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The MRM 6.44 release guide has is now available about on the Hub. The guide provides a view of upcoming features and improvements that will take place on Tuesday, August 31, 2021. Please note that we will continue to update the guide as additional features are confirmed. If you have questions, please reach out to your FreeWheel account team. As a reminder, the MRM 6.43.1 release guide (Tuesday, August 3, 2021 release) is also available on the Hub.

A few 6.44 release highlights are listed below:

  • Update for Bookmarked URLS
    • After this release, some of your saved or bookmarked URLs, across all MRM UI modules, will be unavailable after August 31, 2021. You will need to update the corresponding saved or bookmarked URLs after the release.

  • New V4 log file fields - GlobalBrandID and PlacementOpportunityID
    • For the 6.44 release, two new fields will be added to the V4 log files. GlobalBrandId is for the ID of a global brand of a creative. PlacementOpportunityId is the unique identifier for the opportunity within the ad request.

  • Deals can now be exempt from FreeWheel Clearinghouse
    • The FreeWheel Clearinghouse manages billing demand partners for programmatic transactions on behalf of publishers. FreeWheel is now providing publishers the option to exempt a deal from billing through the FreeWheel Clearinghouse.

The What's New with MRM | August 2021 video will provide an overview of upcoming release release features and enhancements.

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