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Table of Contents

Table of Contents




Beeswax offers multi-account functionality, which enables a single Buzz instance to support multiple business entities without any overlap of data. All objects are contained within the account they are created in, however, certain objects can be shared across accounts by users with the appropriate access.


User permissions allow

you to create

the creation of separate account access for each

of your customers



Users can be given full access to the UI and reporting for a single account or for a subset of accounts. All actions taken within


the UI are restricted to the scope of the account or account group to which the user belongs.


To reset an account password, select "Forget Password" at the login screen.

Expand for a view of .The diagram below shows the relationship between Buzz Keys, accounts, users, roles & permissions:

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Creating New Accounts

Documentation on how to create new accounts via the API can be found here. To create an account in the UI, follow the below steps.

Overview Tab

  1. In Buzz, select Admin > Accounts > +New > Account.
  2. In the Overview page, fill in all the required fields (marked with an asterisk). Account Groups let you associate an account with multiple account groups at the time of creation. All Accounts in an Account Group must share the same Customer Buzz Key.
  3. Click Save to continue or exit. 

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Settings Tab

  1. Next, on the Settings page, fill in the desired fields for the following sections:
    • Design
    • System
    • Third Party Extensions
  2. Click Save to continue or exit.

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Exchange Tab

  1. Next, on the Exchange page, you can see the exchanges that you can select to make it viewable on the Line Item > Targeting. Select the checkbox to include the desired exchanges as options for Line Item > Targeting.
  2. Click Save.

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Account Permissions

The account a user is created in is considered their Primary Account. They will always have access to this account so long as their user remains active. For additional levels of account access see the options below:

UI Expand
titleAccount Hierarchy

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Accessing Accounts

To access the Accounts page, navigate to Admin > Accounts at the top of the screen in Beeswax. Additionally, accounts may be created by clicking the Image Addedbutton, then clicking Account at the top right of the UI.

Accounts List View

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List View Fields

Column NameDescription
Name & IDName & ID given to the Account.
Customer IDID of the customer selected for these account permissions.
Alt IDAlternate ID used for outside platform reporting.
StatusEither Active or Inactive.


Create a New Account

  1. To create a new account, navigate to AdminAccountsNew Account.

  2. From this view, a screen will appear with the following fields to complete in an Overview tab:

    Field NameDescription
    Account Name*Desired name for account.
    Customer*Select the customer who this account will be applied to.
    Timezone*Apply the applicable timezone via dropdown.
    Alternative IDID used for 3rd party reporting.
    Account GroupsSelect an account group for this new account to be added to.
    StatusEither Active or Inactive.
    Passthrough Deal ListsPassthrough deals act as a layer of deal targeting for every line item within this account, allowing the client to bid on both open exchange and deals on their line items. Learn more about passthrough deals here.
    Add NotesAdd any desired notes to add to this account.


  3. Click Save & Continue to save the account and move to the Account Settings. For the Settings tab, the available fields to complete are listed below:

    DesignColors, logo, and image for account.
    MiscellaneousConfigure certain settings like the accounts default creative approval provider, max CPM warning and error, and Continent settings.
    SystemConfigure certain settings like available dashboards, max campaign budget, and default time of week type.
    Third Party ExtensionsConfiguration of Google Adx, and Metamarkets. 
    Account Level Revenue Share

    Configure revenue share type; either None, Standard, or Master. To learn more, see Account Level Revenue Share.


  4. Click Save & Continue to be brought to the Exchanges tab. From this screen, view a list of available exchanges that Beeswax is integrated with, and activate them for the account if desired. These exchanges will be visible on the account's line item targeting.

  5. Click Save to create the account.

All-Account Access

When this flag is enabled it, denotes that the user has access to all accounts within the Buzz Key.

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This setting was formerly known as “Multi-Account”

All-account Users can:

  1. Create, view and edit Accounts
  2. Create, view, edit and delete Account Groups
  3. Masquerade (authenticate) into other Accounts
  4. Create, view, edit and delete objects in Accounts other than the one in which they belong
  5. Share objects between accounts
  6. Create new All-account Users
  7. Pull reports across Accounts

Documentation on how to create new All-Account users via the API can be found here. To give a user All-Account Access in the UI, navigate to the Users panel from the Admin dropdown, select the appropriate user, and toggle the flag to “Yes”.

Account Groups

Account Groups allow administrators to define a user’s access to a subset of accounts within the Buzz Key. If a user is associated to multiple Account Groups, they will have access to all accounts within those Account Groups. If a user is associated to an Account Group and has the All-Account Access flag set to Yes, the latter will take precedence, giving them access to all accounts in the Buzz Key.

User actions are defined by their assigned Role, but they may perform any of the allowable actions across the accounts to which they have access.

Authenticating into Other Accounts

If you have multiple accounts set up for your Buzz Key, you can easily navigate from one account to another:

  1. Select the Account Name at the top right-corner of the page. 
  2. From the dropdown, select an account you want to navigate into.

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Creating New Account Groups

To create an Account Group in the UI, follow the steps below:

Navigate to Admin> Account Groups from the Nav Bar.
  • Click on +New > Account Group to bring up the ‘New Account Group’ dialog.
  • Fill in all the relevant fields (required fields marked with an asterisk):
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    Sharing Objects across Accounts

    Segments and segment categories (and the corresponding segments underneath them) may be shared between accounts within the same Buzz buzz instance. Sharing these objects between accounts can be done via the API only.  For For more info on the API calls required, please see and Sharing and Segment Category Sharing.


    While users within a single account may only see reporting data from their own account, users with "All-Account" or "Account Group" access may pull data across all the permissioned accounts within their a Buzz instance. From the Report Builder UI, they will see a “required” field will appear for an Account ID Filter (this is distinct from the Account ID field). This filter can be set to a numeric account_id or the special term "any" which will allow querying across accounts (note, you will also likely wish to add the account_id as a field in the query definition).

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    By default, as seen above, this the report filter is set to the the Current Account the user is masqueraded into. However, they can also select all the , when opening the filter options, users may select the Permissioned Account IDs (in this case all Account IDs or Account IDs > 0). They can also change the logical “operation” to something like “is equal to” and select only a subset of Account IDs:Image Removed option to filter for all permissioned accounts in the buzz instance. Additionally, the logical operation may be changed as well to refine a subset of accounts. For instance, selecting the filter to be is equal to allows selecting a specific accounts to run the report to.


    It is suggested to add the account_id as a field in the query definition.