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  • This line was added.
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Table of Contents

Table of Contents



Scheduling refers to the process of adding a schedule to a campaign in OneStrata. This is where specific details for a campaign are defined, using validated data and automated calculations. The information entered is used throughout the lifecycle of the campaign, from schedule entry to buying, campaign execution and actualization.

Media buyers can use the Schedule grid to define the tactical details of a campaign and quickly build out different media schedule options. The Schedule grid is a spreadsheet-like interface that combines user-entered data with pre-defined reference data records and formulas, and is located on the Schedule tab.

Once an agency is ready to move forward with a particular schedule option, they can commit lines on the Schedule grid and start the next step of the OneStrata campaign management workflow.

This page contains information about terms and concepts related to schedules in OneStrata.

Types of Schedule Grid Lines

There are six types of lines that can be added to the Schedule grid:

Buy TypeSchedule Grid Line TypeDescriptionGraphic



OneStrata Schedule Terms and Concepts

Schedule Grid Line Types

When a new line is added to the Schedule Grid, there are five options:

  • Placement
  • Media Package
  • Cost Package
  • Entered Fee
  • Central Fee
Media TypeLine TypeDescriptionMedia AnchorPlacement


A Shared Block
Represents an

A Placement represents the purchase of a single ad unit, with one format and one set of

flight dates

format dimensions.

Media AnchorMedia-PackageMedia-PackageMedia Package
A Shared Block

A collection of Placements, grouped by Supplier, with the same rate or cost per unit.


There are three types of Placements:

  • Standalone Placement: A Placement that is purchased alone (not as part of a Media Package or Cost Package)
  • Child Placement: A Placement that is purchased as part of a Media Package
  • Secondary Placement: A Placement that is purchased as part of a Cost Package, but not as part of a Media Package

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Media Package




A Shared Block
CostNon-MediaEntered Fee

Include A Shared Block
pageAbout Reference Data

Non-MediaCentral Feeinclude-


collection of Placements and Media Packages, grouped by Order Partner, with a fixed total cost. Each Placement or Media Package can have their own set of flight dates.​

Media Package represents a group of (children) Placements that are purchased together as a package, from the same vendor.

Flight dates, the number of units, the cost per unit, and the rate type are set at the parent Media Package level, and all children Placements inherit those values.

There are two types of Media Packages:

  • Standalone Media Package: A Media Package that is purchased alone (not as part of a Cost Package)
  • Secondary Media Package: A Media Package that is purchased as part of a Cost Package

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Cost Package


A Shared Block
FeepageAbout Reference Data

"Commit" vs. "Send"

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Committing is the process of indicating in OneStrata that lines in the media schedule are ready to move from a draft stage to real state with financial implications. Once Committed, a line is available throughout the rest of the platform.

Sending is the process of sending a committed order to an Order Partner contact for Confirmation and updating the Order Status accordingly in OneStrata.

Media Campaigns > (Specific Campaign) > Schedule Tab UI Reference

The Schedule tab displays a list of a campaign's media placements.

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Schedule Tab UI Elements


A Cost Package represents a group of (secondary) Placements and/or (secondary) Media Packages that are purchased together at a single and fixed total cost, from the same vendor.

Flight dates, the number of units, and the rate type of each secondary Placement or Media Package can be independently defined.

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Non-MediaEntered Fee

Include A Shared Block
pageAbout Fees and Tech Rates

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Non-MediaCentral Fee



1Campaign Header

Include A Shared Block





Media Campaigns2

Schedule Option Status

The status of the selected schedule:

  • Draft: The initial schedule status upon campaign creation and of any new schedule option created prior to commit.
  • Active: When a Schedule has committed lines. A campaign has at most one Active schedule.
  • Archived: The Schedule is read-only.

For more information, see Manage Schedule Drafts.


Schedule Option List

A list of the campaign's schedule options, if multiple options exist.

Click to select which schedule is displayed in the Schedule Grid.


Grouping Options

Click to select how Schedule Grid lines are grouped:

  • No Grouping (Default): Schedule Grid lines are not grouped and are displayed in a flat view
  • Group by Order ID: Schedule Grid lines are grouped by Order ID (the unique, OneStrata identification number of an Order).

