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The MRM 6.46 Release Guide is now available about on the Hub. The guide provides a view of upcoming features and improvements that will take place on Tuesday, December 7, 2021. Please note that we will continue to update the guide as additional features are confirmed. If you have questions, please reach out to your FreeWheel account team. 

A few 6.46 release highlights are listed below:

  • New Programmatic Deal Health Rule configurations in Alert Center
    • Deal Health Rules have been enhanced and are configured in a new section of MRM named Alert Center. Deal Health Rules can now be created at the network level and apply to all Programmatic Guaranteed (PG), all non-Programmatic Guaranteed (non-PG) deals, or specific deals. The new Alert Center provides more options to configure deal health rules, notifications, and monitoring all deals in your network.

  • Removal of Programmatic Insights
    • The original version of Programmatic Insights (Programmatic module) will be removed from the MRM UI on December 7, 2021. New Programmatic Insights was released in 6.42 and will receive future updates and new features as part of the Programmatic module product roadmap. Users are recommended to begin using New Programmatic Insights.

As a reminder, the next MRM Release (6.47) is scheduled for Tuesday January 18, 2021. The 6.47 Release Guide will be published on Tuesday, December 14, 2021.

The What's New with MRM | December 2021 video will provide an overview of upcoming release release features and enhancements.

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