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Users Tab UI Elements

The Administration > User Management > Users tab displays information about a OneStrata enterprise's users.

The Users tab contains the following elements:

1User Management navigation tabsUse these tabs to navigate between the Users and User Roles tabs.
2Filters icon

Click to filter through the list of all users.

By default, the Status filter is applied, and inactive users are filtered out and not included on the User grid.

3Search barSearch for a user by first name.
4Import Users buttonClick to create one or more users with a template.
5Create User buttonClick to manually create a new user.

User grid

A list of a OneStrata enterprise's users. By default, inactive users are filtered out.

User Roles Tab UI Elements

The Administration > User Management > User Roles tab displays information about a OneStrata enterprise's user roles.

The User Roles tab contains the following elements:

1User Management navigation tabsUse these tabs to navigate between the Users and User Roles tabs.
2Filters iconClick to filter through the list of all users.
3Search barSearch for a user role by name.
4Create User Role buttonClick to create a new user role.

User Role grid

A list of a OneStrata enterprise's user roles.
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