Filters icon

A Shared Block

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Click to open the filter pane and filter through the list of schedule lines for the selected schedule.


Columns icon

A Shared Block

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Click to customize the columns displayed within the Schedule Grid.


Schedule Summary icon

A Shared Block

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Click to open the Schedule Summary pane, which displays any required approvals and spend information.

  • Approvals: The status of any required Approvals
  • Budget and Cost: A summary of planned spend and committed spend, in Client Currency:
    • Planned: The sum of all schedule lines with a status of Committed or Draft
    • Committed: The sum of schedule lines with a status of Committed
    • Remaining: The difference between the campaign budget and the Planned or Committed sums

Undo / Redo buttons

A Shared Block

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Click to undo or redo any changes to the Schedule Grid that have not been saved yet.


Advertiser View button

Click to access Advertiser View, an advertiser-friendly view of the schedule where Agency and Advertiser approvals can be set.

10Import / Export button

Click to import or export the schedule, using the OneStrata Excel template.

Only available if the Enterprise or Agency has enabled the Import/Export Allowed setting: Administration > Application Settings > Media Schedule > (Specific Application Setting record)


Save Changes button

Click to save any changes made to the Schedule Grid.


Schedule Grid

A list of the selected schedule's media and non-media buys.

For more information, see Schedule Grid Reference.


Add Row icon

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Click to add a new Schedule Grid line:


Discard Draft button


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If no Draft - X Schedule Grid lines are selected, the Discard Draft button is inactive.

If one or more Draft - X Schedule Grid lines are selected, the Discard Draft button is active. Click to discard changes to the selected draft Schedule Grid line(s):

  • If Status is Draft - New, the line is removed from the Schedule Grid.
  • If Status is Draft - Revised, any uncommitted changes are removed from the line.
  • If Status is Draft - Cancelled, the line status reverts to Committed and its pending cancellation flag is removed.

Cancel button


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If no Committed Schedule Grid lines are selected, the Cancel button is inactive.

If one or more Committed Schedule Grid lines are selected, the Cancel button is active. Click to flag the selected line(s) for cancellation:

  • The status of the selected line(s) changes from Committed to Draft - Cancelled.
  • If a Draft - Cancelled line is selected and committed, its status becomes Cancelled.
  • If a Draft - Cancelled line is selected and discarded, its status reverts to Committed and its pending cancellation flag is removed.

Duplicate button

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Click to duplicate the selected Schedule Grid line(s).

Duplicated lines are created at the top of the Schedule Grid, and have the status Draft - New.


Commit button


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If no Schedule Grid lines are selected, the Commit button is inactive.

If one or more Schedule Grid lines are selected, the Commit button is active. Click to commit the selected Schedule Grid line(s).

AnchorSchedule-Grid-ReferenceSchedule-Grid-ReferenceSchedule Grid Reference

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Note: Data and functionality available in Schedule will vary based on Agency user access/permissions, Agency Administration settings, and OneStrata environment configuration. 

List of Schedule Field Types

Field Type


Fees and Tech Rates

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Non-MediaAssigned Fee

Include A Shared Block
pageAbout Fees and Tech Rates

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About Cost Lines

A Shared Block

The phrase "Cost Line" is the general term for a Schedule grid line that has associated costs. Not all Schedule grid lines are Cost Lines, because not all types of Schedule grid lines have costs.

For example, a child Placement that is purchased as part of a Media Package is not a Cost Line, because the Media Package (which is a Cost Line) is paid for as a single item, and the individual children Placements are not paid for separately. Within a cost package or a standalone media package, the top-most line (the Cost Package line or the Media Package line) is always a Cost Line.

The costs of a Cost Line are divided into monthly intervals called billing periods. Cost Lines and their billing periods are the level at which costs are actualized, clients are billed, and vendors are invoiced.

