content Owner Delivered Impressions or Content Owner Delivered Clicks with Campaign, IO, Placement, Matched Audience Item, Agency, Advertiser, MRM Rule, Reseller Placement, Other Metrics - 6.56.1 (June 6, 2023)

Content Owner Delivered Impressions / Clicks are only for Distributor roles in the ad value chain and the other dimensions and metrics are for other roles. After the migration, Content Owner Delivered Impressions / Content Owner Delivered Clicks metrics will be removed from report templates.

For reporting on Content Owner Delivered Impressions / Clicks, add only these two metrics with available dimensions in a new report.


Release Schedule

Below is the schedule of items that will be released as part of the Analytics changes and report migration.



57 MRM Release - Tuesday

December 6, 2022
  • An alert icon and tooltip will be added to the Analytics UI indicating the report will be migrated to a Direct Sold or Reseller Sold domain report in 6.56 (October 25, 2022).
  • Users must take action on their impacted Analytics reports before the 6.55.1 MRM Release on April 11, 2023. See above section for details.

6.55.1 MRM Release - Tuesday April 11, 2023

  • Deadline for users to update their Analytics reports to either a Direct Sold domain or Reseller Sold domain.
  • Analytics will not permit creating reports with unsupported dimension and metric combinations.

6.56 MRM Release - Tuesday May 9, 2023

July 6, 2023

  • Analytics Analytics UI will be updated.
  • Inventory , Direct Sold, and Reseller Sold domains scope and Partner Tags scope will be available for new domain scope report creation.

Future MRM Releases

  • Inventory domain will be available for new domain report creation.
  • Applicable existing reports and report templates The corresponding Analytics reports will be migrated to the Inventory domain.Hub Documentation will be updated for the newest domainsInventory scope and Partner Tags scope.


6.51 MRM Release - Tuesday August 30, 2022

  • Analytics will display a tooltip in the UI notifying users of these changes with a link to this page.

6.51.1 MRM Release - Tuesday September 27, 2022

  • An alert icon and tooltip will be added to the Analytics UI indicating the report will be migrated to a domain scope report in 6.52 (October 25, 2022).

6.52 MRM Release - Tuesday October 25, 2022

  • Analytics UI will be updated.
  • Programmatic, Marketplace Platform Private, and Marketplace Platform Exchange domains scopes will be available for new domain report scope report creation.
  • Applicable existing reports and report templates will be migrated to the Programmatic, Marketplace Platform Private, and Marketplace Platform Exchange domainsscopes.
  • Documentation will be available on the Hub with instructions for using the domain reportsscope reports.

6.53 MRM Release - Tuesday December 6, 2022

  • An alert icon and tooltip will be added to the Analytics UI indicating the report will be migrated to a Direct Sold or Reseller Sold scope report in 6.56 (October 25, 2022).
  • Users must take action on their impacted Analytics reports before the 6.55.1 MRM Release on April 11, 2023. See above section for details.

6.55.1 MRM Release - Tuesday April 11, 2023

  • Deadline for users to update their Analytics reports to either a Direct Sold scope or Reseller Sold scope.
  • Analytics will not permit creating reports with unsupported dimension and metric combinations.
  • An alert icon and tooltip will be added to the Analytics UI indicating the report will be migrated to an Inventory scope report

6.56 MRM Release - Tuesday May 9, 2023

  • Analytics UI will be updated.
  • Direct Sold and Reseller Sold scopes will be available for new scope report creation.

6.56.1 MRM Release - Tuesday June 6, 2023

  • Deadline for users to update their Analytics reports to remove Content Owner Delivered Impressions or Content Owner Delivered Clicks from the reports that contain the unsupported dimensions.
  • Analytics will not permit creating reports with unsupported dimension and Content Owner Delivered Impressions / Content Owner Delivered Clicks combinations.
  • Analytics will not allow creating reports with unsupported dimension and metric combinations.