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HD Video Creatives are a requirement for some publishers that want to maintain a high-fidelity experience for their viewers. These requirements are enforced at the publisher level rather than by the exchange, and are most common among OTT/CTV publishers. 

Video Transcoding

To enable transcoding of HD creatives, select one of the below options from the dropdown when uploading a new asset.  

Transcoding Option


When to use

HD Variable Bitrate

400-20,000 kbps

Used for OTT/CTV activity (excluding Hulu and Peacock). This offers the widest range of supported bit rates which will increase creative match rates against incoming bid requests.

HD Constant Bitrate

20,000 kbps

Used for buying Hulu inventory. More information on Hulu’s requirements can be found in Hulu Buyer's Guide.

HD Constant Bitrate (MP4 Only)20,000 kbpsUsed for buying Peacock Inventory. Please reach out to your Account Manager to enable this transcoding option.  

Default (non-HD)

400-600 kbps

Used for non-OTT/CTV activity

Please contact your Beeswax Account Representative if the default transcoding option in the UI needs to be changed from ‘Default non-HD' to an HD option.

HD Video Creative Requirements

Please reach out to your Beeswax Account Representative to discuss increasing this max file size

Creatives must meet the requirements below to be eligible for HD transcoding. Please make sure these additional requirements are met prior to setting up HD video creatives:

  • Audio is required
  • 2 audio channels only 
  • Letterboxing on 1.78:1 (16:9) or pillarboxing on 1.33:1 (4x3) content is not allowed.
  • Asset must have constant frame rate
VideoAspect Ratio16:9, 4:3 (3:2 is not accepted)
VideoSize1280x720, 1920x1080, or 1440x1080
VideoBitrate15-30 Mbps (CBR)
VideoFrame rate23.98, 25, or 29.97
VideoFormatQuicktime (.mov) or Mpeg-4 (.mp4)
VideoMax file size100 MB*
VideoMax length60 seconds
VideoColor Space4:2:2
AudioBitrate192 kbps minimum
AudioSample Rate48 kHz

  • No labels
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