Other important actions in OneStrata also occur at the Cost Line level:

  • Committing: Costs Lines are committed
  • DSP integrations: Cost Lines are linked to DSP insertion orders

The following table describes which types of Schedule grid lines are Cost Lines:

Schedule Grid Line TypeCost Line?
Standalone PlacementYes
Child PlacementNo
Secondary PlacementNo
Standalone Media PackageYes
Secondary Media PackageNo
Cost PackageYes
Entered / Assigned / Central Fee


Cost Line Cost Methods

The cost method of a Cost Line defines what type of cost-related fields are available or editable within the Cost Line, and how they are calculated. Each Cost Line can have a different cost method, depending on what cost methods are enabled within the OneStrata enterprise.

Cost Line Cost Method TypeDescription

Standard Cost Line

A Shared Block

A Cost Line that uses the Standard cost method (the Cost Method value of the Cost Line is Standard).

Margin Cost Line

A Shared Block

A Cost Line that uses the Margin cost method (the Cost Method value of the Cost Line is Margin).

Allocated Cost Line

A Shared Block

A Cost Line that uses the Allocated cost method (the Cost Method value of the Cost Line is Allocated).

About Flight Periods, Billing Periods, and the Unit Calendar

Schedule grid lines can be divided into flight periods and/or billing periods, which are managed through the Unit Calendar.

About Flight Periods and Billing Periods

The following table describes flight periods and billing periods in OneStrata:


Flight Period

A Shared Block

A flight period defines the period of time that a media activity purchase runs for, as well as the number of units purchased during that time frame.

Standalone / Secondary Placements and Media Packages have at least one flight period.

Child Placements, Cost Packages, and Fees do not have any flight periods.

  • If a Schedule grid line has multiple flight periods:
    • The dates of the flight periods cannot overlap. 
    • The start date of the Schedule grid line is the same as the start date of the first flight period.
    • The end date of the Schedule grid line is the same as the end date of the last flight period.
    • The total number of units of the Schedule grid line is equal to the sum of the number of units of its flight periods.
  • By default:
    • There is one flight period per month. 
    • The number of units of the Schedule grid line is distributed among its flight periods according to the default cost distribution setting (Pro Rata or Even) of the media campaign.
    • However, the start and end dates and the number of units of a flight period can be customized.
  • To customize a flight period, see Edit a Media Line's Flight Periods.

Imagine a standalone Placement that runs from March 15th to May 22nd, with 300 units.

By default, this Placement has three flight periods:

  • Flight Period 1: March 15th to March 31st
  • Flight Period 2: April 1st to April 30th
  • Flight Period 3: May 2nd to May 22nd

If the default cost distribution setting of the campaign is Pro Rata:

  • Flight Period 1: 75 units
  • Flight Period 2: 132 units
  • Flight Period 3: 93 units

If the default cost distribution setting of the campaign is Even:

  • Flight Period 1: 100 units
  • Flight Period 2: 100 units
  • Flight Period 3: 100 units

For more information on cost distribution settings, see:

Billing Period

A Shared Block

A billing period defines the committed financial details (the amount that a vendor should be paid or that a client should be gilled) of a given month of service for a Cost Line.

All Cost Lines have at least one billing period.

  • Billing periods are used for billing and actualization. Each billing period has a corresponding Billing Period line on the Actualization grid
  • There is at most one billing period per month, and the billing period must start and end in the same month.
  • A billing period can define the costs for multiple flight periods, if the flight periods all start and end in the same month.
  • If a billing period is paired with multiple flight periods:
    • The start date of the billing period is the same as the start date of the first flight period.
    • The end date of the billing is the same as the end date of the last flight period.
  • If there is no flight period within a given month, there is no billing period for that month. 

Imagine a standalone Placement that runs from March 15th to June 30th, with the following flight periods:

  • Flight Period 1: March 15th to March 31st
  • Flight Period 2: May 2nd to May 10th
  • Flight Period 3: May 15th to May 19th
  • Flight Period 4: May 21st to May 22nd
  • Flight Period 5: June 1st to June 30th

This Placement, and any fees assigned to the Placement, has three billing periods, one for each month with at least one flight period:

  • Billing Period 1 (March): March 15th to March 31st
  • Billing Period 2 (May): May 2nd to May 22nd
  • Billing Period 3 (June): June 1st to June 30th 22nd

There is no billing period for April, because there are no flight periods in April.

