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Starting September 30, 2024, all Oracle products, including BlueKai, MOAT, and Grapeshot segments, as well as MOAT post bid measurement, will no longer be available on the Beeswax platform. If this impacts you, Beeswax account teams are available to assist in finding alternative options. For questions, please contact your Beeswax account representative.

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Programmatic Guaranteed is a deal type where publishers and buyers transact a pre-agreed volume of impressions via OpenRTB. The publisher commits to making the agreed volume of inventory available via their preferred SSP/exchange and the buyer commits to responding to all bid requests received at the negotiated CPM.

How it works

Unlike typical deals, the exchange expects a buyer to respond to all bid requests for the agreed deal. When setting up a PG campaign in Beeswax, the following setup needs to be adhered to:

This line item setup applies to users on Buzz 1.0. For users creating programmatic guaranteed campaigns in Buzz 2.0, follow the setup outlined here.

  • You must notify your Customer Success Manager that you are planning to run with a Programmatic Guaranteed deal and on what exchange it is occurring. This should happen no less than 3 days before the deal’s start date.
  • The line item budget and CPM need to match the parameters of the deal agreed with the publisher. DO NOT use "Spend with Vendor Fees" as a budget type.
  • Only the deal ID should be added to the line-item targeting; no other targeting should be applied. You can only have one deal ID per line item.
  • The bidding strategy has to be set to ‘Flat CPM Bidding’.
  • The deal in your exchange partner must be configured for greater than $0 CPM. Beeswax does not honor impressions with a $0 CPM.
  • No pacing, bid shading, daily budgets, or frequency caps should be applied.
  • Line item must have all the creative sizes that are part of the deal.

  • You must confirm with Beeswax that your bidder is listening to all traffic from the given deal ID.
  • You must allow your Customer Success Manager to confirm the proper setup of the line.

Beeswax supports Programmatic Guaranteed on an exchange basis, details of which can be found below:

Rubicon Project: Programmatic Guaranteed is fully supported across Rubicon Project. Rubicon Project has a deal portal where buyers can discover and negotiate PG deals. 

Tremor/Telaria: Programmatic Guaranteed is fully supported across Tremor/Telaria. 

Tubi: Programmatic Guaranteed is fully supported across Tubi.

Triton: Programmatic Guaranteed is fully supported across Triton.

Smart AdServer: Programmatic Guaranteed is fully supported across Smart AdServer. Buyers can discover which publishers are eligible for PG deals using Smart Buyer Connect platform.

Google: Beeswax is in an Open Beta phase with Google. Google has additional requirements, so please contact your Beeswax Customer Success Manager for more details if you would like to run on a Programmatic Guaranteed deal on Google.

FreeWheel: Programmatic Guaranteed is fully supported across FreeWheel. For more details see Freewheel Programmatic Guaranteed Support.

Connatix: Programmatic Guaranteed is fully supported across Connatix.

Beachfront: Programmatic Guaranteed is fully supported across Beachfront.

TheViewPoint: Programmatic Guaranteed is fully supported across TheViewPoint.

Please contact your Beeswax representative if you’d like to run Programmatic Guaranteed campaigns across exchanges not listed here.

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