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The Activity Log tab provides a comprehensive record of modifications made to a specific line item. Each row in the activity log table represents a distinct change in the line item's configuration. The view enables restoration of previous versions of line item settings, maintaining a complete historical record of all modifications. This log serves as a valuable tool for tracking and potentially reversing changes to line item configurations.

How to Review and Restore

  1. Navigate to a line item > Activity Log tab of an existing line item. The following table details the viewable fields in the activity log:
    Column NameDescription
    Log IDAn associated Log ID to the specific activity.
    CategoryThe location of the change within the Campaign settings.
    FieldWhich field in the Campaign settings that was altered.
    AddedAny settings added.
    RemovedAny settings removed
    Action Options include: Update, Create, Delete.
    Date & TimeDate & Time of the activity.
    User & IDThe User & ID of the user who made the Change.
    Review & RestoreRestore a previous version of this activity to be applied to the Campaign. When clicking restore, any errors related to the restoration become available to view in a warning message. Review these notifications prior to restoring that version.

  2. Click the icon in the rightmost column of the table to preview and restore the version.
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