About the Unit Calendar

A Shared Block

The flight periods and billing periods of a Schedule grid line can be viewed and managed through the Unit Calendar. The Unit Calendar has two parts:

  • Unit Calendar bars: A high-level summary and visual representation of a Schedule grid line's flight periods or billing periods
  • The Unit Calendar widget: A detailed list of a Schedule grid's line flight periods or billing periods. Flight-level adjustments, like changing the start or end date of a flight period, can be made through the Unit Calendar widget.

Unit Calendar PartDescriptionNotes

Unit Calendar bars

A high-level summary of a Schedule grid line's flight periods or billing periods.

If the Schedule grid line is a standalone / secondary Placement, Media Package, or Cost Package:

  • Each Unit Calendar bar represents a flight period.
  • Each Unit Calendar bar displays the number of units and/or the cost of the flight period.

If the Schedule grid line is a Fee:

  • Each Unit Calendar bar represents a billing period.
  • Each Unit Calendar bar displays the cost of the billing period.

The cost of the flight period or billing period is displayed in the primary cost type, which is either Vendor Net or Vendor Gross.

Primary cost type is an enterprise-level setting that is managed on the Administration > Cost Model Settings page.

Hover over a Unit Calendar bar to view more information:

  • Dates: The start and end dates of the flight period or billing period
  • Rate: The vendor rate of the flight period or billing period, in the primary cost type
  • Units: The number of units of the flight period or billing period
  • Cost: The cost of the flight period or billing period, in the primary cost type

Unit Calendar widget

A detailed list of a Schedule grid line's flight periods and/or billing periods.

If the Schedule grid line is a standalone / secondary Placement or Media Package:

If the Schedule grid line is a Cost Package or Fee:

For more information about the Flight Periods grid or Billing Periods grid, see Unit Calendar Widget Reference.

Open the Unit Calendar widget for a specific Schedule grid line by double-clicking its Unit Calendar bars, on the Schedule grid.

Make flight-level adjustments through the Unit Calendar widget:

About Committing 

Once a Schedule grid line has been filled out and customized as desired, the line can be committed.

Committing a Schedule grid line indicates that the line is ready to move from a draft state to a "real" state, with financial implications. Once a Schedule grid line is committed, it becomes available throughout the rest of the OneStrata platform:

Include A Shared Block
pageCommit a Schedule Line


See also:

About Soft Locks and Hard Locks

Once a Schedule grid line has been committed, its flight periods are automatically soft locked, as each flight period begins.

In OneStrata, there are two types of locks, soft locks and hard locks. Items that are soft locked or hard locked must be unlocked before they can be edited, ensuring that any changes with potential financial impacts are done carefully.

Lock-related termDescriptionItems That Can Be Locked

Soft lock

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Once a flight period that is part of a committed Schedule grid line begins (its start date is in the past), the flight period is automatically soft locked.

Flight periods that are part of a Schedule grid line that has not been committed are not automatically soft locked, because non-committed lines are considered drafts that can be freely edited without financial impact.

However, flight periods can be manually soft locked at any time, whether they are part of a committed Schedule grid line or not. Schedule grid lines can also be manually soft locked.

Soft locked items are indicated by a dark grey lock icon, and can be unlocked within OneStrata. To unlock a soft locked item, click the lock icon.

Schedule grid

  • Flight periods
  • Schedule grid lines. If at least one flight period within a Schedule grid line is soft locked, the Schedule grid line is also soft locked.

Hard lock

Invoice lock

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Once a billing period has been invoiced (by actualizing the corresponding Billing Period line and matching or clearing its invoice in the external financial system), the billing period, any paired flight periods, and the corresponding Billing Period line are automatically hard locked.

Hard locked items are indicated by a light gray lock icon, and cannot be unlocked within OneStrata. To unlock a hard locked item, unlock its corresponding invoice within the external financial system.

Schedule grid

  • Billing periods
  • Flight periods

Actualization grid

  • Billing Period lines

The following table describes the impact of soft locking or hard locking an item:

ItemUI LocationLock StatusImpact
Flight period

Flight Periods grid

Locked (soft locked or hard locked)

A locked flight period cannot be manually changed by the user or indirectly changed by a unit or cost redistribution.

