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Starting September 30, 2024, all Oracle products, including BlueKai, MOAT, and Grapeshot segments, as well as MOAT post bid measurement, will no longer be available on the Beeswax platform. If this impacts you, Beeswax account teams are available to assist in finding alternative options. For questions, please contact your Beeswax account representative.

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AdvertiserAdvertisers sit at the top of the hierarchy amongst Advertisers, Campaigns and Line Items. Create an advertiser in your account to assign a campaign, then a line item for successful Campaign workflow. 
Attributed Conversion LogsLogs for conversion events attributed to Beeswax.
Auction LogsThe auction request from the exchange for a specific Stinger-bidder-service (SBS), normalized to OpenRTB fields. Customers can use these logs for inventory forecasting purposes. 
Bid Decision FlowBid Decision Flow is a diagnostic tool for troubleshooting line item performance that provides a graph of the auction data being sent to the customer’s bidder and visualizes how the bidding system chose to respond to auctions within a given lookback window. A number of factors can contribute to why a line item may not be bidding. Given the multitude of permutations for setting up and optimizing campaigns and line items in Beeswax, it can be difficult to narrow down the cause of delivery issues.
Bid LogsThe bids returned to the exchange on behalf of the customer, whether the auction was won or not. Customers typically use these in conjunction with Win Logs to determine their win rate across a number of different dimensions in order to optimize their bidding strategy.
Bid Models A Bid Model object represents an offline statistical model that will determine how to bid on auctions in real time based on various criteria. Customers can deliver a completely custom optimization strategy, tailored to their unique KPIs, with the help of a single data scientist or analyst. Bid Models are used in conjunction with the Flat CPM bidding strategy. In simple terms, Bid Models are a multivariate version of Bid Modifiers.
Bid ModifiersBid Modifiers are an object that control bid price and allow advertisers to implement a sophisticated bidding strategy on a single line item. They are used in conjunction with the Flat CPM Strategy, but can also be used in conjunction with a custom bidding strategy via bidding agent. The modifiers are done on an individual dimension value. 
Bid Response FeedbackAlso known as "Loss logs", these logs contain information about a bid response that did not win and serve an impression. These are offered by a limited number of exchanges (currently only Google).
Bidding AgentHaving your own "bidding agent" in Beeswax allows you to implement custom real-time decisioning in your private bidder. Common use cases for real-time decisioning include custom bid price algorithms, custom budget pacing or custom creative decisioning including dynamic creatives. Bidding agents can be written in any language, they simply must be able to parse our data interfaces and respond within the strict timeout of 10ms. 
BudgetTypes of budgets selectable for campaigns include Spend, Spend with Vendor Fees, Impressions.
CampaignCreate a campaign with a desired start/end date with a budget to associate line items to. 
Conversion LogsThe conversions events recorded by Beeswax. Conversions will not be attributed. 
Creative FlightsStart and end dates can be set at the creative level and at the creative-line item association level. This feature is useful if you have time-based rules for delivering different creatives throughout a campaign. 
Creative Weighting Creative Weighting allows you to determine how much of your budget goes to each creative associated with a line item. For example, if you know creative A is more effective than creative B, you can set up creative weighting so that creative A serves twice as much as creative B. 
DatesSet up start and end dates for your campaign. Customers can also utilize line item flights to break out discreet budgets for different time periods when utilizing the same targeting, frequency caps, and creatives.  
Deal IDDeal ID targeting is commonly used to access more premium or otherwise packaged inventory from an exchange partner. 
Delivery ModelsWith one single line item, Delivery Models allow you to finely control the distribution of your programmatic ads separately from the prices you bid for those ads. This unique capability dynamically shifts budget according to your instructions while ensuring full delivery. Together with Beeswax's flexible suite of Bring-Your-Own-Algorithm (BYOA) tools, Delivery Models unlocks a whole new dimension of optimization, performance, and efficiency.
Frequency Caps

A frequency cap is a rule of how many ads can be served to a given identifier over a specific period of time. You can set up to 5 distinct frequency caps at both the campaign and line item level. Beeswax supports multiple frequency cap types including cookies, device IDs, IPs, and person/household IDs.

IP SegmentsBeeswax allows customers to associate IP addresses 1st Party Segments. Common use-cases are targeting households and cross-device mapping. 

Line Item

Line items make up a campaign and have their own associated creatives and delivery rules. 
Log-level DataBeeswax supports log-level-data sharing with customers. These are represented as rows per event, compared to aggregated reporting which does not contain row-level granularity.
MetamarketsMetamarkets premium reporting includes dashboards for bids, wins, reach and frequency. All data in the dashboards can be broken out by campaign ID/name, line item ID/name, and creative ID/name. 
PacingYou can set pacing as either Daily, Lifetime or Flight. You can use Beeswax pacing in conjunction with both standard and custom bidding strategies.
Realtime Bidding StatsProvides real-time data on the delivery of line items and allows you to make better and faster decisions. The Real Time Stats graph can be found on the ‘overview’ tab of a line item, and includes real-time bid and win stats for the line item. Mousing over the graph will show an estimated count for bids and impressions. 
Report BuilderIncludes ~10 different report types that include different dimensions and measures. Example reports include domain report, segment report, geo report and inventory report. Report Builder also has an API. 
Segment Logs Because we truncate the number of segment values in Auction Logs to 600 characters, some customers may see their segment values cut off. Therefore, we created Segment Logs to remove the character limit to ensure that all segment values are available. This allows customers to do audience forecasting.
Standard Strategies

These bidding strategies include Flat CPM, Cost per Acquisition (CPA), Cost-per-click (CPC), and Video Completion Rate (VCR). 

Traffic Pre-filtering (QPS) - BaaSBeeswax charges customers based on the volume of queries per second (QPS), or inventory, that are filtered to a customers’ bidder. This enables us to charge our customers a flat SaaS fee, since we can accurately predict how much infrastructure is required to support each customer. 
Win Logs (impressions)Granular insight into where impressions served and how they performed. 
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