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This page outlines the process of creating an advertiser in the Beeswax UI. An Advertiser is required to create a campaign and actively run line items

Create a New Advertiser

  1. Navigate to TraffickingAdvertisers. Additionally, advertisers may be created by clicking the button, then clicking Advertiser at the top right of the UI.

  2. Click New Advertiser on the top right of the list view.

  3. From this view, complete the following sections:

    Essential Settings*


    Field NameDescription
    Advertiser Name*Type in the name of the advertiser.
    Advertiser Domain*The advertiser’s primary domain (e.g. This is required by most exchanges.
    Advertiser App BundleThe advertiser app bundle is a unique identifier to the app in each app store’s ecosystem. It is a bundle or package name for Android (e.g. com.myapp.mygame) and a numeric ID for iOS (ex. 123456789).
    Advertiser Category*Category of the advertiser’s product or services. This will be a dropdown selection of options.
    Alternative IDAny number or string. Used to map this object to an object in your system
    NotesAny desired notes that could be applicable to this specific advertiser. These notes may be viewed after creation.
    StatusEither active or inactive. An inactive status makes this advertiser not eligible for active campaigns. 


    These default settings can be applied across all objects associated with this advertiser including campaigns, line items, and creatives. These objects auto-populate field data that are set at the advertiser level.


    Field NameDescription
    Default Continent*The continent in which line items will be serving for this advertiser.
    Default Currency*Currency type assigned to advertiser campaigns.
    Default Click URLDefault Click Through URL will be used in creatives that are missing a click through URL.
    Default Campaign PresetSelect from a dropdown of different campaign presets created on the account.
    Default Line Item PresetSelect from a dropdown of different line item presets created on the account.
    Default Targeting PresetSelect from a dropdown of different line item presets created on the account.
    Default Creative ThumbnailUpload a default creative thumbnail and view a preview on the right side of the screen. These files may be uploaded from a computer, via URL, or chosen from an existing file used previously. Supported files are gif, jpeg, jpg and png. Max file size is 5000kb.

    SKAd Tracking

    SKAdNetwork is only applicable for running mobile app install campaigns on iOS 14 or later and is not applicable on the following:

    • iOS 13 or older
    • Android
    • For re-engagement or retargeting campaigns on iOS 14.

    When SKAd tracking is enabled, the Advertiser App Bundle attribute must be set in Essential Settings.

    Complete this table below when enabling SKAd on this Advertiser:

    Field NameDescription
    Enable SKAd TrackingToggle "Yes" or "No" to enable SKAd for this advertiser.
    SKAd Eligible MMP's (Measurement partner)A dropdown list of selectable measurement partners for SKAd forwarding.

  4. Once complete, click Create & Close to finish adding this advertiser. After closing, the advertisers list view will appear to view all created advertisers in this network.

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