In other words, the units or cost values of a locked flight period do not change, even if the units or cost of the entire Schedule grid line changes.

Schedule grid line

Schedule grid

Soft locked 

If every flight period in a Schedule grid line is locked, the Schedule grid line is soft locked.

The following values of a soft locked Schedule grid line cannot be changed, on the Schedule grid:

  • Start Date
  • Cost Category
  • Rate Type
  • Vendor Net Rate (VC)
  • Units
  • Vendor Net Cost (VC)
Schedule grid line

Schedule grid

Partially soft locked

If at least one flight period, but not all, in the Schedule grid line is soft locked, the Schedule grid line is partially soft locked.

The following values of a partially soft locked Schedule grid line cannot be changed, on the Schedule grid:

  • Start Date
  • Cost Category
  • Rate Type
  • Vendor Net Rate (VC)

The number of units or vendor cost of a partially locked Schedule grid line can be changed.

However, since locked flight periods are protected from unit or cost redistribution, the new units or cost value of the Schedule grid line cannot be less than the lowest minimum value, the sum of the units or cost of any locked flight periods.

The difference in units or cost is redistributed among the unlocked flight periods, according to the default cost distribution setting (Pro Rata or Even) of the media campaign.

Billing period

Billing Periods grid

Hard locked

If the Invoice Status of a billing period is Matched or Cleared, the billing period is hard locked.

When a billing period is hard locked, the following items are also hard locked:

  • Any paired flight periods
  • The corresponding Billing Period line

A Schedule grid line that has one or more hard locked billing periods cannot be canceled.

Billing Period line

Standard Actualization grid,

Margin Actualization grid

Hard locked

If the Invoice Status of a Billing Period line is Invoiced, the Billing Period line is hard locked.

A hard locked Billing Period line cannot be edited.

About Rate Types and Secondary Units

Schedule grid lines are required to have a rate type, which indicates the primary ad metric being tracked or purchased and its cost per unit. Schedule grid lines can also track other ad metrics, referred to as secondary units.


Unit Type

A Shared Block

An ad metric /  KPI that is being tracked by an agency.

Examples of unit types include:

  • Impressions
  • Views
  • Clicks

Rate Type

A Shared Block

The primary unit type and cost per unit negotiated between an agency buyer and a vendor for a media purchase.

For a Schedule grid line, its Rate Type value indicates what type of unit is represented in the Units value, and is required before entering rate, units, or cost information.

For a list of available rate types, see Rate Type Reference.

  • Examples of rate types include:

    • CPM (Impressions): The primary unit type is impressions, purchased at a cost per mille (CPM) rate
    • CPV (Views): The primary unit is views, purchased at a cost per view (CPV) rate
    • CPC (Clicks): The primary unit is clicks, purchased at a cost per click (CPC) rate
  • Rate types are required; a Schedule grid line must have a rate type, otherwise it cannot be committed.
  • A Schedule grid line can only have one rate type.

Secondary Unit

Secondary Unit Type

A Shared Block

An additional unit type that is tracked alongside the primary unit type.

For example, the primary unit type of a placement might be impressions, but the agency might also want to track clicks, views, or acquisitions.

Secondary units have no effect on the (net) cost of a media purchase, but can affect any fees assigned to the purchase:

  • For example, an ad server or content verification provider may charge an impression- or click-based fee for ad serving, even though impressions or clicks may not be the purchased/primary rate type.

  • Whenever an Assigned fee has a rate type that matches the Schedule grid line's rate type or any of its secondary unit types, fee costs are generated.
  • Secondary units are optional; a Schedule grid line does not need to have a secondary unit.
  • A Schedule grid line can have multiple secondary units.
  • Secondary units can be entered manually, or calculated by a conversion rate.


About Schedule Options

A campaign can have multiple schedule drafts, in order to map out and consider different budgets and tactics during the planning process. These different options can be shared and reviewed with clients, and iterated on until a specific option is approved.

When one or more lines on a specific schedule option are committed, that schedule option becomes "active". Any other schedule options are immediately archived and become read-only.

