Use * syntax for faster search

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Segment Filters and Favorites streamline your the targeting workflow by making it quick and easy to apply segments. Filters will help the user find and target segments fitting a desired set of criteria, while favorites will keep important segments bookmarked and ready for use.


Segments can be grouped together for reuse in Line Item line item targeting using the Targeting Presets feature.


Since there are many segments available in the User targeting module, Beeswax provides Segment Filters to help narrow down the choices. As a form of advanced search, the user can filter segments by the following dimensions:

Data Provider
User Count NAM
User Count EMEA
User Count APAC

Each Segment Filter has two parts, a dimension and a value that you set. When a Segment Filter is configured, the segments viewable in the Segment section update immediately in accordance with the filtering conditions. Any segments that do not match the filter are not visible.

Segment Filters are combined are combined [with the “AND” Boolean “AND” Boolean operator]  so so that the list of visible segments becomes smaller the more filters you add. It is not possible to filter to filter by any "OR" conditionsFor Example: The following image shows two filters in action. One filter uses the Data Provider dimension with the value of Bluekai selected, and the other uses the User Count NAM dimension requiring segments to have at least 100,000,000 users. Any Segments with NAM populations smaller than 100,000,000 are not displayed in the UI, nor are segments from data providers that are not BlueKai.

Circular markers will appear next to dimensions where filter values have been applied.
