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Create a User

There are two ways to create users: 

  • Manually: When creating users manually, each user must be individually created.
  • With a template: When creating users with a template, multiple users can be created at the same time.

Create a User Manually

To create a user manually, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Administration > User Management > Users tab.

  2. Click the Create User button to open the Create User Profile page and start the user creation process.

On the Create User Profile page, do the following:

  1. On the General step, define general information about the user:

    1. For First Name, enter the first name of the user.

    2. For Last Name, enter the last name of the user.

    3. For Default Language, select a language option for the user. By default, the language is set to American English.

    4. For Email, enter the email address of the user.

    5. Optional: For Phone Number, enter the phone number of the user.

    6. For Type, select one of the following options:

      The Type of a user cannot be changed after the user is created.

      • Agency: A user that works directly for the advertising agency in some way. For example, as a media planner or buyer. Agency users do not have access to Vendor Inbox. 

      • Seller: A user that works for the advertising agency's internal trade desk, if any. Seller users have access to Vendor Inbox.

    7. Optional: For Job Title, enter the job title of the user. This field is for internal reference only.

    8. For Username, enter a username for the user. If desired, select the Use the same email option to set the username to the user's email address.

      The Username of a user cannot be changed after the user is created.

    9. For Valid From, select the date from which the user is active. User accounts can be created without immediately being active, enabling administrators to create users in advance. 

    10. Optional: For Valid To, select the date until which the user is active.

    11. Optional: For Finance Initials, enter the finance initials of the user. The finance initials of a user that makes a change that creates a new financial order version—for example, changing the start or end dates of a schedule—are included in the message sent by OneStrata to the finance system. 

    12. Click Next.

  2. On the Role step, assign a user role to the user:
    1. Choose one of the following options:

      • Assign an existing user role by selecting the Select Existing toggle.

        Then, for Role, select the desired user role. A read-only list of the selected user role's permissions are displayed.

      • Create a new user role by selecting the Create Role toggle.

        User role customization is a gated feature and not enabled by default. If user role customization is not enabled, new user roles cannot be created.

        To enable this feature, contact your OneStrata representative.

        Then, for Name, enter a name for the user role.

        Then, select the desired permissions. For a description of each permission, see User Role Permissions Reference.

    2. Click Next.

  3. On the Data Access step, assign a media access and entity access level to the user:

    1. To assign a media access level:

      1. Click Edit.

      2. In the Medias widget, select the desired Media type(s).

      3. Click Update.

    2. To assign an entity access level:

      1. Click Add Entity Access.

      2. In the Add Access widget, for Select Target Entity, select the desired entity/entities.

      3. Click Grant Selected.

  4. Click Create.

Create a User With a Template 

To create a user with a template, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Administration > User Management > Users tab.

  2. Click the Import Users button.

  3. In the Import Users widget, click the Download Template button to download the User Template as an Excel sheet.

  4. In the User Template, fill out the Users sheet as desired, following the instructions provided in the template.

  5. Back in the Import Users widget, do the following:

    1. Upload the filled out User Template.

    2. Click Import.

Create a User Role

User role customization is a gated feature and not enabled by default. If user role customization is not enabled, new user roles cannot be created.

To enable this feature, contact your OneStrata representative.

To create a user role, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Administration > User Management > User Roles tab.

  2. Click the Create User Role button.

  3. On the Create User Role page, do the following:

    1. For Name, enter a name for the user role.

    2. In the Permissions section, select the desired permissions. For a description of each permission, see User Role Permissions Reference.

    3. Click Create.
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