Moving forward, any changes to the campaign's media schedule can only be done on the active schedule option, now referred to simply as "the schedule". A campaign that has an active schedule cannot create new schedule draft options.

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There are three schedule option types/statuses:

Schedule Option StatusDescription

Draft Schedule

When a media campaign is first created, the campaign automatically has a single draft schedule option.

During the initial planning phase, draft schedule options can be freely created, deleted, and renamed within the media campaign.

However, as soon as one or more lines on a specific draft are committed, any other draft schedule options within the campaign become archived, and no new draft schedule options can be created.


See also:

Active Schedule

An active schedule has one or more committed lines, and any number of uncommitted lines.

A media campaign has at most one active schedule.

Archived Schedule

During the initial planning phase, a media campaign may have multiple draft schedule options. When a specific draft is chosen and moved forward, and one or more lines on that draft is committed, any other draft schedule options become archived.

Archived schedules are read-only and cannot be edited or deleted


OneStrata calculates and populates several fields with a variety of formulas and rules to increase efficiency, reduce errors, and handle complex pricing scenarios. These include:

  • Fields based on formulas and rules to determine value such as total costs that include tax and commissions and payable/billable amounts in a different currency.

Editable fields with triangulation rules such as rate, unit cost, and cost where changing one value updates the others.


Concatenated fields auto-populate with data from other fields according in the format defined by a formula. Often used to apply naming conventions quickly and easily, these fields auto-populate based on other field values according to a formula. 

The formula and ability to manually edit or reapply the formula depends on Agency configurations.


Automatically generated by OneStrata.


Text fields can be typed in manually with a few variations:

  • No format: Alphanumeric text can be entered manually in no particular format. There may be a character limit.
  • Number fields accept numerical characters 
  • Enter flight dates by typing or double clicking the cell for the calendar widget.
  • Currency type (e.g., USD, EUR, GBP) is enforced in columns with financial data.
  • Percentages in percentage format


Data is entered by selecting from a pre-defined list, typically in a drop-down menu.

List of Schedule Grid Columns

A non-exhaustive list of the most common Schedule Grid columns. Depending on how an Agency or Enterprise has been configured, the Schedule Grid may contain additional columns, in a different order.

Table Filter
hidePaneFiltration panel
columnColumn Type,Required by OneStrata
separatorPoint (.)
labelsColumn Type‚Required by OneStrata
datepatterndd M yy
worklog365|5|8|y w d h m|y w d h m
Required by OneStrataColumn TypeColumn NameDescriptionN/ACheckboxCheckbox

Click to select one or more Schedule Grid lines.

N/ASelectedLine Type

The type of Schedule Grid line:

  • Placement
  • Media Package
  • Cost Package
  • Fee



Status (Schedule Line Status)

The status of the Schedule Grid line:

  • Draft - New: The line is not committed.
  • Committed: The line is committed.
  • Draft - Revised: The line was previously committed, but now has uncommitted changes.
  • Draft - Cancelled: The line was previously committed and is now pending cancellation. The line will be fully cancelled once it is committed again.
  • Cancelled: The line was previously committed, was flagged for cancellation, and was committed again to complete its cancellation.




The unique, OneStrata identification number of the Schedule Grid line.



Start Date

The start date of the Schedule Grid line.

By default, the Start Date value of a newly created Schedule Grid Line is the start date of the campaign.



End Date

The end date of the Schedule Grid line.

By default, the End Date value of a newly created Schedule Grid Line is the end date of the campaign.


The Supplier assigned to the Schedule Grid line.



Order Partner

The Order Partner assigned to the Schedule Grid line.




The Payee assigned to the Schedule Grid line.

YesSelectedEstimate ID

The unique, OneStrata identification number of the Estimate associated with the Schedule Grid line.

NoText / ConcatenatedName

The user-given name of the Schedule Grid line.




The Format assigned to the Schedule Grid line.



Format Dimension

The Format Dimensions assigned to the Schedule Grid line. Automatically fills out, based on the Format value, but can be customized.



Cost Category

The Cost Category assigned to the Schedule Grid line.



Cost Method

The Cost Method assigned to the Schedule Grid line:

  • Standard
  • Margin
  • Allocated
YesSelectedRate Type

Pricing model by which the Schedule Grid line is being purchased, such as CPM (Impressions), CPC (Clicks), Fixed, etc.

The Rate Type value determines the type of Unit represented in the Units value. Rate Type is required before entering rate/units/cost information in a line.




Three fields with number of units, unit cost or rate, and cost are linked by a triangulation rule. When two values are entered, OneStrata automatically calculates the third. 

The default rules for Units/Rate/Cost are:

  • If Rate is being edited, soft-lock Cost and calculate Units.
  • If Units is being edited, soft-lock Rate and calculate Cost.
  • If Cost is being edited, soft-lock Rate and calculate Units.

However, the rules and relationships between Units/Rate/Cost may vary depending on Agency or Enterprise settings.

A Shared Block

Calculated and displayed in Vendor Currency (VC).


Vendor Net Rate (VC)

NoTriangulatedVendor Net Cost (VC)



Unit Calendar

The Flights Periods and Billing Periods of the Schedule Grid line.

For more information, see Unit Calendar.



Fee Assignments

The Fees assigned to the Schedule Grid line.

For more information, see Assign a Fee to a Placement.



Technology Assignments

The ad server assigned to the Schedule Grid line.

For more information, see Assign an Ad Server to a Placement.



Client Commission Rule

Valid commission rules are made available in the picklist or automatically assigned to a default rule based on client Master Data set up and previous selections such as Cost Category.



Client Commission Cost (CC)

Include A Shared Block
pageCosts and Calculations

A Shared Block

Calculated and displayed in Client Currency (CC).



Client Total Cost (CC)

Include A Shared Block
pageCosts and Calculations

Include A Shared Block
pageAbout Schedules



Client Net Cost (CC)

Include A Shared Block
pageCosts and Calculations

Include A Shared Block
pageAbout Schedules



Margin Percentage

Include A Shared Block
pageCosts and Calculations



Other Income Cost (VC)

The difference between Vendor Net Cost (VC) and Client Net Cost (VC) for margin lines.

Include A Shared Block
pageAbout Schedules



Allocated Amount (CC)

Client budget allocated to a cost line in the schedule which includes both the media cost and the fee costs.

Include A Shared Block
pageAbout Schedules



Allocated Fee Cost (CC)

Client net cost of any fees applied to the media line which are based on the Allocated amount. If the fee is applied to more than one line, this is the portion of the fee in relation to this media line.

Include A Shared Block
pageAbout Schedules

AnchorAdvertiser-ViewAdvertiser-ViewAbout Advertiser View

Advertiser View provides a separate view of a schedule that Agency users can share with a Client for review and sign off.

Use Advertiser View to export campaign information in a client-friendly format and handle Advertiser approvals as required in the schedule. Agencies can customize Advertiser View via templates set up in Administration to suit different advertiser or agency needs.

Access the Advertiser View of a Schedule

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To access the Advertiser View of a particular schedule, do the following:

Navigate to the Schedule tab of the campaign that contains the schedule: Campaigns > Media Campaigns > (Specific Campaign) > Schedule.
Optional: If the campaign has more than one schedule, change the schedule that is displayed in the schedule grid by selecting it in the Schedule List dropdown.
  • Click the Advertiser View button.
  • Schedule Tab > (Specific Schedule) > Advertiser View UI Reference

    Advertiser View summarizes essential campaign information to facilitate review and approvals with the client. It provides the following sections and functions depending on agency customization.

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    1Campaign Approvals section

    Any required Advertiser Approvals and Agency Approvals.

    Use this widget to action these approvals and download approval documentation. Approval requirements are enabled via Application Settings in Administration.

    2Campaign sectionGeneral campaign information3Client - Agency sectionClient and Agency details such as contact information and logos.4Schedule sectionSchedule details, with expandable and collapsible displayed cost lines.5Summary sectionAggregated costs, based on number of months in the campaign.6Terms & Conditions sectionClick to download a copy of the Terms & Conditions.7Close buttonClick to exit Advertiser View and return to the schedule.8Download buttonClick to download Advertiser View information
