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Table of Contents



New Programmatic Insights 

Analytics will be updated with a new user interface and introducing domains as a new method of creating and scheduling Analytics reports. Domains are a pre-curated selection of relevant dimensions and metrics and will be organized to the following business functions:

  • Programmatic
  • Marketplace Platform Private
  • Marketplace Platform Exchange
  • Inventory
  • Direct Sold
  • Reseller Sold

These domains will provide a streamlined workflow for creating reports based on these business functions. Users will be able to include or exclude any of the dimensions and metrics available in the domain.


Note: Creating non-domain-based reports will be available until this rollout is complete. These reports will be migrated according to the schedule.


New User Interface

The initial release of new Insights will contain the following sections (below). Additional sections, such as Creative Troubleshooting, will be included in future MRM releases

Report Migration

To support the new domain method for report creation, FreeWheel will be migrating existing Analytics reports to one domain. This will impact the data in these reports and report templates.

Reports migrated to a domain will only contain the dimensions and metrics related to that domain.

Migration Schedule

Reports will be migrated to domains in phases beginning with the 6.52 release (October 25, 2022) with the Programmatic, Marketplace Platform Private, and Marketplace Platform Exchange domains.

The Inventory, Direct Sold, and Reseller domains will be released to MRM at a later date. FreeWheel will announce in the Release Guide and update this page once those dates are confirmed.

DomainReleaseStaging DateProduction Date
Programmatic6.52October 11, 2022October 25, 2022
Marketplace Platform Private6.52October 11, 2022October 25, 2022
Marketplace Platform Exchange6.52October 11, 2022October 25, 2022
Direct SoldTBD
Reseller SoldTBD

Unsupported Dimension and Metric Combinations

Disable Selected Ads Rate with Programmatic Advertiser or Programmatic Creative - 6.51 (August 30, 2022)

This is an invalid combination that has been restricted in Analytics. Selected Ads Rate will be removed from the report template in 6.51 release (August 30, 2022). Please use Selected Ads Rate - Valid Bids instead.

Disable Sold Order with Agency, Advertiser, Campaign, Insertion Order, Placement, Ad Unit, Global Ad Unit, or Creative - 6.51.1 (September 27, 2022)

These dimensions can be selected for the same report but since they are different sales channels, some rows only have data for Sold Order and other rows only have data for Direct Sold dimensions and will not be available to select in the same report in the 6.51.1 release (September 27, 2022). After the migration, Sold Order dimensions will be removed from the report template.

Disable MRM Rule or Reseller Placement with Campaign, IO, Placement, Matched Audience Item, Matched KV, Matched Audience Delivery, Agency, Advertiser - Date to be determined

Although these dimensions can be selected in the same report, there is no data in these columns. After the migration, MRM Rule/Reseller Placement dimensions will be removed from the report template.

Disable Content Owner Delivered Impressions or Content Owner Delivered Impressions Clicks with Campaign, IO, Placement, Matched Audience Item, Agency, Advertiser, MRM Rule, Reseller Placement, Other Metrics - Date to be determined

Content Owner Delivered Impressions / Clicks are only for Distributor roles in the ad value chain and the other dimensions and metrics are for other roles. After the migration, Content Owner Delivered Impressions / Content Owner Delivered Clicks metrics will be removed from report templates.

For reporting on Content Owner Delivered Impressions / Clicks, add only these two metrics with available dimensions in a new report.


Release Schedule

Below is the schedule of items that will be released as part of the Analytics changes and report migration.

6.51 MRM Release - Tuesday August 30, 2022

  • Analytics will display a tooltip in the UI notifying users of these changes with a link to this page.

6.51.1 MRM Release - Tuesday September 27, 2022

  • An alert icon and tooltip will be added to the Analytics UI indicating the report will be migrated to a domain report in 6.52 (October 25, 2022).

6.52 MRM Release - Tuesday October 25, 2022

  • Analytics UI will be updated.
  • Programmatic, Marketplace Platform Private, and Marketplace Platform Exchange domains will be available for new domain report creation.
  • Applicable existing reports and report templates will be migrated to the Programmatic, Marketplace Platform Private, and Marketplace Platform Exchange domains.
  • Documentation will be available on the Hub with instructions for using the domain reports.

Future MRM Releases

  • Inventory, Direct Sold, and Reseller Sold domains will be available for new domain report creation.
  • Applicable existing reports and report templates will be migrated to the Inventory, Direct Sold, and Reseller Sold domain.
  • Hub Documentation will be updated for the newest domains.