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Versions Compared


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  • Ads.txt: For all WEB based inventory, we recommend targeting the following Ads.txt statuses:
    • Authorized-Direct (recommended)
    • Authorized-Reseller (recommended)
    • Ads.txt file not scanned (optional to increase scale, but a medium risk)
    • No Ads.txt File (optional to increase scale, but higher risk)
  • Content Category/Rating: Blocking content categories can help remove unwanted inventory. We recommend that you EXCLUDE instead of INCLUDE categories as these categories are not always passed in the bid request by publishers. We also highly recommend that you do not block “unknown” as this includes any requests where a category is simply not present and will be a large percentage of available inventory.
  • IAS & MOAT: Both IAS and MOAT provide provides pre-bid segments for anti-fraud, brand safety, and suspicious activity to avoid low-quality inventory.
  • Grapeshot: Grapeshot is a third-party provider of contextual targeting data and allows you to target pages or apps based on language and keywords. Grapeshot segments are created by crawling web pages/apps, extracting keywords for context or language, and combining the pages to create a segment. It is worth noting that contextual targeting is a privacy-friendly option for targeting and does not require cookies or any user data and is not affected by GDPR.
  • Private Marketplace: Targeting private marketplaces is the surest option to deliver on high-quality inventory. However, this approach generally requires more overhead if the deals are struck with individual publishers. We recommend working with top exchanges to procure high quality, multi-publisher deals. These deals can then be targeted directly on a line item or be included as Passthrough Deals.



Traffic Filtering

An additional benefit of implementing the above tactics as they can also be applied to your QPS filters to ensure you’re making the most of your contractual volume. The below are specific options for filtering:
