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We are pleased to present an improved user interface for the Restrictions tab in your Network Items (Network module) and MRM Global Settings (System Admin module). As of April 14, 2020, the new Restrictions UI can enabled by request. Please reach out to your account team to enable the new UI. On June 9, 2020, the new Restrictions UI will be available in all Networks.

The new Restrictions tab UI features an

Improved user interface

    • Modernized design to align with the MRM UI
    • Intuitive workflow
    • Presents settings and applied restrictions in an easy to read format
    • Helpful restriction descriptions have been added

Seamless integration

    • No changes required to your current restriction configurations
    • Backwards compatible

Restrictions in Network Item Insights

Improved Restrictions UI

Current Restrictions tab UI

New Restrictions tab UI

Ancestors and Descendants

The new Ancestors and Descendants subtabs have also been improved. Below are images of the current and new Descendants subtab, the Ancestors subtab will be similar.

  • In the new UI, restriction details are presented in a clear and organized table by each restriction type.
  • The current UI lists out restriction details in a string of text.

Current Descendants UI

New Descendants UI

Inheritance Mode and Conflict Resolution

On the current UI, the Inheritance Mode and Conflict Resolution (Site only) settings for all restrictions are grouped together at the top of the page. The redesigned UI conveniently displays the Inheritance Mode and Conflict Resolution (Site only) settings in the corresponding restriction section.

Current Restrictions UI

New Restrictions UI

The image below is an example of Inheritance Mode and Conflict Resolutions for Instream Ad Units in the appropriate section of the UI.

Individual Restrictions

Below is an example of the Blocked Industry Categories restriction. The new UI features

  • Simplified name for select restrictions in the UI
    • Restrictions are still backwards compatible
    • "Blocked Advertiser Industry Categories" from the current UI is simplified to  "Blocked Industry Groups" in the new UI
  • Brief restriction description to help inform users
  • Information clearly presented on a table instead of a stacked list in the current UI

Current Restrictions UI

New Restrictions UI

Restriction Settings

The new Restriction widgets provide you with a clean UI and reorganized settings.

Current In Stream Restrictions widget

New In-Stream Ad Unit Restrictions widget

Insights tab (Network module)

In the Insights tab (Network module), a new Restrictions subtab will be introduced. From here, you can easily view and filter your Network Items by restriction type.

  • No labels
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